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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Red Herring. Really believe LOD number is NOT directly related to distance.

    In simple terms LODs are there to stop the game coming to a grinding holt when someone tried to have 5,000 vehicles in an Altis parking lot or runs the game on an old computer with low CPU power or MP gets a little lagged etc .......

    To keep gameplay a little optimal The RV engine will regulate (in some unspecific way) which lod IT decides to display.

    BTW, "Sections' seem to play a part too.

  2. I haven't done the A3 moding/folder thing myself so can't help.

    But are you running the arma3 exe as the viewer? If so you usually (for some ArmA2 patches) have to build new depbo'ed dta, bin and something else (sorry, can't remember) folders from the cored game, into your P: drive, to get Bulldozer working again.

    ..... Worried. Will the new, coming, ArmA3 tools install destroy my ArmA2 tool setup ....... REALLY hope not.

  3. I think the OP's idea is a good one. As long as there is a player controlled AI in the driver position, as they also mentioned. With that clause, I see no reason why any one should complain about realism. It would be exactly the same as now...except..your tank would actually go where you want it to..Amazing!

    Sounds like a good compromise for all, until you get people arguing about what they expect the AI to do .....

    "The AI is STUPID!! The bastard won't let me drive over the top of the car/tree/bunker/chopper (etc) !!

  4. Pointless post you say? And my post back to you would be, don't knock ideas from the community.. Where someone doesn't have that list - especially new comers to the mod. It would be most appreciative to them to look up some of the different types of armor instead of case closed, type of thoughts. If a 3rd party wants to mod a vehicle and use it in the game those were some great ideas for someone to try out and expand.

    WTF ?! Seriously?

    This is the Invasion44 thread, by the creators of the Mod, and you think its OK to drop by, drop a list of nearly every vehicle from WWII (including "Experimental vehicles" !! ), then ask if OTHER people have them ......... because I44 doesn't?

    Take it elsewhere before people start swearing at you.

  5. Getting the i44 models & scripts ported to ArmA3 isn't very hard, but this typically doesn't take advantage of the new ArmA3 features. PhysX, new MP script commands for example.

    Time and hard work only changes that.

    Some models, textures & scripts are passable as is. Some will benefit enough from a few " touch-ups", but others have their roots still in OFP and will need to be replaced.

    But .... it will always have to be a balance between resources available (like people) vs. time available.
