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Posts posted by Varanon

  1. 4 hours ago, damsous said:

    They react robotic cause they are (a computer manage the AI) you guys in arma want put 200 AI that react like human, and crying about performance....

    Look at the other game Fallout for exemple.... there not more than 15 AI fighting.

    In Arma you can get a good experience with AI if evrything is done with the editor, a mission with a spawn script will put a group with few waypoint, so a spawned mech group will do something stupid, a mech group managed via the editor if you doing right will disembark the soldier and cover the progression with suppresive fire....

    Uhm, you are missing the point. We're not talking about making the AI more sophisticated, just more life-like by adding a random delay to their actions.

    Like, you remember some time ago, when AI was shooting, they go like "bang bang bang", like a clock. BI added a bit of a random delay before each shot, resulting in a more human sounding. You can apply the same principles to other areas of AI reaction. That's all we're talking about here.

    So, I don't get why you are talking about performance (this has NO impact on performance whatsoever... well, yeah, in the nanosecond area). Also, even though beside the point, a mechanized group will behave the same, whether they are spawned with a disembark waypoint, or "managed" via the editor. 

    So, I get the impression you don't really get what people were aiming at and just had to write something in defense of Arma just for the sake of it.

    • Thanks 2

  2. 3 hours ago, Polyus said:

    This is a bit of an odd request, but could more MEKO 200 variants be added? I'd go into more detail, but I can't remember how to post images.


    That's the frigate ? (There's also a MEKO 20 milk cooler, but I guess you don't mean that one :D )

    If we get one from somewhere, yes. If someone gets the urge and creates one, yes. Otherwise, sorry, no

    • Haha 1

  3. BTW, hilarious but frustrating bug with the TOW Stryker (1135), When you launch a missile, instead of travelling straight forwards, the missile immediately curves straight up, looping around before exploding behind the vehicle. Doesn't seem to affect the Bradley or hummer, just the Stryker

    Please create a ticket on the bug tracker. Thanks.

    Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk

  4. 1 hour ago, Undeceived said:

     But as soon as I click on Open, the game crashes with an error. I opened a thread on this here.

    I tried, and I can confirm, it crashes, but it'll be hard to find out why, really...

    One of the few things I saw Arma crash with was using something with a non-existing model, like, you place something on the map and if it doesn't have a model, it would crash.

    I'll take a look, but chances are that this will be pretty hard to find.

    • Like 1

  5. One thing about "The Major" mission:



    Placing the two mine dispensers on the graveyard basically threw all the mines on top of the church roof or the low building in the corner, as well as gravestones. I was trying this mission multiple time and it always looked as if the enemy simply walked through the minefield without problems. Only later did I detect the mines and saw that they were all over the place, even stuck at the side wall of the church. A hint saying "Stay away from buildings" would be good.


  6. 20 hours ago, realcombatpl said:

    First of all sorry for not using the bug tracker od dev.cup. I'm just too impatient to get them to work with me. 


    As said by others, please use the bugtracker. I for one refuse to invest time into fixing things when people aren't even willing to spent considerably less time (than it takes to fix this) in reporting them.

    • Like 6

  7. The campaign turned out surprisingly good. Good voice acting and a "good" oppressive atmosphere. Emotionally engaging. I liked it a lot. From a storytelling standpoint it's easily the best that Bohemia did for Arma 3 (Overall, Resistance still holds that spot).



    I like the approach of the hub mission, coupled with the memories (nicely done, wouldn't have thought that possible within the Arma engine). A bit too long mine duty, maybe, I walked through Oreocastro so many times...
    And of course any mission/Campaign that has Sgt. Adams in it is always good ;)


    Good job, everyone involved.

    • Like 6

  8. 12 minutes ago, GBee2 said:


    You're forgetting the existing medical trucks, medevac does not only mean evacuation by helicopter.

    I know. The medical trucks are basically transport with a few wooden beds, no real medevac. Look at what was in Arma 2, dedicated APCs, dedicated trucks, dedicated cars, etc. Something that actually looks like a flying/driving/tracked ambulance

  9. I guess I would like to say something about that DLC as well...

    I haven't tested the campaign yet, but a few things that I observed. Some people already mentioned some of the points, but I would like to state my opinions in full.

    • The showcase, as many people already said, is confusing. Half of the time you spent running around in VR rooms without any idea what to do. For example, what about the minefiled ? Are we supposed to clear it ? What about things like the enemy area (second area), where you shoot all the bad guys, and it still does not proceed ? A bit more information what to do would go a long way.
    • The DLC adds some medical equipment, but there is still no advance in the medical system. You still can't drag or carry wounded, there's still no dedicated medevac vehicles except the pod for the Taru. 
    • You concentrate on mine removal, but you don't even include an EOD suit.
    • Most of the assets (not all, but a very large part) is again just retextures of existing content. The result is that in this civilian-biased DLC, we still only get to interact with men in shorts. Still no females. I know, a lot of people will now again say "We don't need females", but this is just simply wrong. It's IMHO totally immersion breaking if the only civilian population you can see is men in shorts. It's just totally unrealistic.
    • My biggest gripe, though, is that there is still no way except extensive scripting to populate towns. There used to be ALICE and SILVIE in Arma 2, the modules that create civilian cars and populace, and while they had their problems, they added LIFE to the towns. Right now, you have such great towns as Kavala and Gerogetown, but they are just lifeless, dead husks of towns without any sign of a living being. Of course, you can spawn cars and civilians by script, but the amount of AI computations simple civilians need will make the already heavily loaded multiplayer mode still more loaded to a point where it becomes unplayable.
      A good implementation for civilain AI in towns would have to come from within the engine, similar maybe to the way animals work (although I know they are not shared over network).
      In any case, here you have a civilian DLC that strongly neglects the civilian side of things. At the very least, why not bring back the civilian site module back that we had in Alpha ?

    I realize resources for you are limited, and the Amsterdam team probably did what they could. I just don't understand the focus that you put in your work. What cracked me up was the fact that dropping leaflets from the sky was honestly heralded as a new feature.

    Overall, I am disappointed with the DLC. Don't get me wrong, I still like it to some extend, but like with APEX, I think that there could have been more, or rather, other things, and I sometimes just don't understand why you do some things and totally ignore others. The lack of civilian interaction (which was a great and much praised feature of Arma 2) is a good example.

    • Like 12

  10. 3 hours ago, mickeymen said:

    All I want to say is that AI -support can be a nice feature of ASR! Yes! Yes! Yes! this is cool feature, but ONLY when the AI is idles or when the AI has a combat waypoint (Destroy, Seek and Destroy, Guard, Support)  ONLY IN THIS CASES! Other waypoints should not be ignored. I think, If such a features in the ASR AI were to be realized, then it would be fine!

    Am I wrong in something? Does anyone disagree with this?


    Yes, I disagree.


    When is an AI idle ? When it no longer has a waypoint ? 

    What about AI groups that follow a cyclical patrol pattern ? With your logic applied, they would never ever "support" anyone since they are never idle. 

    Why do you want to exclude move waypoints, but break out of for example guard waypoints ? Why is a group moving to some position more important than a group guarding a position ? 

    Your suggestion does not make any sense in a general context. It might sense in very specific circumstances, but definitely not in the general case, and the MOD should cope with the general case only, the specific case you must handle yourself. Honestly, literally 99 % of all cases it doesn't matter, your example might be one of the few where it does matter, so, yes, I disagree with your proposal.


    If you don't want ASR to meddle with your units: this setvariable ["asr_ai_exclude", true];

    If you want to prevent them from attacking until they've reached their waypoint: this disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; this disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT"; and on the waypoint: {_x enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _x enableAI "AUTOCOMBAT"} foreach units group (thisList select 0);



    • Like 2

  11. 8 hours ago, islesfan186 said:

    Is there a module (or any way) to sync the ULB with the Apache to use it as a drone like in A2OA?  I can't seem to find the module.  Or is that not a feature that has been done yet?

    The ULB is a normal Arma 3 UAV, with all possibilities and restrictions of that class of vehicles. If the pilot or gunner of the Apache has a UAV terminal, they can use it

    • Like 2

  12. Given how often Arma 3 is on sale on Steam, you could have picked up APEX for a fraction of the price others paid several times already. It really always surprises me how people complain about Arma being too expensive while at the same time having  spent hundreds and even thousands of hours in it.

    I bought the supporter edition back then for 75 Euro. So, in essence, I spent 2 cents on each hour I spent in Arma 3

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