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  1. Look at it another way, if these so called "offending" groups have devised their rules to deter obstructive and uncooperative players. Then congratulations to them, it appears as though they are doing an excellent job.
  2. As a 21 year old man, perhaps you should not complain so much, about what 15 old year kids do on the the servers they pay for? Unless you're just trolling them, in which case that's acceptable adult behaviour.
  3. UNN

    Config help

    I was looking at the default Arma3 class for UGL_F, which is defined under cfgWeapons: class UGL_F : GrenadeLauncher { displayName="EGLM"; magazines[]={"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","UGL_FlareWhite_F","UGL_FlareGreen_F","UGL_FlareRed_F","UGL_FlareYellow_F","UGL_FlareCIR_F","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}; sound[]={"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\grenades\ugl_shot_4",1.12202,1,200}; reloadMagazineSound[]={"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\grenades\ugl_reload",0.501187,1,20}; drySound[]={"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\other\sfx5",1,1,30}; magazineReloadTime=0; reloadTime=0.1; optics=1; modelOptics="-"; cameraDir="UGL look"; memoryPointCamera="UGL eye"; opticsZoomMin=0.375; opticsZoomMax=1.1; opticsZoomInit=0.75; weaponInfoType="RscWeaponZeroing"; }; The above has both cameraDir and memoryPointCamera defined there, which makes sense as the grenade launcher still need its own memory points. But I also noticed that class UGL_F is then used as a sub class in the same way as the fire modes (see the SMG_02_base_F class I posted further up). So I assume from that, in theory you could keep adding different weapon types, all under the class name of a single rifle? But I guess that depends on whether or not the engine would allow it.
  4. UNN

    Config help

    You're missing a closing }; from class XM25. Weapon configs aren't really my thing, but looking at the SMG_02_base_F class, the UGL_F is used the same way you would the other modes: class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { begin1[]={"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\SMG_02\SMG_02_st_1b",1,1,500}; begin2[]={"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\SMG_02\SMG_02_st_2b",1,1,500}; begin3[]={"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\SMG_02\SMG_02_st_3b",1,1,500}; soundBegin[]={"begin1",0.33,"begin2",0.33,"begin3",0.34}; closure1[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2",1.12202,1,10}; closure2[]={"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3",1.12202,1,10}; soundClosure[]={"closure1",0.5,"closure2",0.5}; weaponSoundEffect="DefaultRifle"; reloadTime=0.0545; dispersion=0.0011; recoil="recoil_auto_smg_02"; recoilProne="recoil_auto_prone_smg_02"; minRange=0; minRangeProbab=0.9; midRange=15; midRangeProbab=0.7; maxRange=30; maxRangeProbab=0.1; aiRateOfFire=1e-006; aiRateOfFireDistance=50; }; class UGL_F : UGL_F {}; class UGL_F is defined like any other weapon class such as Rifle, so I think the way you are inheriting it is ok: class UGL_F : GrenadeLauncher { displayName="EGLM"; magazines[]={"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","UGL_FlareWhite_F","UGL_FlareGreen_F","UGL_FlareRed_F","UGL_FlareYellow_F","UGL_FlareCIR_F","1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeYellow_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokePurple_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","1Rnd_SmokeOrange_Grenade_shell"}; sound[]={"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\grenades\ugl_shot_4",1.12202,1,200}; reloadMagazineSound[]={"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\grenades\ugl_reload",0.501187,1,20}; drySound[]={"A3\sounds_f\Weapons\other\sfx5",1,1,30}; magazineReloadTime=0; reloadTime=0.1; optics=1; modelOptics="-"; cameraDir="UGL look"; memoryPointCamera="UGL eye"; opticsZoomMin=0.375; opticsZoomMax=1.1; opticsZoomInit=0.75; weaponInfoType="RscWeaponZeroing"; }; Also that class uses different memory points to, just in case you weren't aware cameraDir="UGL look"; memoryPointCamera="UGL eye"; But perhaps the above doesn't apply for dedicated grenade launchers?
  5. As you provided the class name, I used the file allConfig.txt that I posted under Config Extractor. To search through for the class and see what has been entered under class Animationsources.
  6. These are all the animation sources defined in the config: Ground_holder_hide Pole_Left_Hide Pole_Right_Hide Pole_Top_Hide Pole_Bottom_Hide Left_Rotate Right_Rotate Top_Rotate Bottom_Rotate Pole_Rotate Target_Left_Rotate Target_Right_Rotate Target_Top_Rotate Target_Bottom_Rotate Target_Pole_Rotate
  7. Ok, no worries. They are found in the Memory LOD of the weapons p3d. Try setting the following to an empty string in your config: cameraDir = ""; // What that camera is looking at That might make the optic point straight ahead.
  8. He is defining those values himself in the include file #define GUI_GRID_X (0) #define GUI_GRID_Y (0) #define GUI_GRID_W (0.025) #define GUI_GRID_H (0.04) #define GUI_GRID_WAbs (1) #define GUI_GRID_HAbs (1) While the naming convention is a little confusing, there isn't anything too controversial there. You only need to worry about safeZones etc when you want to position your controls relative to the edges of the screen. In this case fihmany's dialog is centred in the middle of the screen so he can just use the standard 0 to 1 layout. Did you #include his defines? #include "Dialog\defines.hpp"
  9. Both properties are in the config you posted in the opening thread. While you're using the rpg32_F.p3d model with the Titan base class for some reason, that won't change the optics orientation because the model doesn't have angled optics.
  10. @fihmany All seems to work fine for me, after cutting pasting what you posted. You didn't resize your display prior to testing did you? Sometimes that can hide the hint. You also have to reload your test mission every time you make changes to your dialog. @cobra4v320 You can define your controls either way, as an array or an entire class structure.
  11. Then Sniperwolf572 provided your answer. As well as a genuine lol from his sig, with "walking while running".
  12. UNN

    Config help

    You're missing the [] from your modes array, at least that's how far I got before I managed to raise the error. It should be: modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto", "single_medium_optics1", "single_medium_optics2", "fullauto_medium"}; Looks like all your arrays are missing the []. But do yourself a favour and don't try to do everything in one go, add a bit at a time. For example you could have quickly narrowed down the error to the above if you just started with: class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_Burst; class Mode_FullAuto; class SlotInfo; class CfgWeapons { class Rifle; class Rifle_Base_F : Rifle { class WeaponSlotsInfo; }; class xm29_base : Rifle_Base_F { class WeaponSlotsInfo { class MuzzleSlot: SlotInfo {}; }; }; }; Packed it, then added: modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto", "single_medium_optics1", "single_medium_optics2", "fullauto_medium"}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto {}; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto {}; class fullauto_medium: FullAuto {}; class single_medium_optics1: Single {}; class single_medium_optics2: single_medium_optics1 {}; Then commented out the each line of the above until the error disappears. As a rule, I make sure I inherit the basic structure correctly, by getting it in game with no changes. Then I start to add the unique properties.
  13. It sounds like you want the optics to automatically adjust depending on the round. Which isn't a standard feature of the engine as far as I know? If so then you may have to hack it.
  14. Yeah, I was going to report this bug when I got the chance, same applies to the in game UAV so I don't think it's anything you have done. I didn't test the Darter, but the laser designator on other vehicle classes work ok, like the mini sub.
  15. UNN

    Camera script

    If you know how to use: cam setVectorUP [0,0,0]; In a script then there is no reason why you can't use instead: [cam,0,45] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank; It even takes values as degrees.