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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. ... I've watched these forums for 10 years .... seen many many Mod teams flare and fizzle, OFP, ArmA1, ArmA2 ...

    Seen all the members happy one day, at each others throats the next, and members disappear the week after ....

    The successful Mods rarely come from "recruitment campaigns" I'd suggest.

    Long term team members have to REALLY want to be part of the subject matterial and the gameplay.

    If you can't say what it is, then I'd suggest the "energy" won't happen.

    Be a salesman, Pitch Your Project, you may get better interest, people who will really love the idea.

    Additionally I never said what they would be doing, or when they would be doing it.

    Sure, not here in these forums for sure, but the internet is a big place.

  2. ... i guess i have to execute some kind of script, or add some kind of eventhandlers

    Yes, EH's plus a script or two.

    example config bit

    class EventHandlers


    init = "[_this select 0] exec ""\GNT_Subs\scr\DInit.sqs""";

    fired="[_this] execvm ""\GNT_Subs\scr\Dfiremissiles.sqf""";




    ;script by Gnat


    ; if you use it, credit me as appropraite


    if (!isServer) exitWith {}

    _ship = _this select 0

    [_ship] execvm "\GNT_Subs\scr\DArm.sqf"





    _sub = _this select 0;

    _target = _this select 1;

    _launcher = objNull;

    _missilebody = "GNT_5365KE";

    _vangle = -1.5;

    _speedini = 20;

    _speedmax = 36;

    _acceleration = 8;

    _boomrange = 10;

    _activerange = 6000;

    _modeinit = 2;

    _cruisealt = 80;

    _boomscript = "mando_missiles\warheads\mando_missileheadtorp.sqf";

    _smokescript = "mando_missiles\exhausts\mando_torpedowater1a.sqf";

    _soundrsc = "";

    _sounddur = 49;

    _endurance = 160;

    _terrainavoidance = false;

    _updatefreq = 1;

    _delayinit = 0;

    _controltime = 0;

    _detectable = false;

    _debug = true;

    _launchscript = "";

    _hagility = 35;

    _vagility = 0.1;

    _accuracy = 1;

    _intercept = true;

    _scanarch = 180;

    _scanarcv = 65;

    _offsety = -1;

    [_launcher, _missilebody, [(_sub ModelToWorld [0,35,-10]) select 0,(_sub ModelToWorld [0,35,-10]) select 1,(_sub ModelToWorld [0,35,-10]) select 2], getDir _sub, _vangle, _speedini, _speedmax, _acceleration, _target, _boomrange, _activerange, _modeinit, _cruisealt, _boomscript, _smokescript, _soundrsc, _sounddur, _endurance, _terrainavoidance, _updatefreq, _delayinit, _controltime, _detectable, _debug, _launchscript,_hagility, _vagility, _accuracy, _intercept, _scanarch, _scanarcv,_offsety] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_missile.sqf";

  3. ..... i never met any person that is into WW2 and play with WW2 mods that has no knowledge or even knows the names of the actual tanks.



    Take an interest in the history and you'll learn to recognise all the names be them German or English or American or Italian or French etc etc

    As Leopard said, not everything has its own name (or number!).

  4. All my aircraft hangers (maybe about 20-30) on "Sands" terrain where at least 150% bigger. I never noticed any performance hit at all.

    Opposite really, but that could be more to do with the overall design of the terrain.

    I did make sure to not oversize them too big so the GEO and FIRE lods broke (by testing repeatedly ingame).

    And yes, oversizing too far will break stuff.

    Anyhow, not concrete evidence on performance sorry.

    You can of course do a temporary test, lay out 50 oversize in an area, test ingame, 50 normal then test again. Delete afterwards.

  5. Chernarus

    Can't speak for the current setup, but new Ju52 and C47 land ok on all strips.

    Can only suggest putting a trigger just before the runway landing spot with command like "myplane setfuel 0"

    Then half way down the runway "myplane setfuel 1"

    When you cut the fuel on approach it stops quicker.

    FYI, crashing into trees when (any) big plane take-off from the NE airstrip has ALWAYS been a problem.
