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Posts posted by [aps]gnat

  1. I'm already disappointed. ..... i'm sick tired of fanboys on these forums :P

    .... and some of us a sick of whiners who didn't research what they were buying. BI's forumula has barely changed in 10 years.

    Dan;2527557']from my A2 experiments' date=' at least 204km * 204km[/quote']

    And there you have your realistic engagement ranges ^^

    A Naval Warfare mod with Ships, Carriers, Subs Aircraft and helicopters isn´t impossible. It Just would be a huge ammount of work.

    To be honest, sounds kinda boring.

    Such huge area, limited direct interaction.

    Much simpler to just go play Harpoon or Dangerous Waters.

  2. For example, there is a substantial number of man hours in ACRE from both Jaynus and myself since 2010, easily hundreds of thousands of dollars of labor costs alone, and thats not including any of the intrinsic value that the addon has. At some point the work, especially as the mod has gotten more complex, becomes hard to justify to yourself on the basis of charity and personal satisfaction alone. :(

    First off, if anyone expects to be "compensated" on the basis of hours-worked, they are dreaming. "Goodness" will determine how much comes your way, be it for 1 hour or 1000 hours work.

    Second, none of the current community, as has been the case for a decade, are doing what they do except for love and some back-slapping. They stop or share/team-up when it becomes too much.

    @iceman, I'm the same.

    So many complications can arise.

    So what does Myke get when someone elses super addon wins the pool, but uses missilebox?

    So what happen when that super addon is found to be using Vilas's ArmA2 configs and scripts?

  3. I've tinkered around and have had the C-5 Galaxy working in A3 for a couple months now. It flies, the nose goes up, the ramp drops, people can even walk around inside of it. The biggest issue I've got is I can't get vehicles to drive up the ramps/inside the fuselage. Though I'm thinking of stopping now, because for every issue I fix, half a dozen pop up. With a 10GB bandwidth limit a month and satellite internet, I can barely get anything done anymore. :/

    I can get vehicles into the A3 An72. Feel free to send it too me and I'll have a look for you.

  4. It would be so much simpler/convenient if grenades were ONLY affected by FIRELODS...

    What!?? This makes no sense at all.

    This is not a bug

    What you are wanting is BI to BREAK the physics of the game

    A grenade is an object like any other object in the game. When thrown it should bounce off walls, the ground, doors, vehicles etc.

  5. @[APS]Gnat that is not too fair. Specially since those teams have contributed with no compensation prospect in mind. Let them have their Christmas, as players we have Christmas all year round.

    Why "not fair"? I won't deny any genuine mod maker their dues if this stupid plan does actually happen ......

    But as I and Iceman77 eluded to, development from some of the "big names" has now gone very quiet, and will likely remain so until BI very clearly clarifies one way or another.

    No surprise how money changes things.

    As for this apparent need for Crowd Funding or Emotional Blackmail to donate, more bullshit, our harddrives are full of top-notch addons and scenarios, many thousands of addons, and barely a dollar changed hands.

    Those who seem to want / opening seek donations are a very small minority.

    Sounds too much like more Gen Y, entitlement and narcissism .........
