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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    Next-Gen CTI

    I think it would be a nice idea to hire a few civilians in towns to join the army for a while and work for your team. Their skill level would be lower, but also would be cheaper than requesting soldiers in form of paradrop or something. And instead of resistance, different towns would be hold by police or terrorist groups. And police would cooperate with US, terrorists would cooperate with Russians, making town conquering easier in a way, but terrorists'd shoot US soldiers, and cops'd shoot Russians.
  2. ziiip

    System requirements?

    I'm gonna buy an X700 Pro 128 MB DDR, hopefully it'll do it.
  3. ziiip

    Armed Assault mod - ONE

    This sounds unique, Can you tell me a wee bit about taht possibly? You must give your flag to one of the enemy, and the enemy must tk the flag carrier.
  4. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Anyone noticed that when a vehicle is destroyed, it doesn't deform in that stupid way. Not a huge deal, but I think it's very nice! Maybe this is applied houses and other structures.
  5. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Those pix are HOT, all of them!! We got our present here! :P I want it NOW!!!
  6. ziiip

    ArmA release date leaked out?

    Yeah, I'd bet we'll defenitely get info abour ArmA this month. This makes me a bit happy.
  7. ziiip

    ArmA release date leaked out?

    It's gonna be 1th of December tomorrow, maybe we'll get some info then.
  8. ziiip

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I'd like as good graphics as I could see on the first exclusive screenies and better air vehicle control(like in BF2 - yeah, yeah, BF2, but OFP's not a vehicle sim so make it BF2 style).
  9. ziiip

    ArmA release date leaked out?

    Em, if I'm right Microsoft is making the codec packs.
  10. ziiip

    Release Thread 2

    Lol, nice measure after Release thread was locked. I'm starting to doubt Q4 release too...It's very likely it wont' come out this year, or else they are already burning the DVDs in secret. Oh yeah, I don't want to dl it from the net, i want to hold the box in my hand and see the DVD in my DVD-ROM.
  11. ziiip

    cross hair

    It's impossible to aim perfectly while you're moving and even if you're stay put, you must breathe...
  12. ziiip


    Because they're just too lazy to remove it. Look at the games menu on BIS's website. The OFP:E's still under the "under developement" selection. It's totally the same. OK, ok, maybe they aren't lazy but busy, but it doesn't matter for this case. Codemasters is making it's own OFP2, and BIS is making it's own OFP2, but I believe you know that.
  13. ziiip


    I fear that ArmA won't be published until they sell some of OFP:E because no one would buy OFP:E(except those who only have Xbox) when they can play ArmA on PC. I hope I'm not right.
  14. If you swith between 1st person view and aiming view, there will be a difference too. Which is fixed in the final FFUR packs.
  15. ziiip

    1.96 problems

    OK, I've solved it by reinstalling both CWC and RES, and using patch v1.75->v1.96 and it's not fading.
  16. ziiip

    How shall we celebrate Arma release?

    Oh, I can feeeel offtopic. I loved the MMORPG-style idea a lot too, one powerful BIS server, with the hugest map loaded on it, and all the community playing on it. It's like 1.5 million ppl? A powerful server would be needed to run that.
  17. ziiip

    How shall we celebrate Arma release?

    How about the whole OFP community fly to Prague, BIS HQ, and then invite BIS guys for a coffee.
  18. Buy 2 AMD 4200+ dualcore processors, that way you'd have 8 Ghz. It's 4 Ghz lass than 12 ghz, but it's the best for now.
  19. ziiip

    1.96 problems

    I've installed 1.96 and the game is becoming full of bugs. I know it's that FADE thing, or what the heck. That the game "kills" itself, because it thinks that the game is cracked, and yeah, as all you know, 1.96 is like a crack. I've got original OFP CWC, with original Resistance, but still its' getting really messy. Doesn't anyone have the same problem? Why doesn't the patch ramoves the protection system as well? Pleeease help me to solve this! I've got original stuff I swear. It's not really very important, since ArmA will be out soon(hopefully), but I wanna play with proper OFP until the day I acquire ArmA.
  20. ziiip


    Well, jumping, swimmin and all these stuff in RL depend on how heavy your stuff is, so a simple soldier with one M16 could jump and swim without any problems I guess. As for me, I'd love swimming too, and I think Elite has it(not for sure), but I'm not interested in jumping. Jumping with 50kg of stuff is quit a challenge, and SAS training includes marching a lot with 50kg of stuff. Anyways, what does IMO mean?
  21. ziiip


    Hell, I remember how happy the OFP community was when they released that 4 pics at the beginning of september and now we dont get nothing. I really hope they'll release some info on november 8th.
  22. ziiip


    How 'bout Activison or Sierra? Both gotta be rolling in money 'cause of F.E.A.R. and Quake 4, and both have published quality games.
  23. I'll leave them where they are right now(in a shelf). Since I've formatted my hard drive, there's no need of uninstalling it, but I'll dowload again the good addons.
  24. ziiip

    AI in ArmA

    The F.E.A.R. has the best AI atm, and there are huge open areas in it.
  25. ziiip

    AI in ArmA

    Well, actually the OFPR's AI is a pretty huge piece of cake. I played OFP yesterday, and I saw that they are dumbs. There was a single soldier on the road, who spot me and started shooting at me. I moved away and got covered by a hause, so i flanked the guy, and he was still there on the road...