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Everything posted by ziiip

  1. I dont know why people are still debating about this absolute nonsense, but I suppose that many of the community addons could be used in Cryengine 3 this summer.
  2. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Oh nice, thanks for the link. I have also seen the C1 Scar wip for C2. Hehe, that makes sense.
  3. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Wouldnt I need the beta to use that? Not that I'm not satisfied with the current textures.
  4. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Do the console commands work for you?
  5. ziiip

    PMC extension

    Yes, I narrowly managed to get my drawing of a welded baseframe finished before the deadline and successfully written 2 out of 3 test. :D Which means I can show you some update in a few days. :popup:
  6. Looks like Arma2. I recall seeing an arma 2 addon with fancy lighting on its surface. Btw if this aint a joke, i hope this game runs smoother than ArmA2. :P
  7. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    1., No editor at the moment. :icon_ohmygod: 2., The lenght of firefights depend of difficulty. If you play on hardest, you can die very fast so you must stay in cover. 3., I have only played a little so I cant tell. 4., I think that the invisibility is very useful on hardest, but its really up to how many times you want to retry a scenario.
  8. ziiip

    If A War Were To Break-out...

    I'd flee instead of fighting. I enjoy living. Theres no point in figthing trained men anyway when you are an average joe/jessie.
  9. Yay they look fantastic.:D
  10. This camo look really good, congrats! :) Btw, I can send you a BIS sample model replica and a MICH helmet so you only need to model the equipement (or just use the bis sample models).
  11. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    It definately deserves a gold medal in the troll contest.
  12. I meant if expansions came without their own campaigns. They all came with new campaigns. Not that I care and not that I played any of the campaigns because of my crappy pc, just you know, trying to figure out the reasons. I doubt someone who has bought Reinforcements will buy OA just to have the campaign.
  13. I wonder how many people would have bought the GW expansions if they shipped without campaign and quests.
  14. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    The game looks great to me and I definately didnt feel sick while playing it. My only problem is not having prone and modding. Crytek is not the the slave of pc fanboys. Some good comments Im not saying consoles dont suck (despite having one) but Crysis 2 does not.
  15. ziiip

    Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

    Is it "Studio" or "Studios"?
  16. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Not buying is fine, but this stubborn "console port blah blah" is really getting boring. :rolleyes:
  17. ziiip

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    Just bought the game despite not being amazed by the absolute lack of moddability (damn i couldnt resist those sweet sweet ceph soldier). If anyone else buys it, we can play together in MP. Although I really hope that they will make the game moddable, because the I have some ideas for the multiplayer.
  18. Someone needs to do the Ceph grunt from Crysis 2. :licklips: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100616223357/crysis/images/0/07/Ceph.png
  19. ziiip

    Diary of a contractor in Iraq

    Well that is true for national army members too.
  20. What's the point of not including the OA campaign/missions?:confused:
  21. ziiip

    PMC extension

    Yes, why not, but there is no difference from the outside between the guns with different magazines as far as i can see. @.Col thanks dude, but I'm tolerant anyway. :D http://www.empirearms.com/9320054.jpg, http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3394/3292865917_9e4eeb2544_o.jpg
  22. ziiip

    Emita City

    Oh I had no idea. Anyway, can you show some additional lovely countryside snapshots which are unaffected by the nuclear apocalypse?:)
  23. ziiip

    Emita City

    There goes all your hard work. :D (hint: turn the grass on)