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Everything posted by caprera

  1. I'm not really sure i understood what you wrote but i'm happy you found out some problems :D
  2. Hehehe quite the same for me even if for weeks i kept asking myself "how much stuff they're going to put inside it !?!?"
  3. I'm using BTR70 thanks to VIlas as now... but i'm stuck in un-blocking the Alpha Studio BTR80. The second one is suitable for us ;)
  4. caprera

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    completely quote Cole... :D
  5. caprera

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    This work is really important. Should be a top priority for those able to help in particular to make it available to everybody with every mod...
  6. whoa... I must say that's a great work and in particular 'complete'. Quite everything you need to use them properly. Good luck on testing!
  7. Vilas i think i found a bug in the '99 Russian infatry pack. The officer has a 107 with 1P29 scope. Maybe i don't know how to use it but the cross of the aim seems really wrong. I tried many times to adjust the aim without success, as i thought the lower end of the arrow to be the aimpoint but looks out of scale or something else... You knew about it or it's me ?? :D
  8. thanks i'll give it a try @EDIT: it's not working... how do i have to use it ??
  9. As now it's quite useless... and same problem for distances...
  10. Are you planning some others russian helicopters, or a remake ??