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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. HC, is this ArmA2 or ArmA3 ?
  2. [aps]gnat

    GEOLOD compromises..?

    OK, wall glittyness during A3 development I'll give you, certainly happens time to time, but that's not where ArmA2 ended up. Building an addon to suit current "problems" isn't wise I'd suggest.
  3. Devil is in the detail I suspect. Your muzzle flash should work, if the coding or model is done right. Maybe fix that, then you can binarize.
  4. [aps]gnat

    GEOLOD compromises..?

    What!?? This makes no sense at all. This is not a bug What you are wanting is BI to BREAK the physics of the game A grenade is an object like any other object in the game. When thrown it should bounce off walls, the ground, doors, vehicles etc.
  5. I think he knows what he's talking about ..... check out his stuff some time ..... Any I'll say it, thanks for the code John, nice tit-bits.
  6. [aps]gnat

    GEOLOD compromises..?

    Grenades are NOT projectiles A grenade is just an object Exactly what is meant to happen, is happening.
  7. LOL .... well you're going to be bitterly disappointed very quickly. BI don't do non-standard stuff like working carriers and naval mods
  8. [aps]gnat

    GEOLOD compromises..?

    ?? Object to object collisions = geolod Fired projectiles = firelod
  9. ... when the tools come out .... (ArmA2 \/ )
  10. [aps]gnat

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    Why "not fair"? I won't deny any genuine mod maker their dues if this stupid plan does actually happen ...... But as I and Iceman77 eluded to, development from some of the "big names" has now gone very quiet, and will likely remain so until BI very clearly clarifies one way or another. No surprise how money changes things. As for this apparent need for Crowd Funding or Emotional Blackmail to donate, more bullshit, our harddrives are full of top-notch addons and scenarios, many thousands of addons, and barely a dollar changed hands. Those who seem to want / opening seek donations are a very small minority. Sounds too much like more Gen Y, entitlement and narcissism .........
  11. Yep, another example where it'll fall off the rails, because of money again.
  12. [aps]gnat

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    Noting: the absence of a few good (read: almost commercial quality) mod teams / members from these various discussion threads ..... no doubt quietly hoping their Christmas has come .....
  13. [aps]gnat

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Amazing detail, great relatively large open world. Good physics. Unfortunately for Online, jumped on a 2 team shoot out "trigger" and everything locked up (except Quit) for a long time ...... just quit out.
  14. [aps]gnat

    USS Nimitz

    It will come to ArmA3 I am sure, after the ArmA3 tools become available.
  15. [aps]gnat

    Hole in mesh in-game. Also RVMAT troubles.

    When in doubt, in O2 manually delete all faces in that area, then replace. ReMapping can unfortunately be a small challenge.
  16. [aps]gnat

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    Not me, played both games for a DECADE, FS series longer. FS community has always be large, because its more mainstream. ..... Still a nay sayer
  17. [aps]gnat

    Advanced Cockpit Interaction

    Thanks for the update Enricksolt. Look forward to playing with a beta.
  18. Geo LOD for boats are generally simple, almost box like. They typically don't protrude below the water line. So for animating, imagine the GEO lod is just 1 box. The lower left edge of the box we'll name LL, the lower right edge of the box well name LR. If you animate/rotate or translate the LL "upwards" the boat will tilt to the left. If you animate/rotate or translate the LR "upwards" the boat will tilt to the right. If you lift the rear more than the front, then you get similar to a full power bow raise "twist". Its also how I simulated damage to my frigates, slowly tilt in one direction, in proportion to the damage taken.
  19. Easy if youre not using PhysX mode If you are using Landcontact points to float your boat, simply animate them to tilt left/right as you use rudder. If you are using normal Geomtry lod to float your boat, again simply animate the some of the lod to "push" one side up, other down. ..... Actually I don't remember the tests on that last one, but should work. Edit sorry, forgot, mix it with another animation (onto same points or geometry) linked to Speed and you can damp the effect when there no speed.
  20. cat thrown into pigeons NOTICE: I will be seeking compensation/my commission for any future PAID mods released where I can show that my own releases were used as source material (code, script, configs, original concepts etc) or my assistance/services rendered (forums/PMs/Skype etc) were used for development. ..... And so begins the disintegration of the previous utopian ArmA community.
  21. [aps]gnat

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    Everyone seems to be avoiding the unspoken about source material. Two extremes, iOS apps where all content is scrutinised before it can be saleable, or GTA mods where all sorts of ripped shit is thrown up. Or you have this community where we've to the most part kept blatant rips of copyright material at bay, but no so restrictive that a few google images (for textures etc) are let slide. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
  22. You appear to be at the cutting edge of experimentation ....... Hence the rest of us are just (unfortunately) observing your problems. I personally am going to wait for the official tools and hopefully some BI provided BIKI knowledge.
  23. [aps]gnat

    Brand new to modelling need help

    And if that isn't your answer, your answer can likely be found in the 100s of Tutorial type threads both in the Arma2 and 3 Editing forums.