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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. :) Buy a Spanish desktop, they are prepared for 45ºC :)
  2. Hi, maybe someone has asked this but.... 28 thread pages... Is this UPSMon compatible? I mean, maybe the units will mess between orders of one or other scripts...
  3. Thanks, but it seems the equipment array comes directly from config, not from an ammobox source.... I want to limit the equipment available to what you've gathered in some missions + scavenged stuff. I'm doing this with a setpos + action to the specific ammobox, but it's... ugly. This menu is fancy, and I'm useless creating menus in scrpt....
  4. barbolani

    Request to help all Newbies

    90% of this guide is A-3 able...
  5. Hi! Just a quick question. Can be this added without VAS? I mean, with only the stuff you put on any Ammobox, (not all the ingame stuff). Just for an easy, quick, and nice visual AI squadmate equip...
  6. barbolani

    Set Mode module problem

    Sorry for not being helpful, but... it seems you make an intensive use of modules, and maybe, what you want to achieve, is easier with some easy-scripting... For example, if you want to trigger a whole squad changing to prone, just on activation of the trigger write: {_x setunitPos "DOWN"} forEach units groupname....
  7. barbolani

    AI shooting from cover

    there is a premade function made by BIS which makes the units loop that kind of animations until the unit finds an enemy: bis_fnc_combatAnim orsomething like that. Check the funcions viewer.
  8. barbolani

    AI shooting from cover

    I think that part is made with animations, AI is not really shooting another AI, it's just an scripted AI fixed to a point, ordered to make an anim, and ordered to fire while is doing the anim, on certain frecuency.
  9. Only one WP? Then it's easy to mix to what I said. Let's do it without extarnal scripting. Tacky but effective. Remember we've got a variable _posfinal which is a random position taken 200 mts distance from one marker picked up ramdomly too? Now, name the group of the "escapers". Put on the leader's init field: evaders = group this; Put the markers as I said. Now place a trigger, condition "true" so it will fire, once, and on act box: marker = ["Marker1", "Marker2", "Marker3"] call BIS_Fnc_selectRandom; pos = getMarkerPos marker; posfinal = [pos, 200, random 360] call BIS_Fnc_relPos; (remember those markers cannot be closer than 200 mts from the sea, if not, posfinal may be a water position and you will make the people swim, which is boring and cold) wp0 = evaders addWaypoint [posfinal,0]; wp0 setWaypointType "MOVE"; DONE!!!
  10. Or calling an external script with the EH params, with sleeps, deletevehicle and all the stuff...
  11. If you achieve this, definetly you are not as retarded as me :) Placing a tuto for dummies like: place your text here, place your audio here, ta dah!! Would be a great thing!!!!
  12. Ok, for example this. Place let´s say 3 markes in 3 directions opposite of the starting one: for example if the start is on western Stratis, place those markers in south, east and north stratis. Name them, let's say "Marker1", "Marker2" and "Marker3" Now, in the script on which you are putting waypoints for the escaping group, creating the last one let's do this. _marker = ["Marker1", "Marker2", "Marker3"] call BIS_Fnc_selectRandom; _pos = getMarkerPos _marker; Now you have the position of one of these, randomly selected. Let's give it another randomization dosis: _posfinal = [_pos, 200, random 360] call BIS_Fnc_relPos; Now as _posfinal you've got a position on which put the last waypoint- Every replay, positions will be different. If you lack of knowledge about creating waypoints in script: some practice and comef are your friends :)
  13. Hello, Question: is there a MEGA-RETARDED-NOOB (me) kbtell tutorial? Cause honestly, I understand a shit about what is said in this forum, and still I'm doing things with mean old playsound....
  14. Awaiting! Everything related to forget the Geneva Conention is allways interesting :)
  15. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    @Cool, nothing, with the latest version RANDOMUP does not work.... I PMed you....
  16. barbolani

    WaitUntil {trueVar}

    Hi neokika, could you please check this thread? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?177982-surfaceIsWater-and-others It is related to the same thing, I think, and I'm curious about what's the best solution in that case...
  17. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I am not using the latest latest version. Will try on that. But in {version _x} forEach _versions, never seen that working ;) If still does not work, I'll PM with the mission attached ok?
  18. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Cool, what I'm seeing is still "RANDOMUP" does not take the top building positions. Not even a single unit goes higher than the first floor. Are you planning to change that? If not (no worries) I'll try to fix this up on my own (but to be honest, UPSMon is far away of my skills)
  19. Hi all! I want to calculate a spawn pos from certain position. The only two conditions: no water, and not being close of an array of markers. This is my method: _closestdist = 0; _pos = [0,0,0]; while {(_closestdist < 400) and (surfaceIsWater _pos)} do { _pos = [_posicion, 400, random 360] call BIS_Fnc_relPos; _closest = [marcadoresCSAT, _pos] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; _closestdist = (getMarkerPos _closest) distance _pos; }; Works, but sometimes I find positions in water and, sometimes, positions less than 400 metres close from those markers. Starting to think the loop breaks when tries a lot of times, or something like this. Thanks for the help.
  20. barbolani

    surfaceIsWater and others...

    It seems to work, by now... :) Thank you very much. If I find more weird things, I'll post here.
  21. I'm guessing you want this to occupy seats on cargo of some vehicle. Just an idea: assignascargo some far far away units?
  22. barbolani

    surfaceIsWater and others...

    Thanks! Will try ASAP!
  23. WORKS!! Than you very much! Without your help I would probably make 1.000 attempts (more) before trying to change the spawning method. I owe you a spirit!
  24. Thanks a lot. Will try ASAP with function instead of createVehicle. Sounds werid, because the problem does not seem to be in the heli group, as it waits (in my last version) for the other group to issue the "Getout" order just as allways. Question: what's the purpose of this?: _veh setvariable ["wait",_grupo];
  25. Oh damm.... In mine they stay on the heli even when I join the player to the cargo group, I see a clear "GETOUT" on the waypoint. Chopper lands but no one exits. The leader does not issue the "All, get out" command. Cant understand how it worked for you, the waypoint sync had a typo... A half solution I found is to issue a GETOUT waypoint for both groups, but that makes the pilots getout, not very nice... The entire script as it is now (I didn't sent it before because it uses some global variables and markers): if (!isServer) exitWith{}; _marcador = _this select 0; _soldados = []; _vehiculos = []; _grupos = []; _posicion = getMarkerPos (_marcador); _orig = getPos refuerzos; _veh = "O_Heli_Light_02_F" createVehicle _orig; _vehiculos = _vehiculos + [_veh]; _veh lock 3; _veh addEventHandler ["killed",{xp = xp + 2;}]; createVehicleCrew _veh; _grupo = group (crew _veh select 1); _soldados = _soldados + crew _veh; CSAT = CSAT + crew _veh; _grupos = _grupos + [_grupo]; _grupoheli = group (driver _veh); _closestdist = 0; _landpos = []; while {(_closestdist < 400)} do { _landpos = [_posicion, 300, 500, 10, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_Fnc_findSafePos; mrkfin = createMarker ["BREnd", _landpos]; mrkfin setMarkerShape "ICON"; mrkfin setMarkerType "hd_destroy"; mrkfin setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _closest = [marcadoresFIA, _landpos] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; _closestdist = (getMarkerPos _closest) distance _landpos; }; _landPos set [2, 0]; _pad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _landpos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _grupo = [_orig, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_Fnc_spawnGroup; {_x assignAsCargo _veh; _x moveInCargo _veh; _soldados = _soldados + [_x]; [_x] execVM "COUNTER\CSATinit.sqf"} forEach units _grupo; _wp0 = _grupoheli addWaypoint [_landpos, 0]; _wp0 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD"; _wp0 setWaypointStatements ["true", "(vehicle this) land 'GET OUT'"]; [_grupoheli,0] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp3 = _grupo addWaypoint [_landpos, 0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "UNLOAD"; _wp0 synchronizeWaypoint [_wp3]; _wp4 = _grupo addWaypoint [_posicion, 1]; _wp4 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 = _grupoheli addWaypoint [_posicion, 1]; _wp1 setWaypointType "SAD"; [_grupoheli,1] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp2 = _grupoheli addWaypoint [_orig, 2]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";