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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Yeh, let DayZ be stand-alone and therefore ArmA3 may not loose all the functionality that makes the BIS series so special. And I too think BE does a great job in a tough situation. The delayed batch ban is a good way of hammering the hackers hard ;)
  2. Multiple problems ............ like all guns have to face 0 deg in the 3d model But to be fair aircraft turret setup are VERY sensitive for some reason. Configs can look exactly the same but just one parameter will kill the whole thing. Trying to get it close to working in spare time. Will return files once close
  3. [aps]gnat

    Textures in Oxygen

    yes, TGA will be converted to PAA by using Buldozer, and yes they will display on the O2 preview. Seems you haven't pressed the right buttons (more than 1 by default)
  4. Only does this when theres something wrong with the model. Just because it displays in O2 doesn't mean its OK. Can happen if its a badly imported model or it gets munted during construction. You'll need to find the source of the problems (bad faces etc) in O2 and remove them.
  5. [aps]gnat

    how to mod vehicle stats?

    ........ but it has dozens of PBO files !!
  6. [aps]gnat

    Open and Repack config.bin?

    Word of warning, Dont try edit and repack (game directory) default PBO's supplied by BIS if you ever want to rejoin an MP server. Your file signatures will be forever broken.
  7. [aps]gnat

    how to mod vehicle stats?

    All addon data is stored within PBO files You dePBO those files (with various tools : use search) to see all the contents within Including the config.bin Note that this file, like others, are BINARIZED. Can't be read as is. Again use a tool (like unRap) to un-binarize it and make it readable config.bin will turn into config.cpp, that is readable.
  8. Tag: Plane planes fixed wing aircraft turrets AI fixed wing gun gunners With a tipoff from Yac I've been investigating multiple turrets on planes / fixed wing aircraft. Multiple turrets now work on aircraft, don't know when it happen. Jump in any turret as a player and its cool (like the B17, but with no attachto lagging) All works wonderful, EXCEPT, A.I. appear to be incapable of swinging the same turrets to engage target. They will fire, but only if a target goes by their static tunnel vision. So, before I go reporting this bug and hoping BIS can "switch on" the last few required settings for multi-turret planes, I'm putting the detail out with the hope that it may actually be a simple problem. DEMO Addon and Mission Addons - A multi-turret plane - found in Russian - Air - A multi-turret boat - found in Russian - Ship Both addons are almost identical, except one is class Ship, while the other which doesn't work is class plane. Mission - Places the special plane and the boat on Utes and allow the observer to note the different actions between AI in each. - "T" can be used to move between positions - Note boat will engage targets - Note that the left turret of the plane will VERY briefly fire at one of the departing UH60's The BIG QUESTION is, can this be fixed or is it really that something fundamentally "core code" is missing from the plane class. ADDONS + Source http://members.iinet.net.au/~nrspence2/ArmAII/MultiTurretAddons.7z Please don't upload the model onto TurboSquid or similar, I spent a lot of time making it. CONFIG and MODEL.CFG
  9. [aps]gnat

    Damn ofpec!!!

    Well damn, I've raised your damn request with my damn fellow OFPEC (damn! ) admins If they give a damn (which I know they do), I'm sure they will damn well provide a damned response, damn quick smart.
  10. Separate p3d, defined in your config. Get the ArmA1 sample models and look at examples, like optika_M119.p3d
  11. Suggest you drop the 2 "hiddenSelections" commands until you get the unit in-game. No required at this point. Then once its working, add them back and fix then.
  12. [aps]gnat

    PacBot-Needsome Help

    If you are already challenged by O2, then breaking the model into proxies will only make it much more complicated for you ........... Given what it is, your first choice should be to simplify the model, that type of model doesn't need to contain over 14,000 faces. If you really want a headache. - Select a bit that might move as a whole, cut it from the model - Paste the selection into another 3D model - You will likely have to move everything in the new model closer to 0,0,0 - Save this new p3d, same directory - To now get it into you main model, open the main model - Select CREATE->PROXY - Navigate to your new p3d, select it, OK - A triangle will appear. - Move this proxy to where you CUT the other part out. - YOU WILL ONLY BE ABLE TO SEE WHAT THE MODEL REALLY LOOKS LIKE IN BULDOZER All the various LODs now have to be duplicated in each and every p3d for it to function correctly
  13. [aps]gnat

    [Oxygen 2] Can't create a face?

    If you want a "floor" to react to bullets you need to replace with another cube, in the Fire Geo LODs. You will learn a lot by opening/looking at the BI (ArmA1) Sample 3D models. There are multiple samples of every class, including buildings. Little has changed for ArmA2
  14. Yes, much praise for a what was obviously a labour of love. Well done McNools
  15. Sorry SB, but above is an example of what I mean (per my post in the wrong tool thread) Additionally, with this tool, it just asked to upgrade and I said yes, but it; - Ignored the current PWS install directory and tried to install in a default directory again - Popped a web page !! "We are sorry to see you go! :( We would gladly hear why you uninstalled the software" - Popped another dialog asking something about a config ..... best guess was >NO< Update: After that mid-night post, PWS seems to be working ok.
  16. [aps]gnat

    [Oxygen 2] Can't create a face?

    Then you could very well waste HOURS in O2 trying to get it to work ...... so the "rather make it in sketchup" might not work best. "A 3 story house (with interior), garage (o), swimming pool and a mailbox" ? Is probably a couple dozen cubes, each formed to general shapes ..... pretty simple in O2.
  17. [aps]gnat

    B-52 Buff - Bomber

    You could use it, but no need for MMA. Place unarmed B-52 onto map in editor In the INIT feild use commands like; this addWeapon "BombLauncher"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; This adds 24 GBU12 bombs to it (6 round mag times 4). More weapons here; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons
  18. Hex editing !? I guess I a) have no idea who you are talking about b) have no idea what addon you are talking about ..... so Not knowing the context of what you have, no idea. If you have legitimate material passed to you, there should never be a need to hex edit anything. Hex editing suggests you don't have access to the source material, or permissions.
  19. [aps]gnat

    help with geometry LOD

    Try STRUCTURE -> TOPOLOGY -> FIND COMPONENTS (Seems to be the same questions being answered at the same time, in different threads !! Feeling like a broken record)
  20. [aps]gnat

    [Oxygen 2] Can't create a face?

    It is ALWAYS easy to make geometry lod simpler. It is after all the collision detection, it is VERY unlikely you can tell the difference between walking or driving another vehicle into a Car's Geo LOD made of either a long cube vs. a 2000 face object !! The Geo LOD is not visible and is definitely not INCH/CM accurate. Examples http://s018.radikal.ru/i500/1202/bc/61d0f8455b1et.jpg http://wolfsburg.s64.xrea.com/doc_arma/img/LOD03.gif Have you looked at the various various tutorial, including my video series? Warning: All that importing and merging could easily create overlaping faces. Geo and Fire LOD I highly recommend being made in O2, they aren't that complicated.
  21. LOL .... probably the best Anti-Cheat effort I've seen. Karma is a bastard ;)
  22. What is "Spring_Chicken" For your addon you inherited it via the class Spring_Chicken; parameter ...... but inherited what? Is it a Tank? Then you must inherit all the essential base parameters from a BIS Tank first. Your parameters then simply redefine a few, like faction = BEF; Try ... ... class M1A1; class Spring_Chicken_BEF : M1A1 { ... ... Also, your hiddenSelectionsTextures[] will not work because you havent used " (quotes) properly.
  23. [aps]gnat

    [Oxygen 2] Can't create a face?

    Nope Simply import into a different p3d then copy-paste it into your main p3d As for multiple points, try the MERGE NEAR command in O2