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Everything posted by sakura_chan

  1. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Does the Oculus rift even work with A3?
  2. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Well the full version of A3 is out now so I'm glad to report that nothing in my addon was broken by it. I've recently been going through the default action menu commands and fixing them up. I've deleted quite a few, I've added new quick icons to many commands. I'll be posting a new video soon but I'm at work right now so here are just a few things that I'll type out. Getting into vehicles Because my addon can't automatically place get in markers on vehicles, removing the get in action menu commands would disable any user addons. I discovered a huge fix for finding the right position to get in. The action menu determines what action should be at the top of the action menu depending on two factors; priority and distance. If there is a difference in priority then it will use the priority value, if there are two actions with equal priority then it will use the distance to determine it. So, by changing all the get in commands to use the same priority, the game selects the nearest get in position as the top priority. You could then run up to an empty chopper's side door and not have to scroll down to find the cargo action. Weapon handling There were a few unnecessary commands relating to weapon selection and use. I removed the switch weapon commands because they are better off as keyboard commands. No more "reload" action menu, again, keyboard command. If you have a weapon with multiple magazine types, pressing the reload key no longer switches magazines. It is done through the action menu only now. Because the player will now have no ever-present action menu commands, the switch magazine action will be the only one present if it is available. If you fire off all the rounds from your current mag type, reloading will still automatically switch to the next mag type. I haven't done much work on it yet, but I am looking at a complete replacement for the "put" weapons like mines and satchels. Old redundant commands I've removed a lot of duplicate stuff, here is an incomplete list: Turn in / turn out Manual fire Autohover on/off Lights on/off gear up/down flaps up/down inventory/gear reload get out eject Engine on refuel (its done automatically, also removed the flashing text) repair (its done automatically, also removed the flashing text) switch launcher switch pistol Enhanced commands I did some iconography and tweaks to some commands to highlight their usefulness Rearm: New icon, this command is a great way to quickly grab random crap from vehicles and ammo crates without using the gear menu Use first aid kit: New icon, clearer description. Take/release controls: New icons Collision lights on/off: Still in action menu because I can't find a scripted replacement. I did link it to the 'binocular" command so in an aircraft pressing "b" will turn them on or off Movetoposition commands: removed the icons, in a vehicle it looks much better without an icon in your line of sight. Still todo Some things I have plans for but haven't worked on yet Bind key to artillary computer everything to do with satchel charges and mines healing soldiers engineers repairing vehicles carrying soldiers flag take/return All commands for taking individual items off the ground. My actual KEYS system Its been getting a lot of attention lately. I've been developing the vehicle interaction commands and icons. You will still play an animation like you normally would when you get into a vehicle, and it respects all the default "get in rules" such as the locked vehicle system and you can't get into occupied seats. Still working on seats that require an open door to get in. I've also decided to keep the default gear interaction system, due to BIS fixing it to an acceptable level. I did add a 3D icon that will highlight an object if you can use the inventory action on it. No action menu though, just the gear keyboard command. I added some icons to the physical object interaction system, it will change depending on what hands you have available, ei left, right, both empty, hands full. I will be adding KEYS to the Altis buildings, but fortunately (for me haha) Altis only added a few new buildings with doors. On a performance note, I had a huge increase in optimization that lets most of the code execute only a few times a second, instead of per frame. I can run it on my little laptop without any performance impact, and I could tell because it has a AMD 1.5ghz core. Before the optimization there was some stuttering and flashing icons.
  3. sakura_chan

    Do tides exist in game?

    There is a perfectly good working tide system ingame. However, the developers set its maximum height to zero :) I made a mod that uses the tide system to flood the island, but it could just as easily add a realistic tidal height. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162279-A-dumb-mod-Swim-Stratis
  4. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Hmm I see.
  5. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    I've looked at the Advanced Vehicle Interaction, it doesn't seem to have any overlapping concepts. My system doesn't run when the player is in a vehicle. As far as I can tell they will be totally compatible.
  6. A full scale submarine will require a script in order to work. I made one just as a test and found that there were many hardcoded limits in the submarineX class. If you made the sub a realistic size and weight, it couldn't submerge. If you made the geometry lod really small and light like the SDV then it would work but you couldn't change the acceleration, so it would just jump to its top speed in a few seconds like the SDV. It's doable, but basically you chose one of the most difficult vehicles to build as a first project.
  7. sakura_chan

    Refined Vehicles

    This is really cool. I was actually able to drive the offroad with the keyboard and not hit anything. Kudos!
  8. sakura_chan

    [WIP] Video Streaming Mod

    Awesome. Awesome to the max. This means that you could include, say a copyrighted song from youtube, into your mission without breaking any rules. It would be sweet to have it display a webcam, so you could have video conferencing in your mission.
  9. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    I was starting to work on the gear interaction, and I've found that the existing system has been dramatically improved. In A2/A3 Alpha and early beta you had the old problem of having to be in the perfect position to get the gear option. In the current beta it seems to be based on cursortarget, so as long as you are looking at it, it will give you the gear option. I had no problem using crates and even dead bodies were easy to interact with. Does anyone have any gripes with the current system?
  10. You can do this with most of the commands, ei the player will issue a command verbally and the units will respond. However, some commands cannot be issued like this including the heal and get in vehicle commands. To issue scripted commands you have to use the appropriate command: (groupSelectedUnits player) CommandMove [0,0,0]; (groupSelectedUnits player) CommandTarget _thatman; commandStop _soldier1; But sorry there are no scripted commands that relate to issuing heal commands. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3 check out the command reference, any command starting with 'command' will make the player say and execute the command. BTW commandfollow is how you get the units to regroup and return to formation.
  11. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    New update video! Chutes and Ladders: BPFHuLpqwv4 More soon
  12. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Question: Do people really want to have to open the door of a vehicle before they can get in? Should the opening and closing of the door be automated instead? Maybe some hybrid where you can manually open the door but you could still get in automatically. No doors at all just hop in? Not sure how people feel about this.
  13. I am working on a velocity based script that slows an object from an unknown speed down to a specific speed. It was working fine when I used a basic "while {(_velocity select 2) <= -3}" line with a loop that removed some velocity and was timed with a "sleep 0.01" command. It was working until I tried it on my laptop which gets about 10-20 fps instead of my desktop's solid 60fps. The object still slowed down but at a much slower rate. Doesn't this mean that "sleep" is unreliable? Are there any alternatives to using it that would not be fps dependant? One workaround I found was to use: while {(_velocity select 2) <= -3} do { _fps = (diag_fps / 60); _chutevel = velocity _chute; _velocity = [_chutevel select 0,_chutevel select 1,(_velocity select 2) + (0.3 / _fps)]; _chute setvelocity _velocity; hintsilent format ["slowing %1\n%2 FPS", _velocity select 2, round diag_fps]; sleep 0.01; }; So the actually amount of deceleration is based on the framerate.
  14. I am working on my Keys interaction system, and I need to change a few words in the dta\languagecore_f.pbo file. I've never worked with stringtables before...is there a way to change them with an addon? How do you add a stringtable.xml? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140614-Editing-stringtable-xml-Multiple-Questions&highlight=stringtable.xml seems that replacing it directly is the only option? I don't like the sound of that.
  15. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    I added a new video update about this system on the first page. I uploaded another bonus video as well.
  16. if I have an array like _array = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]; how can I remove just one of the numbers? I would like it to return _array == [2,3,4,1,2,3,4]; basically I am dealing with editor objects that have the format: objectnumber: modelname.p3d So it might be 122235: toiletbox_f.p3d I need to remove the numbered part so I just delete everything up until the space which is easy but if there is a "3" in the object number then it ends up as "toiletbox_f.pd"
  17. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161146-KEYS-No-action-menu Okay I've been working on my new interaction system for A3, but with the latest beta patch they have removed the ability to detect or interact with most of the objects on Stratis. Things like chairs, toilets etc can no longer be detected as they don't use a config class any more. You can't add actions to them either. My question is, how did they do this? Can it be undone with config editing? In visitor, what is the difference between placing an animated object like a house and a static object like a bush? I've never used visitor, so I don't know how items are placed. If you could at least tell me to give up it would put my mind to rest
  18. sakura_chan

    Please help! Dead objects in Stratis :(

    You used to be able to find them with nearobjects, and they could have animations because they were a class. I've since made an awesome workaround.
  19. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    The icons could be any color or transparency you desired, and it could be changed in-game. It is clientside currently. I have 2 Arma3 computers so I can easily do MP testing. There shouldn't be any performance drop as the main script only handles actions within a five meter radius. There would be no problem doing every door because the script "streams" the actions onto nearby buildings only. I haven't done any work on the ladder system yet. It will be done solely through scripts so there is no change to maps or existing config files. You could easily do this. It would work perfectly for accessing dead soldiers and ammo. No more going prone and circling around to find that sweet-spot Zing...its coming... Yes I would implement some kind of weapon switching, there is a mod that does that already. yes, it would be pretty easy to do it that way. I do have another mod in progress that removes the command menu too. Simple...keep the action menu. Remove all the unnecessary stuff and unbind it from the mouse wheel so you can still use existing missions that use the old action system. This way the only thing that would show up in the action menu would be user's actions currently it is really simple to make your own custom actions. You don't even need to use an .sqf to set up a new action, you can do it in the editor and just set a variable. Okay, lets open the hood on this system. At its core it is a script that detects, with nearobjects, a specific object in-game and determines where you are in relation to its direction. The object (currently the RedGull soda can) has a variable assigned to it. it currently looks like this: ["key", ["DoorSwitch",(getpos player) nearestobject 19559, 3, [[-80,0],[0, 80],[100, 180],[-180, -100]], -1, [0,60], [0,45],"Door_1_rot"]] That is: InteractionType, ObjectToInteractWith, MaxRange, [Zone0, Zone1, Zone2, Zone3], CurrrentZonePlayerIsIn, Angle+or-ThatPlayerMustBeFacingTowards,VerticalAngle, Animation The system can process very different actions based on InteractionType. For example, "DoorSwitch" uses "_object animate [_anim, 1]" while "DoorSwitch_Veh" uses "_object animatedoor [_anim, 1]". "GetIn" handles getting in vehicles. Another type would simply call a script. As you can see, simply placing the object in the editor and adding the variable would create an action. There is then simply a small script that detects nearby buildings and applies the actions base on their class. It is not implemented yet but it will be able to generate the actions from the config file of the object. It will also clean up after itself when you move away from a building or enter a vehicle. As for having modeled action zones, not really a good idea. It might work okay but with my system you don't have to look right at something for it to work, so it is a lot less finicky. In fact the old system used something similar. If you put the highlighted sections into the model, this system would be able to do exactly that. I've also been working on vehicles and I will implement "can't get in with the door closed"
  20. I am trying to attach an object to a map building, but for some reason after it is attached with AttachTo I cannot set its direction with setdir. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Its as simple as this attachto [((getpos player) nearestobject 19559), [0,0,0]]; this setdir 180; using setvectorup doesn't work either. The object does attach but nothing seems to rotate it.
  21. sakura_chan

    Primer for new vehicle simulation

    Sorry, that was based on the Alpha offroad vehicle, its class name has changed since then. It might not work anymore as it inherits from a different class too. class Offroad_01_base; class C_Offroad_01_F: Offroad_01_base has anyone made a perfectly working car yet?
  22. quick question on subs...I made a quick model of a sub, and I can get it to float and move without flipping over, but it WILL NOT submerge. Does it require a land contact LOD? What sort of weight did you use? I tried 1,000 and 1,000,000 and it never changed keel depth. Without a land contact lod it just floats a foot above the lowest part of the resolution lod. Adding a land contact LOD seems to change the depth but has strange effects on the sub, making it roll over on an arbitrary axis. How big was you example sub? Mine is 170m long.
  23. sakura_chan

    poly limit?

    Poly limit is best managed with the use of multiple objects and proxies. The main .p3d really only needs the geometry, memory lods etc as well as any animated parts. Other than that, just put each part in its own proxy. I would assume the OP is building a ship, so you would have the main hull as one part, maybe the control tower as another and then all the details separate as well. Another trick is to use proxies for repeated geometry. lets say you were making a huge airplane like the IL-76. It has 20 wheels, and each wheel would have to have at least two hundred polygons to look round and smooth. 200 x 20 = 4000 polygons just for relatively low polygon wheels. In this case, simply make one wheel and attach it using 20 proxies. This frees up a ton of space when working on large projects.
  24. You could go full retard and just make a script that detects which unit is closest to the middle of the screen. If the unit is within a few degrees of the center and you have line of sight, just generate a random chance of a hit based on stance and distance. From what I understand this is exactly how broshooters do it. Arma can do it too for what its worth. You would have to delete the player's shot bullet btw. You don't really need to touch the config, you could just make it a script or mission. You could even turn it on and off ingame if you wanted to.