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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. You know what would be cool, some kind of model with a big, thick base, with a plaque on it. It could say something like:

    "OFP. Arma. Arma 2. Arma 3."

    And from left to right, have a flashpoint soldier, an arma soldier, an arma 2 soldier, and an arma 3 soldier.

    Love the idea!

    I don't buy figurines normally (they are all same-same!), but that idea is different enough. A conversation piece.

    I dunno, the OpFor units are pretty cool!


  2. well, my personal aim is to allow sites like armaholic, ofpec or sixnetworks software to be able utilize the STEAMworks ....


    I'm with PuFu as well, why the hell would they go down that route?

    Being just a mirror for SWS hardly seems appropriate for an independant fan site.

    I certainly wouldn't be interested in such a site if thats all they are doing.

    EDIT: BTW I'd say the same if you'd said BIS themselves was going to host mods

  3. - carrier landing indeed has this issue, I have seen it happen myself. Lads are right on their coments. Also If I am not wrong then there is a section where two parts of Nimitz model are joined together, if bay accident touch down is on that line it might behave like that. So its a bug within both addons, maybe fixable.

    Its gaps in elevated ground that caused this in the past. Common problem from my past addon making. Not a great deal that can be done about it, the auto retract is triggered by the game engine detecting no ground (yes a little weird).

    For the Su33 I got around it by a "fully manual" animated landing gear (gearRetracting = 0; ). But there are disadvantages, eg you have to script gear up and down for AI, based on height above ground. One advantage though is its much harder to damage the gear.

  4. *snip*

    Yep agree.

    For me its a hobby, I do it primarily to be creative. Second is contributing something others might like. The "urge" comes and goes at times (along with free time).

    But BIS has made it easy. If it was too hard/had to learn all new skills/knowledge, then maybe I wouldn't .... but I don't have too luckily.

    And yes while some big names may go (for how long?) I can already see some new super talent coming in ....... and some others returning ;) ......

  5. The first Window - perfectly fine, whats wrong with it?

    Nothing, just proving source.

    I thought we were talking about the usability of the app itself? Not about the install or major upgrade process which occurs like once or twice in a lifetime.

    Once or twice? I get those screens ALL the time.

    To me it's like saying a program is shit because you don't like the logo; while you might not like the logo, I don't think you can qualify it as fair to judge a program just on it's logo :)

    Logo? You don't interact with a logo. A GUI is the WHOLE front end the bit us humans have to use.

    I'm not saying is shit. We're covering ground done before in your threads. I'm not being drawn into a lynching that isn't actually happening. PwS is well liked. It fills a big gap.

    A gap this thread is trying to discuss.


  6. I think usability and UI are pretty subjective and personal.

    Sure is, but a little different if more than a few are saying the same.

    There is IMO no real way to make it perfect for everyone.

    Not expecting perfect. Perfect is impossible anyway. When it's being done for free, can't reasonably expect more.

    This thread is about the "next" version or generation.

    Surely there can be obvious design flaws, and limitations, and we will do our best to improve where-ever we can.

    Some really specific feedback and examples could definitely help also.

    Stating it is 'bad' is one thing and easy, but pointing out how to do it better, there is a real challenge ;)

    Its a GUI. It IS hard to change a GUI because its birthed right back at the very start of the project. Changing/evolving a GUI can take a huge amount of work.

    And 1000's of words/suggestions in a forum or a bug catcher won't effectively convey concerns and wants.

    I learnt that much in Software Engineering before I dropped out ;)

    I'm glad you do like the principle and general background mechanics. Have you checked recently btw?

    Sure ... updated again. Some of the windows ....



  7. I can get it to work like this, but i had to name the gates, gate1 and gate2

    !! :confused: Huh?

    You will always have to name the gates. The game and script are not psychic, they can't guess which objects you're wanting to pass to the script.

    If you had just 2 gates on a map, maybe a special script could search the terrain for the gates, then pass those gates to a script ..... but not as simple obviously

    If you have more than 2 gates then the script has no way to guess which 2 gates you want to use.

    Maybe it could guess one gate is the one youre (player) is closest too, but it won't know which is the other.

    Unless you have some global defined matrix/array that matches pairs of gates ..........

  8. Define before the Class Turrets;

    	memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety","usti hlavne"};
    	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety","konec hlavne"};


    	memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety L","spice rakety P"};
    	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety L","konec rakety P"};


    	memoryPointMissile[] = {"rocket_begin",""};
    	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"rocket_end",""};

    Which ever point you decide to use then have to be inside the MEMORY LOD.

    And double-defined so they rotate/move with the turret.
