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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. To find the classname just place a hydration pack in the editor, save the mission and look into the mission.sqm file with notepad.
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Raven Shield question

    Hmmm ... wouldn't mind a Ravenshield MP session, even if just for trying out that RVS2.0 :)
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Caring about the Player

    Yeah, i think so too. IMO in ArmA you only have 2 basic situations when commands come into play: 1. Emergency reaction - you didnt see it coming - you have very limited time to give commands otherwise you die / have heavy casualities 2. Getting ready for a planned situation - you know what the plan is - you have all the time in the world micromanaging stuff These are the 2 different GUIs we'd need i guess. In both menus you only find what you need / what makes sense for the situation. So for 1.: 1.1. - Go silent - Hold fire (default), Defend, Fire at will, .... - Stay low (default), Take cover, Scan horizon, .... - Silent mode (default), 1.2. - Go loud - Fire at will (default), Defend, ... - Danger (default), Take cover, Alert ... - Formation: Line (default), Staggered column, column, ... For 2.: (all of the stuff we have now) What is special about my example is that by using the menu cursor / clicking on the GUI you can choose whether you give single commands or a whole set of commands at once. So in case you just choose GO LOUD, all the default commands set up underneath would come into play: your squad would open up fire, hit the ground / run around the squad center to get into line formation all at once. No need to micromanaging stuff when you find yourself suddenly inside the killzone of a bunker. In case you have more time you move your cursor deeper into the menu, that way you can just issue GO LOUD / TAKE COVER command and nothing else. That would be a good thing i think. The defaults can be setup by you at the beginning of the mission ingame or (better) in a special tab on the briefing screen.
  4. -)rStrangelove

    Caring about the Player

    Who says you need to click on it? There could be a cursor movable with your movement / other keys (up/down/left/right). And yes, moving while giving commands would be hindered, but this is same with the numbers now if you ask me. Before i give commands in ArmA its always good to get into cover or lay down anyway.
  5. -)rStrangelove

    How the new dimension water can be used [Ideas & Concepts]

    Warfare on/in the water is not something ArmA is good at yet, there are so many basic things we can't do atm: - walking on a ship - enter another ship from your ship - fire your personal weapon on a ship - drop handgrenades into water from a ship (even if you could, would they sink down realisticly?) - install underwater fences via ship - cut underwater fences with a tool I think the more dimensions are added to ArmA the more i miss the capability to move around freely on a vehicle, let alone fire my weapon from it. We can do it inside buildings, why not in vehicles?
  6. -)rStrangelove

    CWC, Red Hammer & Resistance Coop

    Can we get this to run with CAA1 in ArmA2?
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Raven Shield question

    Only 10% of all their income comes from PC, the rest is console titles and casual gaming stuff. Well, IMHO they still got the AC series on a good cause so far and SC Conviction wasnt bad either (totally different from the old ones though). Personally i dont hold my breath for the next GRAW or R6 though. Seems that all titles are slowly drawn into the CoD run&gun style genre, with dumbed down features. From that view even the arcadish R6 Vegas2 becomes a simulation lol. :D
  8. -)rStrangelove

    Caring about the Player

    Yup. There are ppl running around vehicles in MP dodging their guns up & down in helpless attempts to get that bloody green steering wheel to appear. :D Always fun to watch.
  9. -)rStrangelove

    Walther PPK by BL@HÚ aka APS

    /me humms Bond theme :) Although i have to admit since Casino Royale i love the P99 a bit more.
  10. -)rStrangelove

    Raven Shield question

    Guess they didnt have the time to ruin RavenShield in 3 years. It was the best R6 imo. But they surely did all they could afterwards.
  11. -)rStrangelove

    The hip fire reticle should go

    I can zoom in as far as a scope does on my PC. I shall upload some pics when i'm home. (either that or i have an addon installed which changed zoom settings without me being aware of it lol)
  12. -)rStrangelove

    The hip fire reticle should go

    See, thats my point. Use a small zoom as sort of a 'concentration mode' while not looking through a scope would be OK. Using the same zoom as the scope does is NOT.
  13. -)rStrangelove

    Add damage to player

    player setHit ["legs", 1]; ?
  14. -)rStrangelove

    The hip fire reticle should go

    While we're at it, the zoom_in (holding right mouse on default) without iron sights should go. Zoom should be something only possible when you have some scope on your weapon, period. 'Concentration mode' zoom of about 10% - might be a good idea, but as it is now i can zoom in far too much even without any scopes. And i agree, the 'nozzle cursor' should go, just keep the fixed outer crosshair. If you're out of breath or hurt you need to use iron sights for medium distance shots.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    Caring about the Player

    Nothing is impossible, but the more stuff you need to cramp into a gui the more difficult it gets. Its impossible to get all the number menus into 1 big gui without getting lost/confuse ppl, thats for sure. Maybe its time to combine several commands together which will be used in the same situation anyways (Danger mode, Fire at will, Take Cover, Line formation, etc etc) and just throw things overboard that the AI has no real reaction to anyway (Stay low, Sneak, Scan horizon etc). Some of the commands we have now surely dont tell anything about how the AI will react, esp for new ArmA players. Tell them to sneak and they still run around, tell them to fall in and they still take their time to get to you. If a command doesnt work exactly as it says in the book and/or if a command is just a shallow copy of another command then get it out of the game, period. What i personally would love would be a game as accessible as HalfLife was (controlwise) and as realistic (or more) as ArmA is. Fighting in the game is done well, but that doesnt mean i have to fight with the interface / movement animations too.
  16. -)rStrangelove

    Insert waypoint in editor?

    What do you do if you have 20 WPs and realize you need another between 1st and 2nd ?
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Caring about the Player

    I think 'player centric' is something that is in the mission design rather than in the whole game design. ArmA has the capability to be player centric, but its the mission which has to be designed in that way. Bugs in ArmA have nothing to do with it. A bug which prevents a mission mostly controlled by the AI from being completed is sad, but would do the same in a player centric mission. So IMHO what the OP asks for is a change of BIS mission designs, not for any changes or dumb-downs of ArmAs features.
  18. -)rStrangelove

    insurgency PvP

    Finding all bombs in about 10 hours is quite a challenge against AI. With human snipers killing at 1000m distance finding 2 bombs within 10 hours becomes the norm. Hate to say it, but its more fun vs AI. But it depends who you#re playing with. Insurgency started as a pure coop mission and ppl got used to it. PvP slots where introduced in later versions, but without any renaming the mission to the normal standards (CO - means COOP, not PVP) ppl are still confused to this day. You either have a COOP mission vs AI or you have a PVP mission (with AI partners or not doesnt matter). I never understood why actually. Why not 2 different versions instead of one half-coop, half-pvp version that everyone hates (coop and pvp players) because it doesnt belong into any genre.
  19. -)rStrangelove

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    I just had a mindblowing idea. How about designing a hardware stand next to your pc that you can put all kinds of movie guns into and have it triggered by any game on your pc via a plugin? Basically this stand fires off those guns with fire cracker ammo whenever a game tells it to. Imagine the huge profit following huge game titles: - you can sell the stand itself - you can sell professional upgrades for the plugin software (up to 6 guns, up to 20, up to 50 etc) - you can sell individual / special plastic guns needed for various titles - you can sell special ammo versions (standard, silenced (for night sessions), loud, realistic (comes with earplugs)) It would be a HUGE SUCCESS !
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Add something like UPSMON by default

    As long as it can be deactivated by a mission maker without a hazzle sure. :)
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Old school Evolution (Sahrani RACS) MP co-op

    I love the idea. :) Sounds cheesy, but i still think Southern Sahrani had a special atmosphere to it, something that ArmA2 islands lack so far.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution RACS Duala

    Yes. Put the mission (pbo file) into your MPmissions folder, then start up ArmA2 with all the addons needed, go to Multiplayer and start a LAN session with the mission on your own.
  23. -)rStrangelove

    Isla Duala

    Whatever it is, it has blue stripes on the wingtips -> Squadron Leader :D
  24. -)rStrangelove

    How do you play Arma 2\OA ?

    Coop is where this game shines.