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Everything posted by caprera

  1. Awesome! Now give us those Russian soldiers !
  2. Considered the general quality and amount of stuff in the works i don't want a release date.
  3. I perfectly understand. I meant that all we see is much stuff altogether and i was wondering if you were pointing more to a complete addon than a mod. Don't take my post too seriously: it was more an appreciation of what we've seen so far in these screenshots. Glad to hear you are on the final phase of the work if i understood well...
  4. There will be ever a release ?? :D
  5. Did i miss another updates thread ?
  6. LOL Not really thrusting as wargame dude ;)
  7. u'll need a great texture to evaluate this work :D
  8. caprera

    GRU Spetsnaz pack

    I know but at the time we had many problems, included the fact we hadn't, and we still have no 3D help. So we messed with the textures as much as we could and sometimes....you know ;)
  9. I can't see in your screenshot. Btw yes those are MI-8 operated by DEA Fast teams and other agencies in Afghanistan...
  10. very good job doubtless. however even if real weapons like these look like Airsoft stuff.....
  11. omg... can't you wait a day ?
  12. This project is amazing. I'm really impressed by the general quality & variety not to mention the interiors of many vehicles and many backpacks for soldiers...
  13. Italian GIS actually IS Rainbow6 stuff... Also one of the first characters was an Italian GIS operator if i'm not misleaden...