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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. One solution for the lack of laser in the current build: Add this addmagazine "laserbatteries" ; this addweapon "laserdesignator_mounted" to the Apache. Select Laser Designator and turn on Laser (don't bother painting the target at this point). Select Hellfire and lock the laser target (Tab by default), fire Hellfire. Immediately after launch, select Laser and drag crosshair onto target. Very limited compared to the real thing, but at least it allows for precision targeting at all. Hopefully we'll see a return of the ArmA1 ACE set up.
  2. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Main reason being: spawning men on the decks can be dodgy in multiplayer if it's done through scripts, since sometimes the men spawn a fraction before the carrier, and end up falling to their deaths. Of course you can work around this by teleporting people onto the deck seconds after the mission starts, but that's a bit of a pain.
  3. The only reason I would have used CAA1 would have been for the Afghan Village and Avgani maps that are in my eyes the closest to ArmA2 quality, but they weren't worth it for several gigabytes. I certainly appreciate how much effort has gone into the CAA1 project, it but it's hardly something I would pay for, nor something i'd expect BIS to pay for. I'd rather see them make it easier, and provide more documentation (not saying they don't already) for people to make new maps of ArmA2 standard, such as Podagorsk for example. Would love to see Avgani and Afghan Village get the Sgt Ace Everon treatment...
  4. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Having the LHD physically on the map means there's less problems with starting a mission on it, as opposed to a scripted solution. Otherwise people have a tendency to fall through the deck in multiplayer as they spawn before the boat sections.
  5. As long as you're out of line of sight of the Hind, you'll be all right. You could even land in the forest and turn off your engine, and wait a little while extra to be sure they won't spot you carrying on.
  6. First off, make sure you post here next time, this'll probably get moved there anyway. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=93 Give a unit or group two waypoints. Now make your radio activated trigger. Click synchronise (or press F5), then drag a blue line from the trigger to your first waypoint. Now when the trigger is activated, the unit will move to the second waypoint and beyond.
  7. Apart from ACE2, ACE Sound Mod, various British addons and maps. LandTex - http://armed-assault.de/news/landtex---landschafts-addon-released.html Night Lighting Effects - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7137 There's two subtle addons i'll hardly ever play without.
  8. Daniel

    AI & smoke grenades...

    Perhaps the server had server-side modifications running? I've never seen them throw smoke or use flares in vanilla ArmA2.
  9. Daniel


    Ah, understood. It's just the last version before this had an Automatic Rifleman unit that was the closest thing we have to front line British Infantry while we wait for the 4 Rifles. We'll stick with the old version in the meantime - have a good holiday!
  10. Daniel


    Hmm, thought the old helmets, whatever they were, looked a lot more British. Any chance of seeing Mk6s on these?
  11. I personally think they should turn their Audio Options: Effects down as part of their preflight checks. :p It would at least simulate wearing ear defenders, otherwise you'll always hear outside noises as louder in relation to the engine.
  12. Daniel

    Just want to play!

    You can hardly blame BIS on the PvP side of things. It's just as easy, if not easier to set up than Coop since you don't even have to worry about creating AI. If so many players want PvP, why not bunch together and organise missions, or even get a dedicated server? It's not as if BIS hosts Coop servers.
  13. The guy from Escape From New York, no?
  14. Daniel

    AA is way too overpowered

    It would be nice though if the RPG was a bit more useless. It would make using IFVs to support infantry a little less black and white. Currently it's either A: Kill everything with your cannon and not get engaged, leaving the infantry with very little to do bar clear positions. OR B: Get whacked by a sniper RPG and explode instantly. Coming under fire from RPGs, seeing some whizz past, maybe having one or two bounce off, knock off your tracks, or on occasion cause you to brew up, would at least be nice. Think we're going off topic though.
  15. Daniel

    Ultimate Realism

    Ha, totally understood dmakatra, well said!
  16. Daniel

    Ultimate Realism

    It's a public forum, you're going to get opinions from all walks of life and all across the globe, you've got to accept that when you post here. And you're not going to inspire anyone simply by bringing ideas to the table. If it's realistic missions you want, the best place to start is either the Editing Boards here, or somewhere like OFPEC. Hell, i'd be all for this sort of scenario, and i'm all for the mission in Afghanistan (or would be if we the British public were given a clear outline of the strategy, but that's another topic). But you can't keep telling us your views, and then telling us to keep politics out of it. It just comes across as trolling. Basically, you're not doing yourself any favours. If you really want this to happen, forget about the mod aspect and put a demonstration mission together. If you're having problems, again, look to somewhere like OFPEC, there's a wealth of knowledge and helpful people there. Then, if your mission generates some interest, you might start putting a team together. But it's no good simply suggesting this mod and that mod should be made, as you've seen by the reaction in this thread.
  17. Excellent campaign, hope to see more from BIS and Gaia! Had a few nice flashbacks to Abandoned Armies too, that can only be a good thing. :D I did pull the short straw and had the endless waiting cutscene, might have to fight that section again and see what else can happen.
  18. Daniel

    AA is way too overpowered

    Bombing the sucker with Mk82s is going to take teamwork and planning. First off if you do overfly it you should probably be dead. So you'll need someone to spot it first. Also, you're going to get one shot at it. Go in low, you should get a red marker on your radar. Pop up at the last minute, make a bee line for the Tunguska, drop the bomb, then dip down and bank away or speed past, whichever offers the most cover in case you miss. Not the greatest way to get red of a sophisticated anti aircraft system, but it should work in some cases. Ah, are you playing warfare or domination or something?
  19. Sorry mate, couldn't help it. :p http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=community+base+addons&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=
  20. Daniel

    AA is way too overpowered

    Ha, true, it's underpowered.
  21. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Thanks GI-JOE! Although I was after a two seat trainer that worked online, nevermind.
  22. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Shit, seen, should have checked.
  23. Daniel

    Isla Duala

    Looks great so far! Noticed this while flying about. Also Icebreaker, is that jet in your sig a two seater? And will it ever be public? :p
  24. Daniel

    Ultimate Realism

    Bingo. Simulating British forces in action in Helmand is possible, but you have to make certain compromises in both gameplay and realism. It's mostly down to how well made the mission is. And then there's the smaller details such as making a convincing recreation of Helmand, and making British and enemy equipment.