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Everything posted by XCess

  1. XCess

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I would love to see somebody continue Kurayami's work if he himself can't do it. I personally hae FFUR effects, and absolutely love ECP with it's improved AI, retreating under the cover of smoke and screaming along with Cameron's DSAI Extension. All it needs is a few addon replacements, and I can finally play CWC how it should be played
  2. XCess

    What kind of addons cause lag

    The only weapons that I know of using scripting are by Kyle Sarnick, his hand grenades, and I believe.. shotguns. Though I could be wrong. If you've had experience with programming, then editing config files shouldn't be a problem, because, as the extension .cpp suggests, they are very similar in layout and syntax to C++ class definitions.. or I believe so, I've only had limited experience with C++ myself.
  3. Wouldn't that cause quite a bit of spawn lag at the beginning of the mission if dropping several group Mandoble? I'd prefer to do it the newbie way and name a few parachutes from empty/air, then add "this moveInDriver parachute" to the init line of the units.
  4. XCess

    What kind of addons cause lag

    I'm running on a Sempron 2400+ with 512mb RAM, and regularly host non dedicated servers for private games, and things run perfectly. In fact, one player from Qatar, who usually get pings of up to 400ms managed to play with a ping of 76ms and no desync whatsoever. All this while running ECP, so you don't need that good of a PC.
  5. XCess

    InGame Advertising

    Personally I don't see any problem with in game advertising. It has no ill effect on the players' in game experience, and if implemented well can even enhance the sense of realism in game, as you will see billboards and brands seen in real life. Of course, it would have to be done subtly, without in your face "brought to you by McDonald's" type splash screens, but rather objects in game that would be covered in franhise logos as in real life.
  6. XCess

    BF2142 InGame Advertising

    Personally I don't see any problem with in game advertising. It has no ill effect on the players' in game experience, and if implemented well can even enhance the sense of realism in game, as you will see billboards and brands seen in real life. Of course, it would have to be done subtly, without in your face "brought to you by McDonald's" type splash screens, but rather objects in game that would be covered in franhise logos as in real life.
  7. Not Exactly Combat Photography, but I got bored and decided to play around with a pic of ArmA in Photoshop Not exactly the best quality of picture but oh well...
  8. XCess

    armed civilians

    What exactly do you mean "this website foookk hack!!", it's simply a few advertisments to keep the site running, and if by "ofpecker" you mean ofpec, it hasn't been hacked, it's simply undergoing a few coding adjustments at the moment. @Texas-Ranger The most effecient way to arm civilians with weapons is by use of the addMagazine and addWeapon commands entered via the init field of the unit (make sure the editor is on 'advanced' mode) Using an addon will cause more stress for players as they have to download the addon aswell as the mission. This complication is even worse in multiplayer, where every player has to have the addon, and if not, you are simply booted from the server. To add weapons to the civilians use the following: this addMagazine "m16"; this addMagazine "m16";this addMagazine "m16";this addMagazine "m16"; this addWeapon "m16" Note: the four addMagazine commands were placed first, as placing these after addWeapon will mean the unit starts with an unloaded weapon, and has to load up before being aqble to fire. Now, if you wish for the civilians to be hostile to one specific side, create a soldier from the side you want the civilians to be a part of, set his "probability of presence" to 0 using the slider. Now, group the civilians to this soldier, and they will fire on any unit that is not friendly towards the group leader.
  9. XCess

    armed civilians

    What exactly do you mean "this website foookk hack!!", it's simply a few advertisments to keep the site running, and if by "ofpecker" you mean ofpec, it hasn't been hacked, it's simply undergoing a few coding adjustments at the moment. @Texas-Ranger The most effecient way to arm civilians with weapons is by use of the addMagazine and addWeapon commands entered via the init field of the unit (make sure the editor is on 'advanced' mode) Using an addon will cause more stress for players as they have to download the addon aswell as the mission. This complication is even worse in multiplayer, where every player has to have the addon, and if not, you are simply booted from the server. To add weapons to the civilians use the following: this addMagazine "m16"; this addMagazine "m16";this addMagazine "m16";this addMagazine "m16"; this addWeapon "m16" Note: the four addMagazine commands were placed first, as placing these after addWeapon will mean the unit starts with an unloaded weapon, and has to load up before being aqble to fire. Now, if you wish for the civilians to be hostile to one specific side, create a soldier from the side you want the civilians to be a part of, set his "probability of presence" to 0 using the slider. Now, group the civilians to this soldier, and they will fire on any unit that is not friendly towards the group leader.
  10. XCess

    OFP shot from Cargo

    Also, BAS did it with a little less styl with their "armed" mh-6 Littlebirds, which had an mp5 in such a position it would look as if the the co pilot was holding it.
  11. XCess

    blood splash

    I think the puffs of blood are fine as they are, at least, for now anyway. The only way ArmA could really simulate the true effects of injuries would be by going ass what many people would called overboard, and too gory. Because, the fact is when somebody gets shot and an arterry is severed, it will be messy, a little human fountain IMO, simulating the visual effects of injuries would waste way too many system resources. If proper bleeding was simulated, then we would have die hard realists screaming for limb severage and decapitation, and then who knows.. proper physics on the falling guts? I saw, just leave it as it is. The puff of blood is realistic, but displayed in a much more conservative manner than the real life effects. So, imho, it's fine.
  12. XCess


    Recently I've be unable to avoid the need for more than basic mathmatics in my scripts, and by basic I mean school taught stuff. So now I'm looking to expand my knowledge in this area, but I don't wish to take on a full blown college or uni course on the subject as I would doubtlessly tire of it while they do arithmatic revision or basic multiplication to get the class back into the correct mindset. Anyways, the question I'm asking is: are there any online math courses, for free where I can expand my mostly forgotten grasp of maths?
  13. XCess

    Reality vs. Myth, Fantasy & Legend.

    I much prefer fighting humans than monsters,, especially if they have just been chucked in for the hell of it. The worst part is when a monstr can take 5 swipes of a sword, or 4 bullets with no visible effects
  14. XCess

    Novajev CTI + DAC

    When this mission is closer to a finished state, could you please post a thread on OFPEC, at the beta board. The OMBT (OFPEC MP Beta Team) will most likely hav a go at it, an give you any comments on what's needed in the mission. That is, once we sort out member issues.. check out the recruitment thread for that too if you wish to join
  15. XCess

    North Korean Nuclear Tests

    Source What do you think the global effects of this test will be?
  16. XCess


    Thanks Walker, and yes, I think my problem is that I forgot almost everything I learned in school. Never thought I would need it and so it vanished from my head Gonna take a look at the links you gave. I'll report back soonish.
  17. XCess


    I spose i would work, in a sei-effective way. The problem is you can't change the rate of descent with the nose looking in the proper direction. I'll give it a little bit of testing and see what I come up with
  18. XCess


    I was almost certain I put this in OT to begin with Anywaus, I'm talking about stuff like placing objects in a certain degree facing the object which they are placed relative to and also placed in a pattern. Most of the math i learned in school, well, it left my brain ther day I left the school Scripting isn't an issue, I've got 80% of the comref memorised from these past five years. It's just, I want to have total control over units, vehicles, weapons and bullets, whether it's with placement, movement or anything else I come across. The next step up from my most recent script, the Velocity Control one (in mission editing/ scripting). Because that script kind of got me to the peak of my knowledge, and I can see myself setting targets above that *edit* oh yes, where exactly did I put this thread to begin with
  19. XCess

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    'Tis a PCCHIPS K7 M848A Socket A 462pin mobo. Surge protection probably is a good idea, probably what caused the 'overclocking' last night.
  20. XCess

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    The BIOS Flash jumper? Should be fine since I did a BIOS flash not too long ago when windows failed.. I seem to get a lot of problesm all in one go after a year or two of perfect running The problem I have is that the BIOS batterry is placed on the mobo vertically for some very strange, and unkown reason, and cannot be removed. Belive me, I've tried
  21. XCess

    Bulletholes and Shellshock ?

    ECP does this in OFP, so if it's not standard in ArmA it will almost certainly be added later.
  22. XCess

    Gothic 3

    Crikey I hope not - Oblivion was the biggest disappointment this year. And a terrible step down for the series in general. Not wishing to hijack this thread, but in what way is Oblivion a disappointment? So far I've only played it for a few days and have a long way to go with it. I never played Morrowind or the others so cannot compare. I'm not a great fan of these sort of games but felt inspired to give it a try on grounds of graphics and also my wife was interested although she has now stopped playing it as it is a bit 'over magical' and somewhat confusing mission wise! I like the medieval setting though but am a bit put off by all the magic and myth! If Gothic 3 is a similar game I don't know whether I will bother with it unless the graphics are outstanding and the storyline is a bit more credible and realistic! Is Gothic 3 also set in medieval times and is it also full of myth and magic? .... Hmm, maybe I just need more imagination and fantasy in my life! The only problem with Oblivion was that most creatures were levelled the same as the player, you could finish the game as level 3 if you wanted to (I think I finished it as a level 6 acrobat or something). But a "Random Oblivion" mod was released which spawns creatures regardless of the player's level. Making hiking through the countryside a lot more enjoyable, as you could bump into some level 30 creatures at the beginning of the game.. I remember battling against a minotour lord before even going to that pplace that gets attack, and fighting it off with arrows.
  23. XCess


    If there's a setpitch/bank command in ArmA I will probably be making a script to control aircraft in a similar way to my Velocity Control Script script in OFP ASAP
  24. XCess

    Gothic 3

    Better thann Fallout?!?! Never!! Haven't played any of the Gothic series so far, but if they are better (or as good as) than the good ol' isometric Fallout series and Baldur's Gate games (playing through Throne of Bhaal right now) I'll definately give em a try.
  25. XCess

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    It reset itself this morning, so there shouldn't be any explosions from the computer any time soon Infact, it even reset the BIOS clock and went all the way back to 1ghz Methinks I need a new BIOS batterry.