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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    CAS on mapclick

    You may also check the carpet bombing script I posted few days ago and change it easily to suit your needs.
  2. In your case your troops disembark?
  3. uhm, you say units but I think you you mean groups, isn't it? Anyway, not in front of the arma PC, but you could try to put a Getin in one group and Getin Nearest to the rest of the groups, maybe works.... ...or make three groups of one humvee, make it on the traditional way, and, whene everybody is in, join the humvees to one single group, everything syncronised. That will work
  4. Why not sincronising multiple getin wp with one single load wp for those humvees?
  5. No sense for me too but I have an idea: Is there any way to take data from rpt file ingame? If yes, the lines give you the time of the server, ain't it?
  6. Hello! My first "official" script. You miss Carpet Bombing CAS support? Want your planes do more than attacking heavy armor? Wanna see those bastards flying? Me too, that's why I made this. First things first, I used pieces of code from Grumpy Old Man (thanks man!) carpet bombing script. The difference with mine is this uses a real spawned plane and you may use it in game. Usage: - Place this two files in your mission folder. - Put a radio trigger (or you may want to initialise it in a comms menu, If you know how, not me, sorry): On activation: nul = [] execVM "airstrike.sqf"; - In game, call the radio and the map opens. Click on the desired first point on which the bombs will drop, second click on map to define the vector or direction of the bombing. Wait. BOOOOOM To do: - Make it useable depending on the players side. - MP version (help here, never coded for MP) CREDITS: Grumpy Old Man NOTE: My scripting skills are limited, If you find anyway to improve this, or bugs or whatever, help is welcome! Have fun! Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2krhdvdcsh2u330/Carpet%20Bombing%20Airstrike.rar
  7. Its easy to modify this script for this purpose. First adding a flyinheight line on the plane after it's creation. I didn't make that because... well, it's CAS and the plane is not a B52... And second, about dropping a signle bomb to a certain point, just modify the airbomb script called on the first waypoint and make it drop one single bomb instead of 16...
  8. Well, you sounded hard, but anyway you are true, despite I was sure you would answer "yes of course" I should have asked before using some of your code. I think the next step (huge) could be.... NAPALM!! I remember an Arma I script which made this in a very very decent way (particles, animations, sounds, almost everything) and I was thinking about adding that. But particle using is far from my skills ATM.
  9. Oh Lord, I'm really sorry about this. Never thought it would make any offense. Thought someone who puts code here, like me, does not care about getting used by others. Though you would be more happy than anything. At the end, I adapted three lines of code from yours. Maybe you think I'm using the script. Please check mine. Indeed more than the code, your script is more inspirational (the idea of a carpet bombing) from the idea than the code itself. But anyway if it bothers you, I will change it (don't know how, because it's just a matter of spawning bombs near a plane)
  10. barbolani

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right thread and / or this things have been said other times but.. I find the vehicles pathfinding in urban enviroment is wrong. They tend to get stuck in corners. I cannot make any city mission with land vehicles. Other: CQB inside buildings, you may pass in front of an enemy's nose and won't attack. This experience I had with UPSMon + Fortify parameter, but I think is not related...
  11. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Cool, attached you may find the mission here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3rk23lkxqa6lt8j/Pruebas%2520Aeropuerto.Stratis.rar It is unfinished, just accelerate time until you are detected, from this point, red dots appear. Also advice about groups (one big group vs several groups) is welcome in the units distribution you may find. And also: have fun! As I said it's unfinished but not complex: go ahead and kill everyone. Cool, just an idea: is it possible to make the fortify units go check if the buildingpos is occupied by another unit? This would avoid finding 5 units stuck in the same place. And another idea: to "forbid" them to go prone?
  12. Easy using this command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/distance
  13. Maybe in condition field something like: (vehicle1 in thislist) or (vehicle2 in thislist) etc.. Should work. Check also the activation field, present and side of the vehicles, if not, "thislist" will contain an array of other side units, and those vehicles won't be on it.
  14. Maybe creating an enemy inf unit, call it "dude", on his init or whenever you need, dude moveInDriver vehicle, deleteVehicle dude. This may make the empty vehicle count as enemy.
  15. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Cant remember right now if it's from the begining or not. Need to check. Parameters, I have a mix in that marker: from simple _this; "marker", to combinations of "NOFOLLOW", "RANDOMA" and "FORTIFY". But if you confirm me, it's better 50 units in one group tan 10 groups of 5 units, will simplify this.
  16. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Yes, big marker, Stratis airport, and lots of units, around 50 separated in around 10 groups. So maybe it is better to use one group with 50 units? About the markers, all the time. Lots of red dots around the marker (stratis airport too). Using the last version (downloaded yesterday) @kord: Thanks!!!
  17. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Hello! I have two question which you, UPSMOn advanced users have the correct answers for sure. First: Pathfinding problems between Agia Marina and Stratis Airport: I place a tank, init him with UPSMon (and respawn, that's important) to a marker in the airport. Tank allways meses up and gets stuck halfway in the gas station in the middle. ¿Is this UPSMon or the (sometimes) shitty AI? If I place Waypoints, on respawn it meses again.... Any solution? Second: In the airport I created serveral groups with "RANDOMA" and "FORTIFY", but they tend sometimes to go to the same buildings and buildingpos, so the units get stuck there. Is it advisable to use one BIG group instead of several normal groups? Thanks in advance. BTW: Last version Works fine, but I noticed several red dot markers with debug off. Cool I think the debug markers issue is not solved at 100% yet...
  18. Well, what you can make, for ambient purposes, is to make the gun stay firing in the air all the time. Give it targets and force it to doTarget / doFire it, so it won't spend it's time on your thugs ;) Also, maybe you could try to make the arty friendly to INDEPENDENT (join them to a 0% presence INDEPENDENT unit), prolly in the map will be with red color anyway. INDEPENDENT then must be friend to all sides. Put a trigger close to it so when your friends enter, it becomes OPFOR again.
  19. Hi! No. Indeed any military AA cannon is able to fire at ground level, just in case a stupid tries to destroy them with demo charges... So that wouldn't be realistic... Anti AA operations tend to be SPECOP and destroyed in stealth / ambush missions or, more frequently, with artillery... The type of misión you are trying to make is better if the objective, instead of AA cannons, is normal arty cannons, missile batteries etc..
  20. barbolani

    Automated medic?

    while {isNull _injured} so name _injured is the name of isNull, so no unit, no object just nothing... Isn't it? P.D: Glad to see you back!
  21. Hiya! Just a comment about the freedomness and stuff limits. Arma is probably the game that allows the most freedom around the scene. But giving the player a whole map to play is not a must, it depends on the mission you are making. For example: Domination / Warfare etc.. of course, limiting the scenario ruins the misión. BUT: in the typical "Assault the Beach" mission, you may sacrifice that freedom (the APC / Chopper drops you and just go forward, kill everyone, conquer the base) and spend your time on improving things like defensive positions / AI, atrezzo (planes passing by, wrecks etc..) Regarding equipment limitations: I disagree. Limit your equipment may make the mission interesting (lights vs NVG, for example), but not necessary inmersive. May make the MP more cooperative, but it doesen't mean inmersive too. Limiting things like GPS... well... 80% of people has a cheap one on his car / Smartphone, so, why it is not present in your 2038 (or 2014, who cares) war? Except captive situations, I couldn't get inmersed in a mission which lacks of GPS while I am an american soldier, something I won't beleive... Same about weapons without scopes... damm, this is not Flashpoint 1985. Another VERY IMPORTANT thing I forgot: VOICES. 99% lack of them. I suppose people is shy and don't wan to act. Understandable. But for me, are a must if you want to make your mission inmersive (and good)
  22. First: Ramdomness. The less predictable situations are, the better. War is allways unpredictable. UPSMON is good on it. Second: AI using features like smoke. Smoke in real combat is extremely useful. Vanilla AI does not use it. AI tweaking (UPSMON again or some other scripted smoke) gives more inmersion. Mines would be a fine addition too. Third: Ambience. I allways place units fighting (no ambient combat, real units placed with different results in combat) in the surroundings, you feel, like master Bardosy says, "A small but important part of the battle". Fourth: Good defensive positions for you and specially for AI. Watching AI fighting in the middle of nowhere is something that fucks this game. No human being would stand in the middle of a Street or field without coverage in combat situatons. When I design a city / base assault, I allways place carefully some deffensive / static AI in obvious positions like towers etc.. Fifth: Inter-Arma. Inf vs Inf or Tank vs Tank is boring and unrealistic. Arty, air superiority for one side, assimetric fighting, logistical needs, and as you say, not allways available, are good additions. Sixth: TEST TEST TEST TEST
  23. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Cool, another issue I found. The artillery clases are not well defined for INDEPENDENT mortars, I changed it for the correct ones and Works perfectly.
  24. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I would use: [leader _spawngrp,"area6","NOWAIT","RANDOMDN","SPAWNED","DELETE:",300,"MIN:",2,"MAX:",4] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";