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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    I doubt BIS can hire one person to only sit and make the viewblocks.. There is a balance between time and result. Addonmakers can do how complex things as they want and work on it for a very long time. But yes, alot of good stuff comes from addonmakers. I can no longer play arma without a couple of excellent mods.
  2. andersson

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    This gives me no performance drop. Thank you.
  3. I think its very good that Q explained himself. And it was a very good explanation. People tend to read everything from their own perspective (as I did first). Â When you truly understand what other people want and why, its much easier to be constructive. I play only SP and coop against AI (and I understand what you mean Q with "(ab)use" , I suppose its alot different against a thinking human being), and I play mostly recon so my gameplay, I suppose, its much more different. I like it slowpaced with navigation and planning (I would love it against humans though..). Anyway, thank you for the explanation and good luck! (OT, whats the definition of a fanboy?)
  4. This is an interesting thread. Q, please dont give up your idea. I suppose there are people that want this changes. I just couldnt understand why until you wrote PvP "CQB". I suppose you are aiming for a faster paced, more fluent, gameplay? Also your impression that walk is basically useless made me understand that you and I are playing different games as I quite often use walk. I like the slow clumsy "human simulation". I know that in a RL fast paced dynamic shooting you can be very fast. But in a longer engagement with gear its different. And thats what I like to play.. I wrote this to see if I understand this right as it helps me understand why you want this. PS. I now understand this better also:  * Added PROPER Gameplay Weapon HandGrenadeTimed Explosion OnImpact  * Added PROPER Gameplay Weapon No Dexterity Totally wrong for me, but I suppose its needed for others.
  5. andersson


    Good idea! But the best would be to fix the models.
  6. andersson


    Good! Thank you for that! I noticed today that there are invisible floors in some camonets. I placed one in a forrest where the ground wasnt level, and I noticed that an AI was walking ~30 cm above ground. Is it possible to change that? Maybe its part of some necessary LOD (pathway, geolod), I dont know? I hope you can fix it anyway!
  7. Do you see the buggy sprint animations in 1st person mode?
  8. andersson

    Crysis Impressions.

    I want an Alien VS Predator mod with this engine...
  9. andersson

    Lowplants v1.1

    Very well done! I can see that the grass is thinner and its easy to see the patterns now, but thats ok. I cant hardly see any difference on the rest of the trees and bushes. Its worth it as my FPS never go under 30 no matter where I am on sahrani. I gained ~10 FPS.
  10. andersson

    PROPER Mods

    I must say that I appreciate this! You really have fixed some small issues that have annoyed me And the best is that you have it modular so I can pick whatever I want to use or not.
  11. andersson


    To continue on this Yes, I have also used camo-net. And I know they are not only intended to be hard to see, they will also make it more or less impossible to see whats in them. That factor is very important as the enemy cant see if its an important target there. Its much harder to find out what the nets are hiding then to find them in RL. My problem in game is the fact that they get almost invisible, they get so transparent so you can easilly see what they are supposed to be hiding.. If I hide a red car under a net I can hardly see whats in the net when Im next to it. If I look at it from a greater distance I clearly see a red car because the net more or less disappears... Thats my point. Maybe I can stack a couple of identical nets on each other so the combined effect will make them look like one from the distance..?
  12. andersson

    t-90m Vladimir

    Yes, I should add that it looks really good
  13. andersson


    No, havent tried the desert nets yet only the forrest. The problem is that when I have a east tent inside a net in a valley up north, and look down on it I see a fully visible tent... I can see a transparent net also... edit. Maybe I must layer them.. Sad though that you need more nets..
  14. andersson


    The problems with those nets are that when you look at them from a distance they are more transparent. So the farther away you are the more you see whats inside.... So the use is limited. I noticed this when I put a camonet over an east tent in a forrest.
  15. andersson

    t-90m Vladimir

    Â edit. I can understand its alot of work, but its an important part imo.
  16. andersson

    Rates of fire

    Sharper Recoils (and real rates of fire)
  17. andersson

    game settings

    I had everything on low and had FRAPS running, then I maxed one setting and noted the FPS. After I had tried all settings alone on max I maxed everything and lowered the things that had given me much reduction on FPS alittle. Things that I noticed on my system; Some settings had better FPS on high then on low settings, dont know why. I also noticed that the resolution didnt matter at all for my computer, so Im playing at 1600x1200. As I play with high resolution I disabled the AA and gained alot of FPS. The only thing for you to do is to try and test. There is no way for anyone to know. Install the latest drivers keep your system clean and good. Test your system with alot of units and in the most demanding area on sahrani. If you can play there you can play anywhere. @DUTCH-BUDDHA. Skip vista and install xp.
  18. andersson

    Discussion: Elecricity

    I think also the weather during nights affect AI nightvision. If it clear skies and full monn they see quite good. I'm not sure about this thou..
  19. I remember reading somewhere here at this forum that you can just place the textures in a folder and the engine will use them. Cant remember what thread...
  20. Maybe check the animation state of the nozzles? How to find them, I dont know..
  21. andersson

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    Ok, thank you for the explanation. As I understand it you aim for realism? You want the effects to look as real as possible, not just smoke for the hollywood effect? Isnt it a bigger strain on the system when applying an effect over an existing effect compared to change the default? Sorry for all the question, but I want to know more about your effects Â
  22. andersson

    PROPER Mods

    Why is PvP recommended for human VS human only? Is the AI affected or what? I would like to play with all white radar signatures in SP and coop.
  23. andersson

    SF Units v2

    Good! I would have used the sniper model to the M107 thou.
  24. andersson

    PROPER Mods

    Very nice, thank you! Some goldnuggets here! Qs: PROPER Gameplay Vehicle All White Radar Signature PvP PROPER Gameplay Vehicle No Lock PvP Why is this PvP only? Do it affect AI also? If so, a player only mode, if possible, would be great.
  25. andersson

    RHS T-64 MBT pack v.0.9 ( Preview )

    Here are some valid points IMO http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=2815