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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. but I guess there are several ways of doing it.

    No, not usually. After years of using O2 and even today getting stuck wasting DAYS trying to find an issue I can tell you the there is still plenty of WEIRDNESS in the tools.

    As rule now, if I get stuck with weird animation problem (in Bulldozer) I completely close O2 and Bulldozer and restart the tools.

    Amazing how many problems just .... disappear.

  2. Exactly as you said.

    Well yes. After some time in bis, I decided to help with some know how to the community to spread the bas of modders.

    Great :D

    Good to see some further investment by BI in what makes this games series great.

    ..... now we just need the tools improved ;)

    Thanks redstone.

  3. When p3d has only geometry lod, engine uses automatically this lod as Fire and view geometry, too.


    I assume you mean, "If you dont have a separate Fire and View geometry" ... "engine uses automatically this lod as Fire and view geometry"

    EDIT, sorry, re-read.

    BTW, are you new here to support/help Mod'ers in the forums?
