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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. [aps]gnat

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Go mine thanks Guys ! Been using ArmA2 too long ...... forgot how ... clunky ... ArmA1 was ;)
  2. Wont work unless the game is installed No, 100's of people dont have a real issue with it.
  3. Whats the poly count of that model? Looks very high (e.g. wheels) Could be a challenge to get it to work well in ArmA
  4. Too many faces/bad faces in those areas?
  5. [aps]gnat

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    They are all as bad as each other ..... no one has gained any credibility or moral high ground in the last decades/1 year/1 week .... yet again. Seems nothing short of several nukes or a region wide pandemic would change this regions dynamic ...... Like a few other locations, destined to remain a scab on our planet that gets picked at forever. Religion is evil.
  6. Objects !! ?? Correct use ? ; _plane = _this select 0; _text = gettext(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _plane) >> "destrType") untested
  7. [aps]gnat

    Bulldozer failing to start

    Good-o, glad you got there :D
  8. As SD suggests, those tut's are mostly valid. Only some named sections and exact config text change. Check other links in the sticky section
  9. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?142291-Adding-flares-to-quot-UH1Y-quot BUT, the p3d models need to have the normal launch and direction memory points. Some obviously don't. Alternate memory points can be used, like the above thread.
  10. "Too busy making money, don't want to stop because of some silly IP issue" As such he's indirectly confirmed your addon is essential for their revenue making. Seems a validate start to take some of his illegal revenue. Lets say, 50% ? ... good luck Martin.
  11. [aps]gnat

    Bulldozer failing to start

    Maybe someone here can explain the full actions ArmA2P does ....... But what I would do based on your recent info. Start with the clean P and before using ArmA2P I'd protect all your directories like Core, DTA, Bin but renaming something like Xcore, xDTA etc If I remember correctly theres only ROADS in the CA directory at this early stage. They should need protecting as they shouldn't be causing the issue. If its more than Roads, maybe protect those with a rename also. Then run ArmA2P Now check if you have new DTA, Bin, Core etc directories. If you do, try renaming them to zDTA, zBin etc then grab your original xDTA etc and rename back to original. Check in the CA directory for something similar. Hopefully that keeps Buldozer working.
  12. [aps]gnat

    Bulldozer failing to start

    edit, sorry, see you confirmed 2.51 How did you get the CA folder made? Any chance you overwrote data in the BIN, DTA & CORE folders? Did you change the .cfg file? ----------- Dozens of Buldozer threads, just thread title search "buldozer" in ArmA1 and ArmA2 editing
  13. Nice interview ...........
  14. [aps]gnat

    Zero Dark Thirty

    Yep. And the Stealth Hawk too. ..... can't have 1 single film becoming the biggest source of intelligence, for "others", since black hawk down ;)
  15. [aps]gnat

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Work in Australia .... avoid global recessions .....
  16. [aps]gnat


    Impressive detective work Mark. Can you share a little more so others can maybe do their own config adjustment (given a few here won't know how to adjust configs) cheers
  17. [aps]gnat

    Adding landcontact?

    Press INSERT key
  18. [aps]gnat

    Adding landcontact?

    A LOD is a completely different View or object function. Every object will typically have a few LOD's Several Resolution LOD's (ones that are numbers), Memory & Geometry LOD's maybe and others like the LandContact LOD Your wireframe is not turning yellow, its a completely different "view" and the editor shows your first Resolution LOD as a yellow background trace to help. To finish the blank LandContact LOD, simply place points or vertexes (at least 3) exactly where your model will touch the ground (bottom corners? )
  19. [aps]gnat

    China's New Stealth Fighter J-31

    Yeh ... a the ultimate battle could be short circuited at the last minute by some sleeper kill-code secretly embedded in the drones firmware ! hmmmm .... anyhow, OT .... I want a 5000 poly 3d file of it ..... so I can then chase it with the dozens of aircraft in ArmA ;)
  20. Very cool ! .... yes, somewhat H&D2 :D