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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. That'll be awesome, looking forward to testing!
  2. The AA-12 looks awesome, had a grin on my face when I noticed the Huey going down. The main thing I am looking forward to is BIS missions where you play as a squad member rather than the leader. Soo much more fun and immersive.
  3. Daniel

    Russian Military Blows Up Its Own Weaponry

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11511886 I reckon these have potential as ArmA2 addons for conventional conflicts. Would certainly make SEAD and reconnaissance missions more "interesting". They'd even make good purchases in Warfare games, forcing enemy aircraft to engage fake targets, using up their ordnance and increasing survivability of your real batteries... Also, the report states they're one hundred times cheaper than the real thing, which sounds a little more reasonable.
  4. Yep, signatures are only necessary on servers where they are enforced. You won't need them for LAN, and you don't always need them on private servers either.
  5. Thanks -Martin- and PROTOTYPE 001, it would have been a shame for for such an excellent addon not to be fully converted. Eaglets is still my favourite campaign to date :P
  6. Water looks good on old Aiaktalik. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9769/wadi.jpg Just be careful not to add too much since the AI hate it.
  7. The grassy areas look spot on, good job.
  8. I can't agree with this enough. This is perfect fire fight terrain.
  9. Didn't the DKM RAH-66 use that method for "stealth mode" back in OFP? Seemed to work well. I guess it's not possible to disable AI radar capabilities within a given radius of the aircraft?
  10. Ah, cool, I didn't realise this was a BIS feature. Even better. :)
  11. Are you using ACE2 mod?
  12. Daniel

    Pre-noob question...

    Well that depends really on whether you set out to solely challenge yourself or challenge yourselves as a group. If you just want to purely test your own mettle, then yeah, there will be times where you can unrealistically outwit the AI, and a human adversary will always be a more satisfying opponent. But there's a different kind of satisfaction from working together as a cohesive unit to complete a mission, knowing that you did your bit and didn't fuck up. For that style of play, AI enemies do a great job, assuming the mission has a good author. Of course you can still have large scale adversarial with both sides played by humans, as some of the ongoing tournaments prove. But they'll always take a little more organisation, a stricter set of rules, and twice as many people.
  13. Sounds awesome. Somehow didn't think it'd be Military Air Solutions. :p
  14. Would it be possible to return right-click to zoom when in the back seat of the Apache, while still having access to the gunner's view? Thought i'd better ask before considering making a ticket.
  15. Daniel

    From the creators of Birds of Prey: Apache Air Assault.

    Awww, I also got excited when I heard IL-2 Creators and Apache Sim. :( Yeah, there was a hint of drum and bass.
  16. Daniel

    New Recoil and the AK-74 Series

    Nice one NkEnNy, voted.
  17. TomatoArden I think Myke's addons are supported by Mando Missiles, that should allow you to self designate targets.
  18. On a similar vein, it'd be great if the roads went on a bit further on the OA and BAF maps. Seems strange having purpose built terrain alongside a suddenly ending road. Having them lead off for a mile or so out of sight would be much better.
  19. Daniel

    War with Iran.

    I dunno, i'd say Iran have had quite a bit of experience from dabbling in insurgencies recently...
  20. Daniel

    Lets do bad review of ArmA II

    I think he's just saying he's aware of what FADE does, not that he has an illegal copy. Still, i'm with Jelliz on this one.
  21. Daniel

    New Behavior Mode: CHARGE

    I believe the correct military terminology to be: "Mad Dash" :p
  22. It looks spectacular in game, plus the weapons work (the cannon shake looks especially cool given the high quality cockpit). Only major issue is that i'm not getting any sound for the jet engine, inside or out. Same for you? This definitely deserves to work in ArmA2, fits perfectly aside from that issue.
  23. Aw shit i'm downloading that right now! Eaglets was my favourite campaign of the series, had no idea this would work.
  24. Daniel

    New Behavior Mode: CHARGE

    It depends. You may want to quickly move half of your men to a new location. In certain situations you should be able to order one half to engage the enemy, gain their attention and suppress them, while the other half runs for the new location without stopping every couple of seconds and becoming an easier target. I agree more would need to be in place engine-wise before we could consider having AI charge the enemy directly.
  25. Daniel

    Beta spamming

    Could be a beta-testing gangsta for all we know. :p