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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. Yes, but how many bytes? First one for me is 1,998,385,152 bytes, the next two are 2,000,000,000 both.
  2. Can someone who downloaded the game from Metaboli tell me how big the first part of the setup is? I downloaded it with Firefox, whereas I downloaded the rest with that free dl manager, and the 1st part is 1.6 MB smaller than the 2nd and 3rd part. I know it's lame but still....:D Edit: having playes it for about 15 mins, I must say that ArmA1 is nowhere near this. Maybe its missing some realism features that the so called ACE mod has, but the atmosphere in ArmA1 is absolutely inferior. Nikolaevits: they will send another e-mail after they examined your bank account so that they are sure that this isnt some kind of fraud. Since today is a holiday, no workers are there to check it. You will receive your key tomorrow.
  3. Can someone mod the ArmA1 black BH into ArmA2 plz?:)
  4. http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamers.de%2Fartikel%2F360%2F4%2FARMA_2%2FEs_ist_Krieg.html&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0= ArmA2 gets 85/100
  5. You've gotta be kidding...what do you expect form a GF6600? I used to have one, now it's in my grandmy's PC! Fact! :D
  6. Nice screens Eble! Also, It was great to see that smokin plane burst out in fires, the crash way great too.
  7. ziiip

    ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

    Creating the game takes years...and then killing bugs takes a year? Are u nuts? :D Edit: y, i agree its easy to be optimistic until trying the game. ;)
  8. Why the hell do you say that the ballistics and weapon firing rates are unrealistic? BIS says it completely life-like. The game isnt a gem in your eyes, fair enough, but why say BS? Maybe its wrong in that all-mighty ACE mod. :)
  9. Hahah, that ugly woman thing is hilarious. :D
  10. Me thinks you should post this serious bug on the bug tracker.
  11. ziiip

    ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

    From all the new info, my conclusion is that the AI works wonderfully when a nasty bug isnt interfering. :D
  12. Yeah, thats okay. The bad thing is that a patch is coming out today, but a lot of ppl might read the negative stuff and say bai-bai to the game if they are not well-informed. I'm sure the game's gonna shape up pretty soon. Luckily, this is only the german territory.
  13. ziiip

    Wrong CD-Key?:(

    MadDogX mentioned something about shitty printing and so that the number 2 looks like the letter Z or vice versa, cant remember. So some letters and/or number look like something else.
  14. Looks like profesional reviews and player impressions are out of harmony lol. Anyway, 4/10 WTF???? Not that I give a crap, I cant be discouraged, but it might hurt the sales.
  15. How far are the vehicles and soldiers drawn? In ArmA1, even if u set the viewdistance to 10 km and see the entire island, the objects are not drawn very far. I really hated it when I was trying to play as a pilot properly, flying at altitudes above 3km. So I couldnt go on realistic recon missions with my A10 cus i had to fly at 2km so that tanks and stuff like that would be drawn. It would feel so epic to fly at 10 km and bomb the shit out of the enemy in MP, they wouldnt even know what hit em!!! :D:D:D Btw, sry for so many drawns :D
  16. Cool vid, nice to see that u can place waypoints in air.
  17. The addons looks so good!!! :eek::eek: I downloaded few addons for ArmA1 cos there were only a few that seemed to be as professional as the BIS made models. That Soviet tank was not among them. :D Although there might be more of that tank made by different modders. Still, it looks great!!! :D
  18. You guys seem to forget the fact that a patch is coming out right after release.
  19. The game looks pretty all right on low settings too. :D
  20. Were we watching the same video?? Yeah, the Abrams geting stuck was lame, but the enemy soldiers reacted very quickly to your fire. What bothered me is that the ladders are still stupid, but thats a low prioroty issue. Edit: besides, they are already working on a patch. ^^
  21. Sorry to hear the game is too good for your tastes. Stick to OFP if u dont like it!
  22. The weird thing is, it's 3rd in ranking on that site, but if you check out Gametrailers or Gamespot, the OFPDR videos have a lot more hits. The least viewed DR vid on GT has 84K hits, whereas most of the faction videos of ArmA2 have 20-30K hits, 2 with 60K and 1 with 100K. On Gamespot DR vids have even more hits, and ArmA2 vids arent even uploaded by the Gamespot staff. I'm very happy that ArmA2 is ranked 3rd on videogamer, thats a step forward, but the game still needs a good ad campaign.
  23. Hi Jasooon,, what about the tracers? I've heard they are improved, but how much better are they? No more laser show? Is every round glowing?
  24. Ah, so Chernarus is actually twice as large as Sahrani?!:D:D I thought it was the opposite and it felt bad. :P But this is awesome! Not that Sahrani is small, but I hoped that Charnarus would be bigger.