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Everything posted by TCEd

  1. Yes, best game ever, best GFX, best content, best modding ability, you can do so much more in this game than any other, it really is way above the rest of Battle games & sims.
  2. Yes, some do. It depends on the Mission. For instance you can play Domination & the server can be set to 8 attack zones, once you took them all its, "game over man!"
  3. It's 2009 already, upgrade your hardware & you won't have to spend 3 hours tweaking the game to get it to perform. I have a middle of the road PC, compared to the suggested specs from BIS, the only time I spent tweak/adjusting was setting up my joystick, the rest I left on default once the game installed. No problems to report, no bugs to report, having fun playing the game.
  4. TCEd

    I like this game but...

    The game is big on AI/Co-op play, hence the whole "simulator" thingy in the title. What you need to do is get with some folks who play PvP, just click my sig & you will find just such a place, hope you enlist.
  5. TCEd

    ARMA 2 worth buying?

    ^^^ doesn't know what he's talking about, I got the game, very limited bugs, very good performace, not sure what a cheery moderation squad is, but ok........ shoot'cha it's worth it, get it...... you won't be sorry.............
  6. TCEd

    Nuther Newbie question

    Sounds like your mouse wheel is bound to more than one action, which it's not supposed to be. You may want to reset your controls to "Default" to restore them back where they were. Sometimes when ppl set up joysticks or buttons their used to, they cause a double usage for a key, which disables it for the intended purpose. When you see the key assigned in "Red" that tells you it's bound to another function also, look for the other function and delete the one that is wrong, then your menu should show the mouse wheel without being red, which means it's set properly.
  7. Name :Nexway Price : 37.62 € Availability : Worldwide Delivery : Digital Download Date :June 19th I read through the thread & didn't see a link for this one, I got my copy from them, absolutley no problems & so did many in our community at AGW, I would probably say around 20+ players go it off Nexway. So if there were some issues, we would certainly have something to report.
  8. TCEd

    Official Co-op Missions?

    If it's PvP/Multiplayer maps/game mode your looking for then check out this thread on PvP maps & gameplay. And just to point out, I like co-op maps as well, the improved AI in A2 really make it a challenge.
  9. wow, this has been posted so many times, in this thread alone, please don't take my comments the wrong way guys, but Steam does not interfere with beta patches, addons, mods, updates...... I've used it for over a year now, installed all the beta patches for Arma1 that came out, I never used Steam to update the game, I never even had Steam on while playing, patching, ect.... Steam has nothing to do with BIS content other than a source to buy & download the game, that's it. I know that other games that are directly connected to Valve/Steam do require Steam to be running, but not Arma1 or ARMA2. Once the game is downloaded & installed, you can go to the games directory, create a desktop shortcut & never turn Steam on again. You can update the game, put addons & mods, it's really not a hard thing when you understand how it works. Steam is not a bad thing really, it's only just another way to buy & download the game. If you worried about Steam then buy the DL version from Nexway, problem solved.
  10. But you can get the online Tactical Guide, which has tons more content then the one that comes with the game. http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/
  11. Well if it's a DVD you wanting to "hold", then buy the download version, & then once your done installing & playing the game some, copy the files you DL onto a few DVD's & you will have the same thing as buying it from the store, the content is exactly the same. Then if for some reason you have to reinstall the game, you will have all the content you need. It's the same thing no matter how you slice it, you can even make your own niffy ARMA2 DVD box if you like, they sell the blank ones pretty cheap.
  12. I used a third party download for Arma1, installed all the mods & apps I wanted, never had an issue, also had no issues updating the game files. I used Steam to download Arma1, but didn't run Steam while playing, updating, ect... I only used Steam to buy/download. With ARMA2, I got the game from Nexway and have had no problems was so ever. Buying & downloading the game is no different the buying a DVD, they both contain the same digital info that gets put onto your PC. I'm not sure what problems others have had, but loads of players on Tournament Community (AGW) have bought the game online via download & none of them have reported any issues using addons, mods, updates, ect.... Enjoy!
  13. Also keep in mind that what many use to check FPS is Frapps, not sure if that is what you used, but it doesn't give the correct FPS, this reported by loads of ppl using it, looks like the ppl who make Frapps are going to have to update their software for ARAM2. The manual, not sure what you get with the box edition, probably nothing more than just a "how to install" thing, what most A2 players use for really learning the game is the online "Tactics, Techniques & Procedures Guide" by Dslyecxi. As for non-electronic box, unless your rig is running off a hamster & wheel, you box is electronic, unless your referring to manually placing the disk in the drive to "install" the contents of that disk onto your HD. The same contents which are on the Download version. Again, the only difference is that you hold a plastic disk, the info, which is electronic/digital, gets pulled off the disk and placed on your HD, once your done, you no longer need the disk. Unless you have to reinstall of course, but you get the point. Both DVD & DL version have the same digital content, the only difference is the plastic disk that doesn't do anything after you done installing, but nether does the DL content. But if your still not convinced, then please... continue to wait. I'm off to play some ARMA2 now.
  14. Or, you can buy the Download version which is exactly like the DVD in ever single way, except for the plastic disk and download now & forget all the extra wait time.
  15. D2D is a download game site, not sure about the time factor, but I think that's only on Steam for some reason, I wouldn't think that D2D would be holding their stuff because of Steam.
  16. To turn off motion blur & bloom, turn post processing to "disable"
  17. I have a 9800 GTX+ absolutely no problems to report, not sure if that is what you wanted, but that's all the info I got. Then Demo should be a good bench mark for you on how your system will run A2, also check other threads on these forums for tweaks & performance suggestions.
  18. Clear your cookies/cache, restart Steam, may need to restart your pc, then type in the new date. The Steam release, if you want to download the game, is today 26th. Sometime tonight they will release the game, I believe in about 6 hours, so around 5pm EST, but don't hold me to that time, but it is tonight. As for buying the DVD, you can wait or check the first post on this thread for links to sites you can buy now & get shipped a.s.a.p. without having to wait 2 more weeks.
  19. No, I just clicked on the link & it started, I don't have an account with them. You will need a torrent downloader however, I use Vuze.
  20. Thanks Snake man, I will post this up for our community. And thanks to Placebo & all the other BIS ppl who have been working so hard.
  21. Well.......... it's tomorrow already, at least it is from the time the above post was made on Yesterday, 07:42 PM ............. is there a link I've missed or some other thing I'm missing. Thanks BIS for all your hard work & great game.
  22. This is what I call the BF2/CoD/CS sticker shock effect. Those guys have been brain washed by those arcade style run & gun shooters, that don't require any skills other than fast fingers or macro's to play, & the object is just kill as many as you can, as fast as you can, go, go, go..... ARMA2 fellows is a military simulator. You mention no maps, then on what were you playing when first started playing the game? Think of it like this, if you've ever played BF2, you had lots of different maps right, Cubra Dam, Wake Island, ect... but all those cities & locations were still part of the same game world right, one at one city, one at another, the only thing was, you couldn't actually drive from Cubra Dam to say the Daqing Oilfields, even though they were still part of the same game world, it was the game world that was missing. A2 gives the player the entire game world. And guess what, they are more city's on the one game world, then all the maps for BF2 combined. There are 50 City's & Towns located in the game world of Chernarus, with every type of environment you can imagine, some are in sand, some in large forest, some on the beach, some in flat open fields, some in the mountains, you name it, it has it. With the built in Editor, you can create your own mission/map to play with your friends, clan, ect.... That's 50 different individual locations to make all sorts of different types of missions/maps, with many different types of game modes: Evo, Deathmatch, Domination, AAS, ect..... and there are many more, so just with those four game mod's, were talking now 50 x 4 = 200 different individual missions/maps you could create. Or you could use the entire game world as one big huge World War, it doesn't matter how you slice it. You got to think outside the box when it comes to A2. The game world is in fact so big, it would take you about 4 hours to walk across it in real time. And you mentioned PvP servers & missions, we play PvP all the time in our Tournament (AGW), with maps that are more like Project Reality only way better called AAS (Advance Attack Secure) all of which are PvP. The Pub servers are going to be more common with Co-op modes, where Tournaments & Communities are going to focus more on PvP. You guys just gotta step back away & read about the game, learn what it's all about & why it's so popular, all those thousands of gamers all over the world can't all be wrong, you have to rethink it with A2.
  23. Yes I used it on Sat, works great & I'm live in MS. They break up the game in 12 files to make downloading easier for you, just make sure all the files are in the same folder when you start the install. They email your serial key to you & they download link. I had no problems, they were great.
  24. Has anyone else had this problem & if so, can you help me. I bought the DL version from Nexway & when I click on the install .exe it ask for a disk, which I don't have, all the files are in one folder, I followed all the instructions, but it wont get passed this point. Thank you for your help guys.
  25. Ok guys, I figured it out. When I was downloading for what every reason my .exe file was not in the same folder as the other 11 files, do a search for the file that the box is looking for, point it to that folder and it will install. Not sure why it did that, but once I pointed it to the first file on the list, it installed with no problems.