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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Australia (and our somewhat similar sister country Canada) seems about right, Fresh foods sort of half way between US / GB (lots of processed) and 2nd/3rd world countries with lots of fresh (and little choice).

    And the softdrink situation (whole window sill !! ) is unfortunately the norm. Its clear these days that shit will kill you.

  2. Seems overly complicated script.

    Maybe try; (untested)

    _fromGate = _this select 0;
    _toGate = _this select 1;
    _fromGate setObjectTexture [18, _x];
    _toGate setObjectTexture [18, _x];
    sleep 0.1;
    } forEach ["\SGImages\gate\init1.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init2.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init3.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init4.paa",
    "\SGImages\gate\init5.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init6.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init7.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init8.paa",
    "\SGImages\gate\init9.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init10.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init11.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init12.paa",
    "\SGImages\gate\init13.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init14.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init15.paa", "\SGImages\gate\init16.paa","\SGImages\gate\init17.paa"];

  3. Yes, except the interface of PlayWithSix doesn't make any sense at all. Arrows pointing in the wrong directions, sliders that you can't actually slide. Silly popups. Slow movements. Weird menus. And that's just the program.

    Agree, again.

    Not at all intuitive. But the author has heard this feedback from me before.

    The principle and general background mechanics / implementation of PwS is GREAT, just the GUI and user messaging leaves me cold.

    In general, nothing wrong with ArmA2/3's GUI design ..... combine and we might get close.

  4. Having a problem with the glas of the cockpit and the plane on the ground

    Probably the MATERIAL definition of the glass. Likely a "CA" reference. Or a RVMAT

    if you look at the ingame config viewer in the editor, their is definitely a "plane" class defined, which is why Gnat was able to make the cessna. I know you have to control it with the default controls (mouse and keyboard) because BI hasnt provided a control customization box for airplanes yet.

    as far as porting.... maybe its just the class inheritance? not an incorrect one, but the game interpreting it differently.

    The model.cfg may be the same, the CONFIG.CPP is definitely not the same. Neither is all the RVMAT texture references. All new.


    would you be able to send me the unbinarized model of the Cessna so I could look at it for my own mod?

    or impart some more of your knowledge as far as how to made it work?


    The model is little different from the A2. Use the A1 or A2 samples.

    Until A3 tool set is released, little different can be done (like adding PhysX)

  5. The proxy number (inside O2) is most important and then the order in which you define/load magazines next importance.

    The name of the proxy makes no difference to what can and does hang there/launch from there.

    Your proxies should be name 001 to 004

  6. Hi Jacob

    First post, good job


    You used "public" but didnt define it

    The inheritance of Static doesnt use {}

    Your Icon references an invalid ArmA2 source, not ArmA3 data

    You didnt use your vehicleclass

    #define TEast 0
    #define TWest 1
    #define TGuerrila 2
    #define TCivilian 3
    #define TSideUnknown 4
    #define TEnemy 5
    #define TFriendly 6
    #define TLogic 7
    #define true 1
    #define false 0
    #define private 0
    #define protected 1
    #define public 2
    class CfgPatches
    class jac_custom {
    	units[] = {};
    	weapons[] = {};
    	requiredVersion = 0.100000;
    class CfgVehicleClasses
    class jac_customClass
    	displayName = "JAC Custom Shit";
    class cfgVehicles
    class Static;
    class jac_square : Static {
    	scope = public;
    	armor = 90;
    	model = "\jac_custom\square.p3d";
    	displayName = "Plate Block";
    	vehicleClass = "jac_customClass";


    Make sure your P drive is running

    This addon folder must be in P drive

    The config.cpp is then inside the folder

    Use BinPBO and the resulting PBO should be good

    If you still get crashes, its more likely your p3d model is the problem.

  7. BinPBO only works when you use ALL data within the proper environment, i.e. P drive and all the various CA items.

    And as M1lkm8n said, its designed to Binarize and pack ORIGINAL material, not trying to reverse engineer others.

    Various other community tools do what you want, but will never Binarize an addon.

    I dont think they can produce valid signature files .....

  8. I can't say port them as nothing has been altered to get them to work

    Agree SmokeDog, its near impossible to call them "ported" when nothing actually changes.

    Its seems similar a gamer being told, this addon is designed and released for Coops, DM and C&H ...... then along comes crCTI and DayZ !

    Or a consumer being told, this film is best viewed on a HD TV .... then along comes a 80inch plasma with heaps of amazing picture enhancers !
