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Everything posted by Nephris1

  1. Does that mean the infantry is done for LibMod now? Refering once again to to the side split of units. Keep in mind that it would be much easier to convert missions from e.g. vanilla ArmA into a mod, when the sides can be adapted. That means East keeps Russia , West keeps America (although it doesent matter here) and the Germans occupie the Resistance seat. But well, however they will do it , it will be right.
  2. Nephris1


    Jeez .... useless as fish with tits ....
  3. Nephris1

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    Remembers me on old Mapfact times ;) Nice Release m8!
  4. Nephris1

    Best A.I. script

    Well u have to use the extern DAC logic, although this is imho always the best solution, as u are able to configurate everything u need. That means u need the DAC folder from the "extern DAC - tutorial mission", and add following code to the DAC_Config_units.sqf take care u keep the chronologic of the case numbers. Or u simply replace the vanilla ArmA2 classes from case 0 on. However u will do it, the cases of course refer to the call in the trigger, I dont want to explain everything in this thread,as it actually belongs to the DAC Release &Support hread. So either ask there again plz or evenbetter have a look into the ReadMe. @fidec: well it doesent seem u r not yet deep enough into DAC, as it adds much more than Upsmon. Well each mans` choice on his own. This is the complete DAC feature list: # generate units and waypoints dynamically in AI-zones # highly dynamic game experience, because of AI-zones being generated at every mission start # dynamic decrease of unit number (infantry or vehicle groups) # freely chosen size and number of zones (modify directly in in-game editor) # every zone can be configured individually (modify directly in in-game editor) # up to four different unit-categories can be generated per zone # two zone types: unit-zones, waypoint-zones, can be combined # freely chosen number of unit-zones can be linked with each other # freely chosen number of waypoint-zones can be linked with unit-zones # freely chosen number of unit-configurations can be defined # freely chosen number of behaviour-configurations can be defined # freely chosen number of waypoint-configurations can be defined # movable zones (global troop movement) # size of a zone can be changed at every time # new behaviour-configuration can be loaded at every time # new unit-configuration can be loaded at every time # dynamic AI-respawn in camps generated dynamically (no respawn or camp limits) # freely chosen number of camp-configurations can be defined (by a maximum of six camp-upgrades) # camps can be linked to zones # AI-respawn also possible without camp # “Standby-mode†for zones, units are generated when needed # zones can be activated, deactivated as often as you want to # script, which can delete units (depending on time and/or distance) # user defined waypoints can be included # running on dedicated servers # dynamic weather script # control markers can be activated # freely chosen number of marker-configurations can be defined # new marker-configuration can be loaded at every time # radio messages and markers depending on chosen side can be activated # units placed in in-game editor can use DAC routines as well # AI conquers buildings # AI detects empty vehicles # AI uses empty static guns # AI uses smoke grenades # complete new routines for detecting the enemy # scripted artillery support for players and AI (static and mobile) # AI-(voice-) sounds can be defined on seven different situations (works with MP) # extended error handling (to avoid user input errors) # 6 configuration files for individual modifications # good MP performance # You can create AI zones "on-the-fly" # option to create mixed groups, for example 1 tank with 6 soldiers # Zones can now be rotated # Zones can now take the form of a circle or an ellipse # Zones can now have the form of an arbitrarily shaped polygon # Custom Waypoints can now be pre-defined everywhere on the map # Additional functions from MadRussian (especially in the area of custom waypoints) # New behaviour options # New "Config_Weapons" to define a custom weapon-layout foreach soldier type in every unit_config # The ability to generate objects in zones (with lots of options) # The ability to release DAC groups from the system in order to hand them over to another AI system # The option of integrating radio sounds for certain situations # Dynamic adjustment of the number of generated DAC-groups in MP games # Many other small features SLX is not bad, but it doesnt work in MP as i last tested it on our dedi. DAC is working by default onDEDi and listen server.
  5. Nephris1

    Best A.I. script

    As my pre-poster already stated.... Use DAC3.0 by Silola. That AI Addon is a huge framwork for the AI! Just to point out a few characteristics: - random patrol - flanking enemy - AI artillerie if group is threatened - supporting troops - random waypoints - adjustable zones (even in polygons) - house patrol - using empty vehicle,guns etc ... ... - Dac history started already in OFP times. If u want to use Zeus AI Addon also - fine. Since DAC3.0 .... i am sorry to the UpsMon script creator ....Upsmon is outdated, as DAC moves always a bit over Upsmon great features. And yes DAC 3.0 is O.A-able....u only need to edit the units config and add the new OA class names, u want to take part in your battle.
  6. Nephris1

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    This looks like a fair and great pack! I just bother about one thing. Too many british inside :D Will buy it anyways.
  7. Nephris1

    Fix M14 sughts pls

    It would be great if an M14 with ironsights only could be implemented.
  8. I managed that prob for the cutscene now with the captureunit command, and recorded the movement.Not the most comfortable solution in that case, but it is working though.
  9. With the medic module u can carry your m8 to wherever u want to. Is this also possible for AI carries AI? I dont get an entry when i try to give them a command. So perhabs there is a scripting or command solution, to make an AI carry another one. This is actually for an intro scene only, but i wouldnt mind if it would work in mission also :rolleyes:
  10. Right off context, but as far as this mod is still in development also for OA... would it be possible to add incoming shell sound for artillery? Several threads in the "Suggestion" forum already dealed with that issue, a non existing sound for incoming artillery, but didnt lead to changes in any official or beta patches. Ace and GL4 already implemented those sounds,but it would be great to have it into a mod,that effects sounds only. Thx for ya effort so far, and i hope that mod keeps going on in the direction it already went.
  11. Wasnt there a statement b4 the release of Arma2 that tis will be the last military release by BIS? Dont wanna spread rumores, as i am also not able to post the source. But i am almost sure i read that b4 ArmA2 release. Well however, why speaking about an ArmA3 if ArmA2 is still more than interesting and rockin.
  12. Sry for digging that old thread. Nevertheless it is the same topic. How can i make aunit to watchthrough his binocular throughout? Like in a camera scene. By selectWeapon the unit just watch for a few seconds through it.
  13. When i target the orig. OAexe D:\ArmedAssault2\arma2oa.exe and add "Expansion/beta" and"Expansion" as mod noEntry errors appear throughout in ArmA2.
  14. Nephris1

    [OA] deploayble weapons

    Is it possible to get the AI to deplay weapons? I can remember Inv44 did that in OFP in their first Demo. I didnt see it up to now in ArmA2, so i doubt it will work, but perhabs s.o. has found a workaround.
  15. As OA provides deployable weapons by vanilla right now. I am of course curious to get it working. I am able to pack a weapon into the 2 backs. But i cant deploy it from that packs anymore. I tried to lay both pieces next to each other to get a possible action entry - nothing. Has anyone found out how to deal with it?
  16. Since the last beta we got AI detecion inside a light cone. Great feature and it works! Would it be possible to add the same feature to a certain degree of flare cones for AI?
  17. Nephris1

    flare detection

    Well we already had out thread in the Editing section, to get "reacting on flare" working. I hoped it would be possible to implement that feature by default into an upcoming patch,by what way ever.
  18. Well i cant choose the folder Expansion/beta in the mod directory of the Launcher. When i try to add it in the "mod section" of the launcher it doesnt appear in the "Start" section under "mods".So i cant choose it there. Does your beta folder inside the Expansion modfolder appear under "start" mod section? I am using ArmA2 + OA (non Steam). Edit: Well the folder appears, after restart of the Launcher of course, but the beta doesent get loaded.
  19. Great Launcher! Using it since its release i think. But i am also using the latest beta patches. Since the last 2 beta patches i get always config errors, when starting via Alpine Launcher. Idont get the error msg. when i load via shortcut. I started the beta from the launcher by D:\ArmedAssault2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe Any suggestions?
  20. Why not using unitCapture? Get used to that command and its use in the past days and it is really handy, if u want the AI doing what YOU want, without any strange behaviours.
  21. Hi folks, a few days ago i browsed the forum and read about a function, that allows to copy the players position to clipboard. But i cant find the post anymore, as i think it was made by one of the devs. Can u give me hand by this plz. I think this is a very handy function .... if u know how to deal with it:
  22. U got it bud. That´s it. Cheerz m8!
  23. I got some trouble with the coordinates,copied to clipboard. I receive this coordinates [1815.64,11864.4,0.000701904] I changed the 2nd coordinate for the height [1815.64,0.000701904,11864.4] When i now check my position in the mission.sqm i get this coordinates [1825.9695,149.65237,11856.363] Seems like the script dont get the height coordinate. Or am i wrong anywhere?
  24. Is it possible to load the 3D Editor in OA? Since the changelog of the last beta mentioned the 3D Editor, i was in hope to use it. I was able to load it, but i wasnt able to load any objects, as i get the error msg "no group chosen". Am i doing sth wrong here, or does the 3d editor dont work atm in OA?