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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    That plane is in BF2 too.
  2. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Me too.
  3. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I always get a stupid error, didn't you had problems when starting the movie?
  4. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    Yeah, well, since it takes more than 45 minutes to walk around Everon, why don't you do the same on Sahrani?
  5. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    That stuff is there since Easter.
  6. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    LoL, as I read your commend, I started laughing!! I can't die in peace because tanks don't have MG on them, hope they will fix this.
  7. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    OMG Game2 looks so good!! I wonder if they are render shots...I hope not. Though it seems there's no new info abour ArmA.
  8. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    The hillside on this picture looks damn smooth...they should have turned the terrain quality very high. Not like anyone will do that once ArmA is out. http://www.armedassault.com/shots/arma1.png
  9. ziiip

    William Porter's Blog

    Wow, those tanks were turned into scraps and ashes!
  10. ziiip

    William Porter's Blog

    http://www.armedassault.com/william/photos/flight.jpg This pic is from ArmA, right?
  11. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    That US soldier looks extremely detailed! Woah! And those Russian tanks and the Abrams!!
  12. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    Cool pix, thanks for surprise!
  13. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    When is the E3 going to take place?
  14. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    "In December we predicted a H1 2006 release and that probably remains the most accurate we can predict for now." Thank God.
  15. ziiip

    Ricochet  in ARMA

    I mean the unrealistic thing is that bullets ricochet...shouldn't they bore into the ground?
  16. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    Here: ArmA.dk It's mentioned somewhere on the board too. Sounds like we'll hear some news tomorrow.
  17. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    Me too! Thank god I'm not alone. Hey Ziiip, shall we start a mod team called CWCmod? I can't make islands, model men, vehicles or weapons. I can't make 2d textures or make very good web sites. But other than that I'm pretty good. Oh, also i can't code or write scripts...... Nor can I mod stuff, but at least we have will.
  18. ziiip

    Ricochet  in ARMA

    That's not really realistic.
  19. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    Modders will convert old campaigns and islands into ArmA, so I'm not worried. BTW I'd like to play CWC campaign in ArmA.
  20. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I hope it's gonna be soon. Could you ask if there was soft shadows in ArmA?
  21. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Well, Placebo said that arma.dk will have a Q&A with BIS, so we'll propably have some info soon.
  22. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    So as far as I know, Q4 '06 is pure speculation. Until we're signed to a publisher all release dates are speculation, whether you read them on official sources or on some obscure online shopping portal That's not good.
  23. ziiip

    Latest screenshots available

    I know when I'll check the forums after a week there will be some news waiting for me.
  24. ziiip

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Is it even possible to make the flying of OFP easier? it was as simple as it could get! Yeah, I have to agree. OFP wasn't vehicle sim. I'm happy about this news, because flying in OFP after experiencing BF2s vehicle controls...well, it was terrible.
  25. ziiip

    Character Ragdoll and more

    Did you read that Nvidia and Havok made an agreement, there will be a program that will allow Nvidia VGAs do the physics calucaltions. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesnt that mean ragdoll will no longer affect(or just a bit) the gameplay?