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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Trying to modify existing DROP scripts to get smoke that doesnt rise so fast and generally swirls around a burning object as if the wind was changing direction. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 1, 6, [0 , 0 ,-1], [random 3 - random 3, random 3 - random 3,random 3], 50, 0.004, 0.004, 0.1, [6.5, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5], [[0,1,0,1],[0,0,0,0.4], [0,0,0,0.1]], [0,1,0], 0.5, 0.05, "", "", _object] ~0.3 loop 1- Which parameter is the vertical rising speed of the smoke? 2- Which parameter can I change to get the smoke drifting in a different direction? Yes .... I understand for Q2 I will likely have to have a different timed loop (and the random function) so the smoke drifts in a direction for more than a fraction of a second. Any pointers apreciated!
  2. oooooooooohhhhhhhhh! Â Nice link, nice web page! Thx Harnu.
  3. [aps]gnat

    Rts-3 1.4 released

    Karrillions web page seems dead.
  4. [aps]gnat

    Cti- worst thing to happen to ofp

    CTI can get laggy, but there are various reasons for it, that can usually be controlled. Version for one ..... make sure you've got a good version/map Mod'ed MF's .... some ppl get too creative on a modified MF version an create more problems. ECP is another .... I've noticed that ECP on just one machine seems to be enough to slow a game after just half an hour. Probably things like the Flys ... LOL the bodies may get removed from the map ... but the flys dont its seems. But generally I've played many more games till the end then games being canceled because of lag. (dedicated servers)
  5. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    secret squirril stuff eh ! BTW, Dont Fold Wings with the RAD F18's on the AC deck, you REALLY get some weird flip-o-matic $#@$# then LOL
  6. [aps]gnat

    Cti- worst thing to happen to ofp

    What a stupid Thread ! 1 - If you dont like CTI, dont play it ! 2 - If you do like CTI, play it ! 3 - No one mission type can ruin a game / community ! Some ppl dont like CTF or DM or Coop or Single Player Missions or etc etc etc. I dont see that killing the game! Step back a minute, how old is this game ! Amazing isn't it A great game with a great community when anyone can play any version they like, make & use any mission they like, make & use any addon they like ...........
  7. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    @shadowboxer mate, it's under "West", "Hawk - Vehicles", "USS Nimitz" Ignore the other "USS ...." stuff in the Hawk menu .... they are just the individual sections of ship. And of course there is every chance it DOESNT work under 1.46 ......... get Resistance mate ! @lpdotcom  seems to work for me ! Anyone else with a problem ?
  8. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    RESPAWN ISSUE: I use a script that gives you your weapons back when you respawn ....... It's also good for making "adjustments" when the player "appears", like sticking him 20m in the air so he stands on the carrier. KIT.SQS See second last line of script: thats a "carrier" adjustment. Also, here is an CTF MP mission I made that uses 2 Carriers, have fun Air Time Capture The Flag
  9. [aps]gnat

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    Looks like RTS gets it's own little spot in a page about OFP mods in PC Zone, comin March. Nice one (OpFlashpoint.org/News)
  10. [aps]gnat

    Naming a createdvehicle

    Thanks guys ..... I wasnt using that bit of the posted examples FYI "Air Score" script. Stay in the air between a certain height above sea level and inside a trigger area to score points (ie CTF or C&H type) In the Airborne vehicle INIT line. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">EV6=this; [this, s_5, 135, "EV6"] exec "VR.sqs"; ["EV6"] exec "Airscore.sqs" Airscore.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?!(local Server): Goto "Dend1" _name = _this select 0 _unit = call format["%1",_name] _sea_level = "emptyDetector" camCreate [0,0,0] #loop ~1 ?!(alive _unit):goto "Dend2" ?!(_unit in list HotZone): goto "loop" ~20 _sea_level setPos [(getPos _unit)select 0, (getPos _unit)select 1, 0] unit_height_asl = (getpos _unit select 2) -(getpos _sea_level select 2) ?!((_unit in list HotZone) AND (unit_height_asl > 48) AND (unit_height_asl < 200)): goto "loop" ?!((side Driver _unit == west) OR (side Driver _unit == east)) : goto "loop" ?(side Driver _unit == west): WScore = WScore + 1 ?(side Driver _unit == east): EScore = EScore + 1 titletext[format ["%1 Air Scored for the %2\n\nScore : NATO %3 - Soviet %4", name Driver _unit, side Driver _unit, WScore, EScore], "Plain down"] goto "loop" #Dend2 camDestroy _sea_level #Dend1 exit Vehicle Respawn script In example "s_5" is a GameLogic located as your respawn point for that vehicle. No my script, mod of someones elses. VR.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?!(local Server): Goto "end" _vcl = _this select 0 _Location = _this select 1 _azimut = _this select 2 _class = typeOf _vcl _vname = _this select 3 _respawndelay = 30 #start ~1 ?(Alive _vcl):Goto "start" ~_respawndelay _vcl setdammage 0.2 deleteVehicle _vcl call format ["%1 = _class createVehicle getpos _Location", _vname] _vcl = call format["%1", format ["%1",_vname]] _vcl setpos[(getpos _Location select 0),(getpos _Location select 1),(getpos _Location select 2)+20] _vcl setdir _azimut [_vname] exec "Airscore.sqs" Goto "start" #end Exit Again .... Im no perfect coder .... but though others may be interested. Cheers.
  11. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    What doesnt work 4-1 ? - Calling the script from the menu causes a script error ? - Landing on the rear of the carrier after you have selected line break from the menu doesnt stop the plane ? - You have no "line break" in your menu when approaching the carrier ?
  12. [aps]gnat

    Naming a createdvehicle

    Thanks Bart.Jan ! That helped a lot ...... now have vehicles that keep there names. I did notice that if you have a script looping and looking at named vehicle ..... if the vehicle dies, you have to terminate the script and recall it for the new spawned vehicle again, because even though it is the same name ..... the first script call "looses" the link to that name after the vehicle dies. Muchly appreciated !
  13. [aps]gnat

    Naming a createdvehicle

    ok ... now I'm a little confused ..... I'm naming vehicles because I need an set array of all vehicle names in the game so I can check if they are within a trigger zone. This would not be an issue except these vehicles are respawning and thus loose their name. How do I check if a player is within a respawned vehicle and within a zone ? I also have to be able to identify the vehicle because I have to do a height above sea level check. Respawn .... VR.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?!(local Server): Goto "end" _vcl = _this select 0 _Location = _this select 1 _azimut = _this select 2 _class = _this select 3 _vname = _this select 4 _respawndelay = 10 #start ~1 ?(Alive _vcl):Goto "start" ~_respawndelay _vcl setdammage 0.2 deleteVehicle _vcl call format ["%1 = _class createVehicle getpos _Location", _vname] _vcl = call format["%1", format ["%1",_vname]] _vcl setdir _azimut Goto "start" Called in the INIT like; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this, r_1, 0, "A10","West1"] exec "VR.sqs"
  14. [aps]gnat

    Naming a createdvehicle

    ARH Bugger ! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">......... deleteVehicle _vcl call format ["%1 = _class createVehicle getpos _Location", _vname] Error: Reserved variable in expression _vname was the NAME assigned to the original vehicle (like "West1") Deleting the vehicle doesnt seem to "release" the variable .... hence ..... looks like I can't re-create (respawn) a vehicle with the same name. Any ideas ? ........ how to release the "Reserved Variable" ?
  15. [aps]gnat

    Naming a createdvehicle

    Thanks Killswitch ... that didnt work but it pointed me in the right direction What worked was .... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vcl = call format["%1","XX"] or to your example ... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vcl = call format ["%1", newM113Name] THANKS !
  16. [aps]gnat

    Naming a createdvehicle

    How do I translate; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vcl = _class createVehicle getpos _Location into the above post mentioned form; Tried; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vcl = call format ["%1 = _class createVehicle getpos _Location","XX"] the right type of vehicle is created at the location, has the "XX" name, but _vcl seems to be unassigned ........ eg I cant then use _vcl to change the vehicles location anymore. Being used in a vehicle repawn script where I need to maintain the vehicles name ......
  17. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    I saw no elevator scripts in this addon ..... therefore I suggest no. Havent even looked at the 3d model to see if that was even intended.
  18. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    *sigh*   OK .... lets just collect all these changes and put into one carrier ........ so we can slow the forum posts Done ... took me all morning ... but I think its done. USS Nimitz by Hawk .... Gnat repaired version 0.5 For more details of changes .. see lower. Remember ... - If you want the AA manned and working .. place a west AI on the map and put in the NAME field  "nimitz" without quotes. - If you want to use catapults and Line Brake landings ... you have to select these from your ingame player menu. - There are some holes in the deck, this will be VERY hard to fix ... live with it ! - There are still some plane / deck problems like folding the RAD F18 wings causes the plane to flip. - It doesnt look EXACTLY like the real Nimitz ... LOL ... live with it ! - if you need to place ppl, planes or objects onto the deck, place the following in their INIT field; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1,(getpos this select 2)+19] This version is a makeup of versions #1 and version #2 #1 - Version of Hawks Nimitz found on ftp site mid Jan-04 (~2MB) #2 - version of Hawks Nimitz posted by Hawk a week later that included a F14 and mission (~6MB) What I found ...... ALL scripts identical except; build.sqs Only difference is setting up of AA Turrets heights. #2 Better. My version: kept #2 and included (possible) MP play "clone" problem fix proposed by Killswitch. break.sqs Substancial differences. Further review required, but if seems as though #1 script was the later, because Hawk uses the _vehicle vehiclechat format ["%1....",localize "STR_nimitz_land"] instead of just _vehicle vehiclechat "prepareing to land ...." as in the #2 version. My version: kept #1 and disabled the "Force out of Cockpit" action land1.sqs Most the same, just some extra brackets in #2 and use of STR chats again. My version: kept #1 but put brackets in. land.sqs A speed check from 20 to 10 and use of the STR chats again. My version: kept #1 but changed speed to 10 BTW ... not sure what these land scripts do ... lol CONFIG.CCP Are identical except that in #2, "\hwk_uss_Nimitz\script\" is missing from 5 script calls. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE ARE GETTING LANDING AND BREAKING ERRORS My version: - Included ag_smith's AA attack range improvements - Fixed all script calls ALSO: My version, adjusted launch error on front 2 catapults, #3 and #4 NOTES: All 4 catapults work. But the left rear 2 catapults are troublesome because there is a hole in the deck just behind them and theres a "pole" sticking out from the carrier just beyond the end of the deck which can kill you and your plane. Line Brake Landing works ........ YES ... IT DOES !! As it did in version #1 ***** As normal, use at your own risk. ***** BTW .... THANKS AGAIN HAWK, hope you can continue work !
  19. [aps]gnat

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    Pappy ............ the 2mb DL link you posted at least is NOT the fixed Nimitz The are still the break script call errors (and others) in the config.ccp I mentioned earlier. These errors where introduced in Hawks very recent update (see note below). See other thread for details. BTW, your AA Fire Range fix is not the same as ag_smith posted in the other thread .... but at the moment I cant determine the effect on gameplay. I wont post a link for a proper fixed version, I hope you can do asap .... NOTE: I too noticed that Hawks 6mb public release PBO has a file date BEFORE the date of the one ag_smith found ! There does seem to be some differences in the scripts actions and config.ccp files (apart from the errors) and I'm thinking and feeling the "ag_smith" version scripts were in better shape .... IMHO
  20. [aps]gnat

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    Yep ... done all the mods, but only for myself of course. FYI, theres a bunch more of "land", "land1" and "break" script references in the last release config file without the \uss_nimitz\scripts\ bit. Hawk or ? really need to redo asap because Hawks last 6mb release is in worse shape that the original ag_smith found because of these new script error. (remind self: beta .... remind self: beta ....) OH ... btw .... the MIG-attack-carrier tests may not be all that valid ..... I was testing one of Vit's MIG (flying it) against the carrier and the bullets were going straight through the body with no damage .... LOL
  21. [aps]gnat

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    Cool !!! Thanks Killswitch champion ....
  22. [aps]gnat

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    ALSO ... if Im not mistaken .... the new Download has the Turrets raised to the correct level. That was a script change I thinks ..
  23. [aps]gnat

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    I already reported this Pappy Boyington For the experienced MP script people (not me!) Would placing in mission a; GAME LOGIC trigger called "LocalServerObject" ... and placing in the first Line of the carriers "build" script; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? !(Local LocalServerObject):Exit .. work to stop multiple Nimitz's being created when run on a server ? Dont have a server to test.