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About artie

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  1. I don't know if there are more people like me, that don't like weapon inertia. Maybe they are afraid to post, because everybody seems to like it. I don't play any Multiplayer Scenarios. I only play Singleplayer games. So where is the button in the game options to disable weapon inertia (and fatigue) for all singleplayer scenarios ? I like the possibilities of the game. It gives me hours of hours of fun. But the AI is sometimes so strong, it can see in the dark and through trees and bushes. That frustrates sometimes. And when i only want to play to relax, but the AI has all the advantages on their side, the opposite happens. Realism is OK. But sometimes i only want to play in good old "arcade game style". When realism becomes the one and only goal then in future i have to stop playing for some months, because in game i got a shoot in the arm or wounded my leg in virtual fighting and i virtually have to rest and cure my wounds.
  2. Yes, of course it's my fault. But that doesn't mean that i have to like the fact that arma 3 runs on steam. The arma series are so great, because they are so open. You can create missions with some clicks, you can get plenty of mods and addons etc. No other game has so much possibilities. And above that the arma series were different in another point: You could use them without steam, origin or uplay. For me it's a little loss of freedom ;-)
  3. No, but as i wrote i didn't know it would only run with steam. Thats he reason why i ordered the DVD version. I hoped installation would be as with the previous versions of Arma. And when the box arrived i thougt "Hey, what a lucky surprise ! They got ready before the official release date ! Wow !" @[FRL]Myke: i know that it is not steams fault, that i didn't remember my first account. But why didn't i get a message when creating my second account and why are they an the other hand so restrictive with accounts ?
  4. I ordered the game the normal way at gameware.at. It was delivered today. After starting the setup it said that it was installing from DVD. But after that the Update-Download started, saying that the Beta Version is installed. To explain my problems with steam: My fears about steam and others are nearly the same as my fears about online storage / cloud storage. Other people have control over my data and my programs. What if i don't want to update my game ? Steam will force me to do it unless i set it to offline mode. What if they build in some restrictions because some people think some parts are to brutal ? What if my internet connection is broken ? I don't like to play multiplayer missions, i only play singleplayer missions, so i wouldn't need internet. What if i want to install the game again in a few years ? Even steam could get financial problems and get broke. I often play my old Call Of Duty or Medal of honor versions. These are simple to install and do not need to be activated online. I had some trouble with Steam installations i the way that i had to reinstall some games. On the other hand i have two steam accounts running over the same E-Mail adress. I created the first account years ago and forgot about it. Then i bought a new steam game and created a new account. I don't know why it worked but it worked. Now i read that steam won't let you put together two different accounts. So here you have another restriction with steam.
  5. Hi there, just got my DVD Version of Arma 3. After installing and starting the Game it says "Arma 3 BETA". If i got a (final) DVD Version, why does the Steam installation convert it into a Beta Version ? I know that the official release date of the final version is 12. September, so will it automatically change into the final version on that date ? Btw: I didn't realize that the game will only run over Steam. Because i hate steam i think although i love OFP and all Arma games i wouldn't have bought it. The problem with my final version turning into a Beta version is just one of the many annoying problems with that crappy steam sh..t. artie
  6. Here is my wishlist: - Like many others i would like to have more buildings that i could go into, that are destroyable and all of them in bigger cities. - Further i would like some cheats in single player mode when i am in the mood for 'running amok' - I hope that ofp2 will be as 'open' as ofp. Everything should be fully editable by scripting (mission.sqm, weapons.cfg etc.), because for me this is one thing that separates ofp from other games. You are completely free to do what YOU want. - Swimming and Diving would be nice - AND: i would prefer a LINUX version too. If there won't be a LINUX version, it would be nice if ofp2 runs with WINE and would not refuse running because it thinks you are using a debugger. Regards, artie
  7. artie

    New nvidia drivers (41.09)

    I had those crashes too, as i reinstalled windows with new nvidia drivers (Asus GeForce 2). As my standard operating system is LINUX i am hoping for a OFP-LINUX version someday, so i can get rid of this sh* MS-Windows. After some testing i realized that the crashes stopped when i changed the colour depth from true colour (32bit) to high colour (16bit). I had some other problems, regarding firewire support and capturing videos which disappeared when i installed the via-latency patch for the via-chipset on my motherboard. Maybe this stops the crashes with high colour too. Did not test it yet. Regards, artie
  8. artie

    Bis ftp: file not found

    Had the same problem with FTP, Mozilla, curl etc. under LINUX. Then i used my Windows-box (bäh) and tried with Internet Explorer (bäääh). Result: File was downloaded without problems. But even with a cmd-box under windows 2000 and microsoft FTP it doesn't work. So i think bistudio has something to fix with its FTP-Server to get a better compatibility. Besides that the support, updates etc. by bistudio are great ! Greetings, artie