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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. For a game which supports this much modding they are really running behind on auto-download.

    Sorry, no disrespect but you seem to have missed the 10 years of a VERY success OFP/ARMA1/ARMA2/A2OA community with 10's of thousands of community made addons and missions .... much of that history without addon "auto-downloaders"

    That being said, yes, the game would benefit for a little extra usability for the gaming generation that can't/don't like to manage downloads and mod folders.

    Unfortunately with thousands of DLC potentially becoming available ..... it could actually backfire and become a NIGHTMARE for some players.

  2. Probably because you didn't actually define it in the model.cfg.

    EVERY model (p3d file) must have its own entry in the file, and the entry MUST = the file name.

    class cfgModels
    class default;
    class CSJ_P38 : default
    class CSJ_P38_2 : CSJ_P38

    In this example there are 2 P3D files. CSJ_P38.p3d and CSJ_P38_2.p3d


    If you only have 1 or 2 textures different between 2 models, don't actually copy the model, its easier to use built in engine features to swap textures on ONE model.


    In your model, name the faces that have the texture(s) you want to change. Call it something like "skin" (and "skin2", "skin3" etc)

    In the section[] part of the MODEL.CFG add these definitions.

    class cfgModels
    class default;
    class CSJ_P38: default
    	sections[] = 		
    		"skin", "vrtule staticka","vrtule staticka"

    Then in CONFIG.CPP, in your first CFGVehicle entry;

    class I44_Plane_P38_S : Plane
    scope = public;
    displayName = "P-38 Model S";
    model = "\CSJ_P38\CSJ_P38.p3d";
    hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\csj_p38\data\p38_skin_A.paa"};

    Then in your second CFGVehicle entry;

    class I44_Plane_P38_Z : I44_Plane_P38_S
    displayName = "P-38 Model Z";
    hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\csj_p38\data\p38_skin_B.paa"};

    Thats it. Thats the whole cfgvehicle entry for the second unit if the only difference is a texture. Much simpler.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1

  3. maybe talk to the guys from I44 to see if you could peak into the configs of the B17 or something

    ..... and thats me ;)

    While I use I44 Multi-Barrel on all fighters with fixed forward firing guns, I have not bothered with simulating multi-barrel on the B17 because of the complexity of the whole model as it is.

    Thats not to say the below script can't be used to do it for each and every turret, because it should.

    (interestingly the script notes "primary turret only", but it certainly works where a plane has multiple different gun groups firing forward)

    Tracers work fine.

    Invasion44 Teams Multi-Barrel Fired-EH scripted

    Note that Weapons are config'ed


    class I44_8xBrowning303Mk2_mounted : I44_Browning303Mk2_mounted
    I44_isMultiBarrel = true;
    I44_BarrelCount = 8;
    I44_BarrelName = "mg";

    Then the model must have MEMORY LOD points like "mg_1", "mg_2" etc

    (typically a couple metres forward of the barrel muzzle)

    Multi-Barrel Fired-EH script

    //----- Credit I44 Mod team -----//
    //----- Note: this only works on the primary turret. -----//
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _weapon = _this select 1;
    _muzzle = _this select 2;
    _mode = _this select 3;
    _ammo = _this select 4;
    _multi = 1;
    _multi = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> _mode >> "multiplier");
    _bullet = nearestObject [position _unit, _ammo];
    _rd = ((_unit ammo _muzzle)/_multi) - 1;
    if (_rd < 0) then 
    _varName = format ["I44_rdCount_%1", _muzzle];
    _rd = _unit getVariable _varName;
    if isNil("_rd") then {_rd = 1} else {_rd = _rd + 1};
    _unit setVariable [_varName, _rd];
    _BarrelCount = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "I44_BarrelCount");
    _BarrelName = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "I44_BarrelName");
    _BarrelConvergence = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "I44_BarrelConvergence");
    _n = _rd % _BarrelCount;
    _newPos = [0,0,0];
    if (_BarrelName == "Array") then
    _BarrelOffsets = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "I44_BarrelOffsets");
    _pos = position _bullet;
    _vel = velocity _bullet;
    _vDir = vectorDir _bullet;
    _vUp = vectorUp _bullet;
    _offset = 
    	_BarrelOffsets select ((3*_n)),
    	_BarrelOffsets select ((3*_n) + 1),
    	_BarrelOffsets select ((3*_n) + 2)
    _newPos = _bullet modelToWorld _offset;
    _modelPos = _unit selectionPosition format ["%1_%2", _BarrelName, _n + 1];
    _newPos = _unit modelToWorld _modelPos;
    _bullet setPos _newPos;

  4. SOmething doesnt look quite right ....

    Try something like ....

    class CfgVehicles
    class B_Heli_Light_01_F;
    class Heli_Light_01_base_F : B_Heli_Light_01_F 
    	class Turrets;
    	class NewTurret;
    	class AnimationSources;
    class Littlebird: Heli_Light_01_base_F
    class Turrets
         class FrontTurret : NewTurret
    	weapons[] = {"M134_minigun"};
    	magazines[] = {"5000Rnd_762x51_Belt"};
    	memoryPointGun[] = {"z_gunL_muzzle","z_gunR_muzzle"};
    	gunBeg[] = {"z_gunL_muzzle","z_gunR_muzzle"};
    	gunEnd[] = {"z_gunL_chamber","z_gunR_chamber"};

  5. i44 team have clearly stated that they are neither doing the Eastern Front nor the Pacific. Others have that covered.

    As for a BoB opportunity within the A3 i44, all going well with the A2OA "2.7" upgrade, there may be an opportunity to bring worthy Aircraft models into A3, but it's questionable if there'll be enough to call it "BoB"

    Certainly enough for some good air combat.

    *cross fingers for proper aircraft multi-turret hard-code in A3*

  6. ArmA3 could be an e-sport contender but the community would really have to hammer out the details of how it would be handled.

    Sure, with OFP/A1/A2/A3 theres always some AWESOME long team PvP and CTI's etc, where using your brain and team for big-tactics and strategy is important, and it can be impressive to watch .....

    But its not for the e-Sport demographic .... its not fast, its not furious, it's not bold, its not "flashy", its not for the young ...... so Sponsors etc aren't going to be interested.

    An anology is: Watching a game of Poker vs. watching a game of Chess.

    Both are good, differently.

  7. P drive is critical to all the BIS tools, including BinPBO

    The tools look for special items in P drive when they do their thing.

    But "compressing" is not the same as "Binarizing"

    You can just "pack" a PBO with BinPBO if you switch "Binarize" off

    Third party tools will also pack a folder into a PBO, but they do not Binarize an addon.

    Some features of an addon don't work properly unless they are Binarized.

    Dont ask what features, I'm yet to find someone actually identifying them all ..... just lots of reports of weirdness. ....

    I myself always Binarize to test an addon.

    Obviously some A3 features, for the moment (until the updates tools arrive), require Binarizing off.


  8. but I don't see why the hate, you all could of written something more constructive rather than 'I hope you are paying people'

    Its not hate zahn, its simply experienced advice and comments from those who have seen similar before.

    If you haven't seen/searched already, many similar have been done since OFP times. But I'm not suggesting another can't be done, especially if its A3 and its not ripped content.

    Those prior might be good for ideas also.

    Highly encourage anyone to join in your Mod.

    Good luck.
