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About Michael_Angelo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. How did you manage to do this? With the default Civ Module & Civ Vehicles Module I barely find 1-2 civilians per village and they do absolutely nothing. The weird thing is that the large cities are completely empty, no civilians at all.
  2. I typed "this setVariable ["civilianCount",10]" in the init but nothing changed...
  3. Did anyone find out what command should be added in the init field of the Ambient Civilian Module in order to increase the population? I checked the Wiki about ALICE but i can't make much of it, since i'm no expert in editing. I'd appreciate some help too. Thanks!
  4. Michael_Angelo

    Valhalla Mod - WIP

    Brilliant work, I loved the atmosphere! Excellent island!
  5. Michael_Angelo

    ArmA2 needs to be advertised!

    We could also post on social media like blogs, digg, reddit etc.
  6. Michael_Angelo

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    How will it be possible to generate the same terrain for every client in multiplayer? Would it be also possible to use this dynamic terrain function to create random islands which could then be re-created for everyone with some kind of "code" inserted in the editor?
  7. Michael_Angelo

    Keyword: Modular

    +1 from me! Then the modders could just create the accesories instead of an entire weapon. And I would also like to be able to add or remove these accessories during the game!
  8. Michael_Angelo

    ACE Mod on Arma 2?

  9. Michael_Angelo

    Arma 2 music rocks

    Let's stick to the classics: Ride of the Valkyries during a helicopter assault... :bounce3: Hmmm, I wonder if anyone's thought about that before... :j:
  10. Michael_Angelo

    Do things catch fire this time?

    There's already the "Securite Civile" mod for ArmA I , which has spreading fire. Although it spreads reaaaally slow, even in 4X speed.
  11. Michael_Angelo

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    June 26th?? Well... At least i'll have time to focus on my university exams! Thank you BIS ,for caring so much about my education!!
  12. Michael_Angelo

    "Wild animals that roam the atmospheric forests".

  13. Michael_Angelo

    "Wild animals that roam the atmospheric forests".

    IMO a quite simple AI behaviour, e.g. for animals like rabbits or deers, would be for them to keep a minimum distance off a man. Whenever the player is detected, much like the enemies detect him (by hearing or seeing), that would make them run away until they are, 50/100m away. Or at least out of visual contact. When there's no one around, they could just roam in a predefined area, for example within a forest's borders.
  14. Michael_Angelo

    "Wild animals that roam the atmospheric forests".

    Maybe FARMA II wasn't such a bad idea after all!!!! :j:
  15. I guess we found a new feature for the next update: "coup de grace"