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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    New beta build 71749 up

    Damn, I now wish I lived in Germany. :butbut:
  2. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    Awesome! Guess messing around with this will have to tide me over until the 29th. :D
  3. I guess so... Oh well, guess I'll be staying up to 02:01 tomorrow night to start my pre-load! :D Or not if it's CET and not UK time. That takes it to 03:01... :butbut:
  4. Awesome night ops video, especially the part with the smoke screen. But what's this "AVAILABLE NOW!" part? :p I almost had a heartattack when I saw that. I was all "Where? Where?! WHERE?!" :D
  5. He actually has a pretty decent PC: C2D 3.0GHz, 3GB RAM, N260GTX 896MB, driver 197.45 It's just he reviews the game like it's an FPS a'la MW2, and for him, in FPS games, he needs 40 FPS. Apparently he can't hit a building with 25 FPS. Oh, and there's also this thanks to Rommel: REzFUNTs024
  6. Can't believe that guy has to get 40 FPS in games. I mean seriously!
  7. Zipper5

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    That's for pre-load, not release. Pre-load so far is only available to Sprocket customers.
  8. Zipper5

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Yeaaaaaaaaaah no. :butbut:
  9. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Since Medal of Honor is not the first game in the series with the same name, this one is in fact referred to as Medal of Honor 2010. :p I already canceled my preorder. It gets old very, very quickly.
  10. Zipper5

    Ping restrictions

    Well, it's also very hard for 17 year olds to get jobs here due to different laws and such. Most of the typical jobs are filled by east-Asian laborers. Caring about ping limits is fine in games other than BIS' because BIS' games have a... "Unique" ping measurement. Most of these other games are competitive when played online. In Arma 2 the 10th of a second delay between you shooting and them dying does not matter nearly as much, especially when playing against AI in coop, and unless the player only has desync, it tends to only really affect the client, not the server, nor the rest of the people playing. And I'm talking about this from having played MP in BIS' games for years, in all sorts of different theaters. But that last point actually brings up another point that has been bugging me since ArmA's MP started to devolve towards the same 3 large-scale coop missions being played all the time - server admins becoming lazy. These new "one size fits all" elements, some introduced in ArmA, some introduced in the past or recently with Arma 2, have caused the typical server admin in Arma 2 to become incredibly lazy. As soon as the cheaters move on, I hardly ever see admins actually administrating their servers. Instead, they choose the path that is quickest and easiest for them to set up, and leads to a very, very bland MP experience. For some reason, it has remained that way. I'm not the first to complain about it, many have before me, and many will continue to do so unless server admins take it upon themselves to change it and, believe me, if I had the means I would have my own server and try to rectify the situation as best as I could. I'm not going to do the whole "I know server administrating isn't easy" thing because I've done so in the past and the situation's only gotten worse. I feel like the one talking in circles. Not only that, but falling on deaf ears too.
  11. Zipper5

    Ping restrictions

    Actually, the bank is stopping me. Banks don't allow 17 year olds to own bank accounts here. ;) Of course ping plays a part but the part it plays in BIS' games has always been minuscule compared to the part it plays in other games like Counter-Strike or what have you. Especially when you're playing largescale games, be them competitive or coop, there's desynchronization no matter if there's a high pinger or not. The translation of your ping, so long as it's below something like 500ms, to visual lag for other players is hardly noticeable in BIS' games. You may pay for your own server, but it's unbelievably annoying to be kicked from a game because you all suddenly care about pings just because BattlEye allows you to care. I lost interest in MP in BIS' games because of the lack of the recent lack of variety, but now when I go to give it a shot again I completely lose interest in it because of ping restrictions. And guess what? Both of those problems, as they have always been, are the server admins' faults. But hey, it's fine. Just a shame I now seem restricted to SP, simply because of my distance from your servers...
  12. Zipper5

    Ping restrictions

    Yes, that's what I meant. It kicked me because the admins defined the ping limit which is lower than what I had. Though I do like that BattlEye helps get the hackers out, allowing admins to add automated ping limits has royally pissed me off. First time in BIS' games, was a null issue for me before. My latency is rarely ever high, and if it is, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it and I myself would probably disconnect to try and fix it. Despite my latency being low, my ping is high because the average distance between me and the server is generally quite large, what with me being in the Middle East and most servers being in Europe. Thanks to my internet connection, though, my desync remains low. All that goes out the window when ping restrictions are put in place, and it's pretty disappointing that server admins are doing this despite the number of years we've been dealing with the same, or similar, netcoding in BIS' games.
  13. Zipper5

    Ping restrictions

    Dial up is an exception, and hardly anyone plays with dialup these days. Kick the bastard, and if he complains about being kicked, then simply say buy a better internet connection. I have an ADSL line going at 4mbps and I still get relatively high pings, with it usually going to a maximum of 300ms. But as I said, and people don't seem to get - unless someone has some ridiculous ping of 500ms or above, the ping does not matter in BIS' games. It's the way the games have always worked, and I can't believe server admins still think it is... Oh, and I still can't get on most of the servers that come up using BattlEye.
  14. Gawddayum Pavin, you finally cracked? :rolleyes: I managed to complete the campaign two times completely, getting the best ending, and and it worked fine. There were a couple hiccups, like any mission made for Arma 2 by BIS or the community, but it was smooth. So I'd say you're doing it wrong. Sorry, you won't find many people here willing to boycott OA. I would say I'm surprised you didn't know that already, but I'm actually not. Oh, and if you need video proof that it is indeed possible to do, see these YouTube videos.
  15. 10 chars of this. It's just too much to bear. :butbut: Edit: In this pic of the integrated mod management I noticed there's a "Website" button. Are mod makers now able to configure a website for their mods in the configs, thus by clicking that button it takes you there? :eek:
  16. Yup, saw that too. :eek: Pic of the server browser telling you the mods in use FTFW! BIS, you rock. :D
  17. Pic of integrated mod management OMFG YES! :eek:
  18. Zipper5

    Ping restrictions

    As I said before, ping's below something stupid like 500ms are completely fine in Arma 2 and all of BIS' games. It's the quality of the person's connection, which translates to his desync in the game, that matters. My pings are always high, around 300ms, but even the ones that were 180ms didn't let me on, but my desync 99% of the time is always 0. I've played in tournaments with such pings and higher and no complaints were made to me being laggy because of a higher than average ping, and I was in said tournament for a very long time.
  19. Zipper5

    Will the price drop on Arma 2 after OA?

    Wait what? Why wouldn't PR be compatible with OA? :confused:
  20. Zipper5

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    Hey, Lurkmor. It's funny, you can't even do it right. It's no wonder then that you can't solve such trivial matters. ;) Evolution was made by a community member, not BIS. Evo Red is just a variation of Evolution. Don't like a mission, don't play it. Better yet, make your own. And stop lurking for the sake of it, you're getting very annoying. Perhaps you should indeed have started with BC2, and stayed with it. Would save us all a lot of wasted time.
  21. Zipper5

    Ping restrictions

    APL is an exception, you're a competitive league. Everyone else, where even the slightest amount of lag is a non-issue, not so much. As myself and Infamous said, ping is not what matters so long as it's beneath something stupid like 500ms. It's the desync/latency you get. That's what causes issues, not your ping value. It's funny, I actually did a test and launched COD4 to see what ping I could get away with. I could get away with higher pings on COD4 than I could in Arma 2, and that is just down-right bad.
  22. It sounds like your changed FOV messes with the LOD distances of units. It makes sense because you're either making it more zoomed in or zoomed out without pressing the keys to do so manually. I recall issues of similar nature when people tried to edit their FOVs for ArmA, which would cause even the map screen to screw up. Anyways, long story short, don't change anything the game doesn't give you an option to and expect it to work perfectly. :p Oh btw, that guy oyman in your signature is, I believe, the same oyman from OFP times who made those excellent Polish units. I guess he remembers Big Dawg KS from back then, and is just poking fun at him. ;) /offtopic
  23. Zipper5

    A2 after Arrowhead..

    Lol, no they didn't. People want voices to be more monotone so they flow, people want certain phrases to not be monotone to evoke emotion but flow worse... There's no pleasing this community. No you didn't, but you don't have to. People new to the games see posts like yours and will automatically assume the worse, even though many of the issues presented have proven to be false or void.
  24. Zipper5

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Very sad to hear that. :( I wish DMarkwick and his family the best.