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About madbull

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  1. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    Hello Da_Hollander, kremator is right. Replace "this" by "_objet". And also remove "_object =" on the execVM. Try also to move the execVM after the waitUntil (but it should not be the issue...). Make sure your script is running on the server side. Are the other features of R3F_LOG working on other objects ? Is the class "Land_Cargo20_military_green_F" configured to get the logistics features ? To make sure, put a simple "Land_Cargo20_military_green_F" on the ground and check that you get the "see content" action in your menu.
  2. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    Do you config the logistics to allow tractor to tow ? You can check this feature in tje creation factory dialog. If so, maube the bounding box of the model does not fit to the visual model. Also, be sure to position the tractor correctly with the aircraft.
  3. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    Thanks a lot CallMeSarge. Glad to see someones enjoy the logistics' design :) It´s time for me to do this announcement : :cool: :cool: Madbull is on (long) holiday around the world :cool: :cool: Read the DOC, the FAQ and enjoy the game ;) Cheers No worry, the R3F team is still maintaining the logistics. But be patient :)
  4. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @LuckyLegs Glad to learn that you succeed to implement the solution :) It has been added to the FAQ (first post) to share with others with the same need ;) @Muecke R3F Arty is still alive :) No release date planned ATM but it's still working.
  5. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    Hello LuckyLegs, The official v3.1 does not permit this. This need has already been added to the 3.2 todolist (no release date, very far). BUT, there is a simple way to modify the script which compute the list of objects/vehicles sorted per categories : The file path is R3F_LOG\usine_creation\recuperer_liste_cfgVehicles_par_categories.sqf The line 60 of this script adds the object/vehicle's classnale "configName _config" to the list : (_cfgVehicles_par_categories select _idx_categorie) pushBack (configName _config); We can add a IF-condition to this instruction : // Check if the object/vehicle is not blacklisted if !(configName _config in R3F_LOG_CF_blacklist_objects) then { (_cfgVehicles_par_categories select _idx_categorie) pushBack (configName _config); }; Assuming you added the variable "R3F_LOG_CF_blacklist_objects" in config_creation_factory.sqf or any init/config file : R3F_LOG_CF_blacklist_objects = [ "blacklisted_vehicle_classename_1", "blacklisted_vehicle_classename_2", "blacklisted_vehicle_classename_3", "blacklisted_vehicle_classename_4" ]; Cheers
  6. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @ak12546 You can write a composed condition with the AND or OR operators : R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "(player UID is trusted) OR (player is an engineer)"; (player UID is trusted) condition should look like : getPlayerUID player in [""76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"", ""76yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"", ""76zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz""] (player is an engineer) condition should look like (based on mission's slots) : {!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0 (player is an engineer) condition should look like (based on player's classname) : typeOf player in [""class_name1"", ""class_name2"", ""class_name3""] Mixing the condition together should look like : R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "(getPlayerUID player in [""76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"", ""76yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"", ""76zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz""]) OR ({!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0)"; Note : to be simpler to maintain, you can create an array variable containing the players UID : AK_trusted_UID = [ "76xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "76yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy", "76zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" ]; R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "(getPlayerUID player in AK_trusted_UID) OR ({!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0)";
  7. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @GeeBoMac Try to launch the mission directly from the menu (not using the mission editor). Make sure you are launching the good mission. Sometimes, when the mission name is too long or with special characters, it is loaded/saved in another mission folder. If logistics is not working, open the BIS' debug console and write this in a "watch line" : R3F_LOG_active What is the returned value ? (If the BIS' debug console is not activated, add this line in the description.ext : enableDebugConsole = 1; )
  8. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @hohum Okay. To get called each time an object is moved by a player, check the "Fix on these posts". You just have to replace the Alive's code by your custom extDB code. To benefits of the Logistics' system which automatically detect any new object on the map, you can edit the script "surveiller_conditions_actions_menu.sqf"... But maybe you already have your own system. Some explanation about this script in my answer to Vernei in this post : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180049-R3F-Logistics&p=2865734&viewfull=1#post2865734 To save the state of a towed/lifted/in-cargo object... it will be another (more complex) step. To begin, you can read the chapter III.3.B. (page 16) of the documentation documentation. It explains all the meaning of all the "getVariable" describing the logistics' state of an object.
  9. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @hohum Which persistence/database system are you using ? There is a suggestion to make Logistics interacting with Alive : It can be adapted to other systems than Alive. This is not a perfect solution as explained in the related posts.
  10. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    Hello, I'm back after some days without internet. @Laako Can you show us the initialization line on the red crates ? I think there is a wrong value passed as parameter. If you edited the config file "config_creation_factory.sqf", can you show its content ? @JoSchaap Thanks for the help about Wasteland :) "korean+russian" :D @LouD What are the remaining problem ? I assume you are modifying the official code. So I need a whole copy of the mission to help (DL link as PM).
  11. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @Frontschwein If your slot is named just "pioneer" and not "slot_pioneer", you should write only "pioneer" in the variable R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client :)
  12. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @Paul123 You can use the config variable mentioned in the section III.1.C. of the documentation with this SQF expression : Allow logistics only on the slot named "slot_engineer" : R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "!isNil ""slot_engineer"" && {player == slot_engineer}"; If you want to do it for several slots, taking advantage of the "count" scripting command : R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "{!isNil {_x} && {player == _x}} count [slot1, slot2, slot3] > 0"; To allow logistics for unit classname (and not on named slots), you can use this kind of expression : R3F_LOG_CFG_string_condition_allow_logistics_on_this_client = "typeOf player in [""class_name1"", ""class_name2"", ""class_name3""]";
  13. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @Paul123 You can read the section III.1.C. of the documentation.
  14. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @alex010 The config variables looks good. Yes it is normal to unlock the vehicles. It is the "lock system" for logistics features. The lock policy is configurable (side/faction/unit). By default it is based on the side. The orca and mohawk have a side different of your player. You can disable the lock feature (see documentation).After unlocking the helicopter and placing the B_MRAP_01_F behind it, do you get the "tow" action ?
  15. madbull

    [R3F] Logistics

    @alex010 Are you using community addon ? Can you write "R3F_LOG_CFG_can_be_towed" in a watch line of the BIS' debug console, and send me its value (maybe long text). Same operation for "R3F_LOG_CFG_can_tow". Also be sure to correctly position the "B_MRAP_01_F" in front of the helicopter. Because there is a geometric restriction to get the action. Maybe you position the rear of the "B_MRAP_01_F" too close/far of the front of the chopper.