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Everything posted by [bbs]

  1. I think acer5200 and Grumpy mean the Infinstar Discord
  2. [bbs]

    ArmA2 OA has stopped working

    I was running an early drop of FaceTrackNoIR 1.7 for several days with no problem, then all of a sudden no version of Arma 2 would launch for me. Did many many steps and finally saw this thread, removed FaceTrackNopIR and I'm up and running again. Not sure if it is a registry setting or a complaint about one of the additional drivers that Arma tries to load(i.e. the joystick emulator?) If I learn more I will update this thread. I certainly want FaceTrackNoIR to be compatible with Arma. -b Edit: I tracked it down to the FreeTrackClient.dll, I reckon that If there is an entry in the registry for FreeTrack, then Arma 2 looks in the FreeTrack path for the dll and attempts to load it. After hiding just that dll and leaving FaceTrackNoIR installed, no Arma 2 crash. It did not seem to care about the FreeTrackClient64.dll that was also in that path.
  3. [bbs]

    Dual Core User try the following

    On my Dual Core I use a utility called SMP Seesaw to quickly isolate arma.exe on a single proc, putting all other processes on the other proc. This has been pretty effective for me giving ArmA almost full reign of its own proc. SMP Seesaw
  4. [bbs]

    Public master server for ofp:r

    Hmm.. the in game browser only sees games hosted through gamespy, does that mean that dedicated servers will not be visible to it? That would sorely disadvantage those people gracious enough to host dedicated servers. If this is the case, it's even more damaging to the user base than just nixing ASE integration. The good servers wil move on to other games.. the user experience on poorly run servers will likely have a bad effect on game loyalty.. People will look around for another franchise that will offer a better experience along with good game play. Not sure they will find it immediately but there are several games waiting in the wings for an opportunity like this. I'll kick back and wait... BIS can either come around or I can move on to something else