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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. ziiip

    Better animations?

    The occasional "siding" does not look nice, but I'm sure it will be sorted out by the final version. Still, it's a minor issue and I'm pretty happy with the fluid controls now. Btw, I liked most of the ArmA2 animations too, but it felt bad that you had to wait a split second to start moving after you pressed the movement button, because your character would first move his arms closer to his torso and then start moving.
  2. I say you should create a function that results in the terrain of Limnos and integrate it. That's proper science.
  3. You dont need photoshop, you can change the color scheme with scipting commands. There are even a few effect modules shipped with the game. Normal: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2570/17881570.png Movie day effect: http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/9356/70020013.png Sepia effect: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8159/20458694.png But there are infinite amount of color alteration choices with a few scipting commands.
  4. ziiip

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    [/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. There is an option for that in the difficulty settings. Although it seems it doesnt work for SP now, but I havent tried changing it in MP.
  6. ziiip

    [AhoyWorld.co.uk] co40 AW Invade & Annex

    This mission is a lot of fun and I enjoy it throrougly. :D One question remains though: where is the OPFOR version? :P :P Personally, I think it sucks that you can only play as NATO in these high profile large scale COOP missions so far.
  7. You can adjust the color scheme of the game with just a few scripts commands. Other than that, the problem is with you.
  8. ziiip

    User Mission Request Thread

    I really want an OPFOR version of the AW/Domination/Whole lotta startis, etc missions. ;)
  9. Very nice, I like the new hats and helmets. ;)
  10. Hmm, I guess it wouldn't make sense not to include it. Anyway, it's very sweet that you have had it unlocked for us in the meantime. :notworthy:
  11. I dont remember having too many good SW games recently, so I'm not going to drop any tear. Furthermore, 1313 felt like a typical "Gears of War in SW clothing" with lame "Holywood" dialogue so humanity hasnt lost much. :P Anyway, SW games are going to keep coming, jut made by external studios.
  12. So this anim is going to be part of the game officially later?
  13. I did 7:25 and i thought i was pretty quick before checking the time. o_o
  14. Can anyone take a look at this script? The syntax is apparently bad. Btw this is supposed to make obj2 face obj1. Edit: apparently my keyboard became funky and inserted a different kind of minus symbol that the game doesnt understand. It's working now.
  15. Did you play in third or first person view? Because that determines wther I land in 5 seconds or 20 seconds. :D
  16. ziiip

    The Witcher 3

    I'm looking forward to it very much too! :D The living ecosystem feature sounds very interesting. I've also heard that you no longer rely on rolling in combat which I am very happy for.
  17. ziiip

    In-Vehicle Leaning

    Awesome, great to know!
  18. Is there a way to make the helicopter land near a firefight? I remember i had this fucking annoyange back in the ArmA2 days too.:banghead:
  19. ziiip

    OPFOR too Futuristic?

    I love the Iranian uniforms from head to toe, I actually play as them more often than I play as NATO. That other helmet design someone showed in this thread looks really good too, it would be nice to be included in the game.
  20. Any chance of an OPFOR variant?
  21. ziiip

    Co 10 - Hill Hiking

    Thanks, I'll try it.
  22. ziiip

    Mag Repack

    Sweet! Congrats man.
  23. I was able to do that.