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Everything posted by kadinx

  1. Thanks aeroson, I have not been more descriptive only because I need to eliminate user's(me) error first. :). Let me try the new loadout manager and then I will report back. Thanks for your consideration. ---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ---------- I am afraid I cannot check it properly because I am getting this error Error in expression <Mode _target; _isFlashlightOn = _target isFlashlightOn _currentWeapon; _isIRLase> Error position: <isFlashlightOn _currentWeapon; _isIRLase> Error isflashlighton: Type Number, expected String File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\scripts\loadout_manager.sqf, line 58 If I am the only one then it is probably me :( on this one.
  2. @aeroson, thanks and thanks for the code, I was using select 0 instead of player. It works. I do have a little problem not saving gear correctly and adding a few watches in my kit but I am looking into it.
  3. @aeroson, the addEventHandler you mention did not used to work. Has it been fixed or adjusted to allow enough time for the save?
  4. I will give it a try but even if it works it will be a compromise :(
  5. I have started noticing a jerking motion on my character that coincides with the saving of the load out. So it happens every 2 sec or 10 seconds, depending how I have set it up in init.sqf. waitUntil { !isNull player }; // Wait for player to initialize // Compile scripts getLoadout = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\fnc_get_loadout.sqf"; setLoadout = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\fnc_set_loadout.sqf"; // Save loadout (including ammo count) every 10 seconds [] spawn { while{true} do { if(alive player) then { loadout = [ player,["ammo"] ] call getLoadout; }; sleep 10; }; }; // Load saved loadout (including ammo count) on respawn player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [player,loadout,["ammo"]] spawn setLoadout; } ]; It only happens when my character has the primary weapon on his hands. When switching to handgun the jerking stops. Any ideas? I am using versions 3.2 and 4.1 for getloadout and saveloadout.
  6. kadinx


    ok then, Meatball. :) Maybe one day we will get an "ah!" moment that would explain everything.
  7. kadinx


    I am using version Version 0.21 and I have a hunch that you are using Version 0.1. Check file shk_pos_init.sqf . The first post has a link right at the top. The bottom link is the older one.
  8. kadinx


    Hmm, I have all shorts of Array variations, including one that is very similar to yours (with the order stated in my post) and I don't have any issues at all. I have been at it for the last month or so. How is your _mapCenter defined? Stratis does not have a heck of road network. Is it possible the scripts executes in those road barren areas? I am assuming you have the latest script package. Also, try _rMLoc = [ _mapCenter, random 4000, random 360, false, [2, 1000] ] call SHK_pos; to see if an empty array returns if the search does not produce a road location.
  9. kadinx


    Meatball, I would like to point out a few things on your script above: the SECOND parameter should be the distance from your _mapCenter and the THIRD the direction. Last, try "false" if you DON'T want water positions. The example pictures are wrong and Shuko has made a correction comment on his first post. I also find out Land ONLY positions are happening when the parameter is FALSE. The comments on the first .sqf are backwards. However, it is an amazing collection of scripts. It gives the mission designer an ingredible tool for applying randomness. Many thanks again Shuko :)
  10. kadinx


    I have just run into your set up. I put it right to work in Arma 3. As Delta99 pointed out, a few little speed bumps to figure things out but... the scripts..., what an amazing collection. Beautiful work, Shuko !! My very appreciative thanks :)
  11. kadinx

    UPSMON for arma3

    you cannot comment out these, I am aftraid :). You either initialize, replace or eliminate them. But what is peculiar, the variables that are reported in the .rpt file as being uninitialized, are in fact initialized or at least there is an attempt with the command line: private ["_variable1","_variable2"...etc]; at the begining of both upsMON_init.sqf and upsMon.sqf files
  12. kadinx

    help with a script error

    Does this command: private "_allunits"; at the top of the script initiate the variable properly?
  13. Tonic-_-, thank you for your VAS. Fully adapted in my missions. I have a question, I recently run into this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Function#Return_Value. My question relates to the last entry of five of your function files: fn_accType.sqf fn_fetchCfg.sqf fn_fetchCfgDetails.sqf fn_fetchPlayerGear.sqf and filter.sqf Should the last entry have a semicolon ";"? It is just a question. It might be just fine. Thanks for your continuous support :)
  14. kadinx

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Guys, Longitude, Latitude are just numbers for mission coordination. Take a look at the real Agios Efstratios Bearing 200 deg of Limnos in the Aegean Sea and tell me if the topography is not almost identical. Names have been changed. Just remember how much heat Bohemia and Bohemia team members took from the Greek Goverment just recently. All it matters is the beautifull Arma 3 engine. Eventually and through all the third party mods, that Bohemia team was so considerate to make their engine even more flexible to accept, and every preference on our Flashpoint--->Arma 3 community will be satisfied! It is just a matter of time :)
  15. I am wondering about a certain occurance in BIS function files and third party other function codes. I am not disputing that this is how it should be, it just that I would like a rational if anyone can provide me with one :) So, I noticed that in the scripts of some functions, the last entry has no ";" at the end of the line. Since missing ";" at the end of lines has been my Nemesis into initiation of scripting in the Arma series, I was more than surpise to see it. Does anyone have an explanation for it. for example: the following is in BIS_fnc_arrayPop (fn_arrayPop.sqf) private["_element", "_size", "_array"]; _array = _this; _size = count _array; _element = _array select (_size - 1); _array resize (_size - 1); _element
  16. I have been following the development from the start and I am very impressed with the organized setup Bohemia team has put together. It is not only that they bother to listen and let us know, it is that their information is thorough and down to earth. No problem stating tough moments or nagging troubleshooting. Thank you Guys :)
  17. kadinx

    Enjoying Development Logs

    Did I say how impressed I am with Bohemia team. I mean we should give them praise for their amazing support system. I have been using the Dev Version and updates and corrections are coming in on daily, some times hourly base. Very impressive to my simple mind :) Thank you.
  18. kadinx

    UPSMON for arma3

    As the man said, Thank YOU :)
  19. rgr that. Thanks Excellent...no more errors in either scripts. Much obliged, again :)
  20. I am getting the above error with also a VAS error too Error in expression <s player) select 2 != "") then { player removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon ((primaryWea> Error position: <removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon ((primaryWea> Error Missing ; File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\HUNT_Begun_PH.Stratis\VAS\functions\fn_handleItem.sqf, line 254 Error in expression <s player) select 2 != "") then { player removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon ((primaryWea> Error position: <removeItemFromPrimaryWeapon ((primaryWea> Error Missing ; File C:\Users\NDK0\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Kadin\mpmissions\HUNT_Begun_PH.Stratis\VAS\functions\fn_handleItem.sqf, line 254
  21. kadinx

    UPSMON for arma3

    cc that, Thanks
  22. kadinx

    UPSMON for arma3

    There was a surrended.sqf file included before, I am not sure it is related to the removals.
  23. kadinx

    UPSMON for arma3

    Yep, I can confirm that... But thanks to Beerkan too
  24. kadinx

    UPSMON for arma3

    Much obliged :)