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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    Forum post gets a movie deal

    Lol what? Some marines travel back in time and shoot Ceaser in the nuts? Greeeeeeat idea.......:D:icon_neutral:
  2. ziiip

    Bioshock Infinite

    I love the first game, it was so good looking and atmospheric. At the time I felt it was a lil short but I guess 20 hours is outstanding these days after all. Looking forward to this.
  3. ziiip

    C&C Generals 2

    Since we are in 2011 an games should look and feel good.
  4. ziiip

    C&C Generals 2

    I guess the expansion era is gone and the endless stream of DLC shit is rock solid now. :rolleyes: The game itself should be very interesting though. I played the cheese out of Generals.
  5. ziiip

    Sword of the Stars 2

    It's good if you dont mind the graphics.
  6. ziiip

    BattleField 3

    Can I have your game?:icon_neutral:
  7. ziiip

    Video games industry

    Who wants to game on an Apple...? "If you actually press the green button it sends a natural selection squad to your house." ROFL Laughing my ass off even more as I read throught his. :D
  8. ziiip

    BattleField 3

    The latter.
  9. ziiip

    Ghost Recon: Online

    Not true, the latest Settlers needs more IQ than the one before.
  10. "Modern Warfare 3 is the best selling map pack ever" by gamefreak964 (youtube)
  11. ziiip

    Unigine engine! Valley demo

    I'm sure you can make a similiar landscape that looks just as great in ArmA2. The big bang thing IMO in that trailer is the view distance (or rather the optimisation of it).
  12. Graphics arent cool for these days so I skipped (y I know you dont care). :cool:
  13. ziiip

    Sword of the Stars 2

    Atm I feel like I shouldnt bother playing until they update the AI and the fleet movemement/order possibilities on the star map. :icon_neutral: I am sure the game will reach its intended state in 1 or 2 month though. :) Still, if you are interested in a multiplayer match then let me know.
  14. I guess the dude at 4:28 doesnt mind at all that is head is completely out of the cover.
  15. ziiip

    Grand Theft Auto V

    The trailer is charming despite the somewhat dated graphics. :)
  16. ziiip

    Sword of the Stars 2

    I havent played a lot, but maybe you need to add a repair ship to your fleet? Edit: there is a repair dialog right next to the fleet manager. ;) Also, I hope they will allow you in a patch to move your fleets wherever you want with no reason. Here's a thread with some valid ideas. http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?568361-Least-favorite-design-decisions Also, it would be cool if I could give a fleet a mission while its moving in between planets so I dont have to waste any turn. Ships could have some more mass as well :D Edit: With patch 17507, my ships (and possible the opponents' ships no longer spawn in real time combat). Does this happen to you? http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/9616/notreallycombatlol2.png http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/2553/notreallycombatlolg.png
  17. If I'll ever buy it, I'll make sure to buy a PS3 just for that game, it kinda looks sharper on that...dont know why you cant see the difference.
  18. ziiip

    Sword of the Stars 2

    Today I got the chance to play to game for the first time after a smart guy on the paradox forum figured out why save/autosave was crashing my game. :D Combat was fun, but there are some weird thing though. For example there was a system which had a small asteroid resembling defense station that I had to search for, which took like 6 minutes. It blasted off the engine of my beautiful Liir cruiser so it couldnt move at all, but the combat time ended. Since I didnt move my fleet, I had the same battle in the next turn, but my damaged cruiser could fly again. :D Ships are pretty beefy as well, or my guns were puny, cause it took like 4 mins for 5 of my cruisers to blast 2 hostile ones. Also, is it possible to prevent a fleet from automatically going back to the planet from which it was sent on a mission?
  19. I know I couldnt care less if they salvaged some useless crap info from my computer in case I bought Bf3.
  20. I though South Africa is an equivalent of an ok European county.
  21. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    It's a step up from the nothing. :D
  22. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Sry for bump, but this is really worth checking out. Someone created a "flyable jet" game mechanic in 9 hours with just flowgraphs. Thread: http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=310&t=69849