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Everything posted by andersson

  1. Isnt the best way to keep performance up (and realism) to have the tracers disabled? The script load should be reduced to a minimum if the tracers where off, or am I wrong..?
  2. andersson

    Collection of Undocumented/Lesser-Known Features

    @Manday: That is an exploit, not a feature
  3. Ahh, thank you, that explains it. Thats right, now that you mention it, I dont like to jump into a chopper in arma and the engine starts up because I didnt have the throttle on min... Annoying..
  4. I made a practise mission for myself where I had 3 triggers: 1 Radio Alpha Repetable Heli1 setfuel 0 2 Radio Bravo Repetable Heli1 setfuel 1; Heli1 setdammage 0 3 Radio Charlie Repetable Heli1 setpos [getpos heli1 select 0, getpos heli1 select 1, 200] So by activating radio alpha my engine stops. When I land I activate radio bravo and the fuel as back and the helicopter is good to go without damage (also good if you see whats coming and do not want to crash...). If I do not have the patience to wait for altitude (or to avoid a crash) I can activate radio Charlie. Remember to name your shopper heli1.... edit: Is it a bug that you cant shut down the ingine when you are flying? If i remember correctly you could do that in OFP?
  5. @Panda[PL]: the things you say are probably true, for US-forces. But from my experience in the FDF (finnish defence force) we only used tracers at night (every 3rd, MG every 5th), IF we used tracers.. The groupleader could have all-tracers during the night to direct the groups fire. We never used tracers during the day, not even in the MGs. As this script shouldnt be US only I think its best to have it disabled as default. Some forces do not use tracers so much (SLA?), and do any use tracers during the day in rifles?? I would love the possibilty to define tracer mags so you can reload it when you want.. I should add that I cant speak about the FDFs use of tracers in a real hot situation, as I only did my year..
  6. andersson

    Collection of Undocumented/Lesser-Known Features

    You can doubleclick on the compass, gps, clock and so on while in Map-mode to make them smaller or bigger.
  7. ^For me its ok if the tracerround ballistics are equal to a normal round. Ofcourse I support realism, but I want a fluent game without to much scripting. Isnt it possible to define tracer-magasines? So you can load up a magasine with tracers anytime if you want to? Then you can make the dispersion alittle higher also. Ofcourse 2/3 of the bullets are normal if every 3rd are a tracerround, that should be taken into consideration. IF its necessary to simulate the different ballistic for tracers...
  8. Ok, I think I understand what you are doing now simba You have some good ideas. But now I´m off to bed, must get up for work in 5 h...
  9. Ahh, ok. So there is a bigger difference? I have never used tracer for any presicion-shooting. But then I think the trajectory of the bullet should be changed instead of just the tracer-effect, if there is need for that... Is the difference so big that there really is need to slow the bullet down?
  10. Sth that just came ringing in was that if the path would be very different, then it's not very usefull for MG gunners to direct their aim maybe? Exactly, then the tracers have no real use.
  11. In my experience the tracer bullet isnt so different from a normal bullet regarding speed and ballistic. Its affecting the bullet, but how much? I dont think its noticable with an assault rifle.. To change the speed just to make it look better isnt the way, I think. In my experience the tracers on internet are much more visible and dramatic than in real life. Unless you put on NV-goggles I have seen that the phosphor can get scraped off the bullet when it hits something and ricoshett in another trajectory than the bullet, sometimes I have seen it glowing in the sand/dirt where the bullet hit. But to have the tracer following another path at a different speed? Please explain to me if I have misunderstood anything..
  12. I dont understand why you are changing the tracers speed, shouldnt the tracer follow the bullet as in real life?
  13. You can auto-rotate. Read about it here.
  14. andersson

    My problem with the Aimpoint model in ArmA.

    Yes, the aimpoint is problematic. I have thought about it some time, and as I see it there is no easy fix to that. I dont know how it would be possible to make a realistic aimpoint with the 3d sights, as it should be "subtracted" from the view. If you use the 2d image for scoped weapons to get the freefloating red dot you would loose the the new great features of a "free-bobbing" sight (when walking) and the ability to look around with trackIR. And loosing that is not worth it.. Even if it was "subtracted from the view" when you zoom in, it should only happen when you use it. So if I`m zoomed in and aiming through the aimpoint I should experience a floating point, when I look away with trackIR, still zoomed in, the aimpoint should be visible like today.. (edit: maybe not so important to make it visible when its not in focus..?) This is not easy to fix, I think. One way to solve it would be to use 3d goggles and only project the aimpoint to the right eye. Then you have a fully realistic and functional aimpoint. Maybe it could be possible to make the texture on the aimpoint transparent when you have it zoomed in and in focus? That could simulate a real aimpoint and make it more reallistic and usable. How to do that? No idea.. Maybe with some alpha channels that makes the aimpoint transparent when you look at it directly from behind and some magic use of some, not yet discovered, "features" in the arma-engine? Â (edit: maybe its not that important to only have it transparent when you are using it (in focus..), maybe it is as "simple" as having transparent textures on the faces that are at the back of the aimpoint. So when looking at it from the side or front it looks like today, but if you look at it from behind its tranparent? The transparent textures at the back of the sight could go unnoticed if you are not using the sight or holding the gun as the faces are small. Do anyone understand what I`m trying to explain? That could be a fix to this. Maybe..?) EDIT: sorry about my edits, but the transparent texture-idea growed on my as I was typing..
  15. andersson

    Autorotation landing

    From version history patch 1.08: Air.pbo Ah1Z fire geometry fix 2D optics models enlarged for 16:9 aspect config.cpp     set damageResistance     balanced helicopter armor and hitzones, so they survive emergency landing but remain vulnerable to AA gunfire Tweeked texture of 2D optic
  16. Ahh, ok. Good The aimpoint is very difficult as its impossible to make a realistic visual "experience" of it with a 2D image. But a realistic reskin is better than nothing!
  17. Do I understand you correctly that you want to have zoom on aimpoint? If so thats not realistic at all. But good initative upgrading the weapons!
  18. andersson

    Realistic Tracers

    That would be very nice!
  19. andersson

    Autorotation landing

    I´m not sure, but I think that you can use the collective/throttle to brake. I believe that the throttle are combined with collective in arma as I have noticed that effect. That would also explain why the rotor slows down if you do not put the throttle to minimum. If I brake succesfully the chopper doesnt get damaged (not much anyway), but if I brake to early or to late its a wreck. This is with the same angle and speed before landing.
  20. andersson

    Everon 0.1

    Quote from this thread - SLX Desert Island So it looks like you can use v1.05.5. I dont know..
  21. andersson

    Autorotation landing

    I was playing 5 min ago with my friend. I managed to do a soft landing without taking any damage. I was flying an AH6. But yes, I need to practice... He hadnt plugged in his joystick and he tried this with mouse and keyboard. We saw flames... Is this possible with mouse/keyboard?
  22. In the beginning I thought that this non-blinding sun was a bad idea. But come to thiink about it, the sun in real llife is not that blinding, this might be more realistic. Gonna try this out!
  23. andersson

    Autorotation landing

    Ofcourse pilots must be able to eject! But parachute or not is another thing  I think that it would be best that no unit, except fighterpilots, had parachutes as default. I really dislike this auto-parachute that everyone have right now.. It would be best to equip yourself with a parachute ingame if necessary, and ofcourse there is the ability to add parachutes in the editor so you can have all fancy paradrops in a mission. To get an almost 100% survivalrate try this; decrease your throttle BEFORE the engine stops, then you have a nice autorotation. If done right the flare and increased collective just before touchdown can save your chopper from any bigger damage. But you should be able to survive a quite hard landing. I can do a succesful emergency landing from very low altitudes, the qlue is to be proactiv and decrease the collective in time. in "real-game" ( ) you must be pro-active, because 1/10th of a second to late you have problems getting the autorotation started. Do like 4 in 1: