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Everything posted by TCEd

  1. Scrim #1 - Sun Sept. 12th/Standard Battle Time! Scrim #1 has been set... the old adage that "practice makes perfect" is dead on for AGW Soldiers. The Generals have been working hard setting up Army Forums & selected qualified HCO staff members... all to get their soldiers into shape for the coming tour. The 1st LIVE scrim will be held on Sept. 12th at the Standard Battle Time. All available personal are requested to join, click on the Event Notification and let your CO's know if you coming or not, they need the info ether way. This Scrim will be done on the new AAS-Release for OA V1.14 & will be on random map rotations. This will do many things for AGW & it's members, it will hep us stress test the new server settings, stress test the newest AAS Maps on OA & it will give the new Generals a chance to see their Army's in LIVE action, which is highly important. Below are a few previews of just some of the maps in C4; Map - Desert Conflict - L Central Northern Takistan 6 Cap Zone = 2 Controlled, 4 Neutral/Connected (must take all to cap) 2 X-Rays Heavy Armor, Attack & Transport Choppers Short D-script - "Armor map, heavy sand action, will be loads of fun for Armor guys & gals, huge middle area... should encourage multiple Armor & Attack chopper battles within." more sshots of map... [/url] Map - Zargabad Airport - L Central Zargabad 7 Cap Zone = 4 Controlled, 1 Neutral, 2 X-Rays Heavy Armor, Attack & Transport Choppers Short D-script - "To the Victor go the spoils! Or in this case, the extra planes...once you capture the airfield, you can use some nice bi-planes & a few UN choppers, very large map with Armor & Attack choppers will make it noisy." more sshots of map... IF YOU HaVe NOT ENLISTED YET! Then get signed up a.s.a.p. AGW is a FREE to play A2/OA community, register on our Forums to become a Member, then Enlist in the Army of your choice, then sign in & sign up for this coming Event. The future of Takistan is in your hands, don't let them down.
  2. oh, sorry guys. In your Arma2 profile there is a line that records your Armory points, hence you spend time in there, complete challenges, ect... your points go up. This line can be edited to a high number so everything is unlocked all the time, no need to type in command line codes. The problem however is that there is no line in the OA profile, so it must be added. Here is the steps necessary to set it up. NOTE: you will need to create a custom profile if you have not done so, only a custom profile can be edited. Just open Arma2, click profile and create a new one. Repeat for OA if needed. Open your Arma2 profile with note pad, you can find it in... My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles. Find the line that says armoryPoints & change the value to 50000, it should look like this; armoryPoints=50000; Now highlight this line and copy it, then click save & close. Now open your OA profile, you will need to paste this line in the last section of code, just above the line that says difficultyMP="regular"; it will look like this below; showTitles=0; showRadio=0; activeKeys[]= { "BIS_CE0" }; armoryPoints=50000; difficultyMP="regular"; mouseSensitivityX=1; mouseSensitivityY=1; floatingZoneArea=0; With the new code added for the armory, click save & close. Now fire up ArmA2 or OA and your Armory points or percentage will be maxed out & you can use anything there, this fix remains so no need to type in a code every time you want to use it, enjoy!
  3. Never mind, figured it out, got some high res shots of the OA Huey, very cool.
  4. This doesn't seem to work with OA, I tried the code mentioned above, yet all the OA content remains locked, anyone got a code for OA?? I want to take some high res sshots of some choppers, thanks.
  5. How do ppl get these high res pics, are you using a thrid party software or is something ingame that allows for this, I see ppl posting images they say are rendered at 200%, how are they doing this, thanks for the info guys.
  6. so... seeing that our ArmA2 Linux server still doesn't have a patch for the recent 1.07 patch, will this patch work instead? If not, then can anyone give me a clue as to when you plan on releasing the Linux server files for recent 1.07 patch???? Our main battle server is dead in the water atm...
  7. TCEd

    Useless AT Soldiers?!?

    My comments exactly, having your AI squad set to "Engage at will" is the best way to move into combat with them. The easy way to make sure all your AI have this set is after you have recruiting them, hit the Tilda key ~ it's the key left of the #1 on the top row, above your Tab. This will select all AI under your command at once, then hit 3 & 5 keys, again on the top row of your keyboard, not the number pad. By hitting these 3 keys you have done the following; ~ - Select all AI 3 - Opens Engage menu 5 - Selects Engage at will These shortcut key combination's are good to learn as they make it easy in combat to give orders and movement quickly.
  8. Yes, you cannot edit the default profile, you must create a new profile, which can then be edited numerous times. Not sure why the did that, must not have needed it when they were making the game.
  9. TCEd

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Signed, thanks guys for your awesome work.
  10. Here's a link to the work in progress, keep in mind that the comic follows real battles our community has on Sunday's in our Tournament, so it may not make sense fully, hope to recruit some help soon on this project, and thanks again guys for the awesome sshots. http://agw.interactivetournaments.com/forums/storyline/c1storyline.html
  11. Crni-Vuk, what community or group of ppl do you play with? If you going it alone on Pub servers, then yes you are going to experience everything you mentioned about disorganized tactics & very little teamwork. Now that's not to say I think anything wrong with that, lots of ppl enjoy that atmosphere & no amount of posting in here will change that, this game, compared to all the others, can offer the player so much more, unlimited kits is one of those attractions & so is the ability to do a Rambo type thing or do co-op with AI, depending upon the mission. Most of what your talking about is not going to be found or fixed in the design of the game, but where & with whom you play it. It's not a design or mission flaw, it's the community or the lack there of, you play with.
  12. Crni-Vuk, it seems that your new to ArmA/simulator games, your comments seem to come from time playing BF2/Project Reality or some other Arcade game that imposes kit restriction to help force teamwork. I mean that's what you saying right, kit limitations equal teamwork? The problem is, your trying to apply organized tournament play logic to public servers, which you can't do. Ppl playing on a pub server aren't going to care about teamwork as much as those in organized play, they are there to have that open box, to jump in any vehicle, that's the fun of the game for them, you need to find yourself an organized gaming community who do require members of a squad to hold specific weapons, only allow certain ppl to use certain vehicles & have limitations on how many kits are in a crate. Sadly most of the ArmA2 fans see the co-op pub servers & think that there aren't many PvP servers out there, no organized teamwork army style structured places to play, but there are, many of them, but because they mainly do their playing on passworded servers, the rest don't see them. Ppl looking for these things need to check out organized communities, with custom missions, such as ours. We play AAS (Advance and Secure) maps, much like the ones in Project Reality, click my sig for more info.
  13. Nice work guys, thanks for sshots Tenn, these can work. I find it hard in ArmA2 as well to "catch" the action, hence the request to the masses. I may have to make an AI mission and just run around with my camera. Also, and I know this is because A2 is a simulator, but there aren't many muzzle fire pic's, you know where you see that spike of fire coming out the end of the barrel....anyway those shots make great pic's. Keep up the great work fellows!
  14. Yes that is exactly what I meant. As for post or sending, the image thread that is already up (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73572) should be used as designated by the BIS Admins, just wanted to get ppl who may enjoy posting sshots on there to post some good action shots as well, that was all. Thanks guys for your awesome sshots!
  15. Hey guys, just been going through the Screen Shot/Photo sticky thread & one thing I've noticed is probably 75% of them are stills or none action shots. I'm working on some comic series projects & need action shots, you know guns blazing, explosions, blood & guts, ect... examples: NOTE: I would have posted this on the sshot thread, but the rules say only pictures, no comments allowed. Thanks in advance fellows.
  16. Thanks for the server files guys, lets hope everything goes well. ...Yo, Placebo, update your lead post with the server file link so ppl don't have to search the thread, thanks. http://www.arma2.com/support/updates/file/182-arma2server_1_03.html?lang=en
  17. Can you ask them for a link, because the word from BIS is
  18. For all those lucky ppl who downloaded the new patch, the Server files haven't been released yet, so you can't play your game online. You also can't roll back the version, so you will have to re-install ARMA2 to play online. You might want to pass the word around as it would appear that info about the server files not being included was left out of the release notes of the 1.03 patch. No Servers files = no online servers being updated, so you can't play online, unless you re-install back to 1.02
  19. The only problem is, that makes this a Beta Patch, not an official Patch. Why would ppl need to backup their files if this is an official patch. Essentially you guys have got everyone to download a beta patch with no serve files to play it only. Why would you release a patch without server files to play it online, that doesn't make any sense. This is a total mess up guys, really bad idea. You should have warned everyone in advance that there would be no server files with this release & most ppl would have waited. Or the best way would have been to wait on releasing this until you had server files also.
  20. Good job, can't wait to play them.
  21. I just got done playing a Berzerk map called Berezino I believe, but I don't see any info on this thread about it, is there a main download site were I can get all the Berzerk maps for ArmA2?
  22. You guys would have to agree that the percentage of those having problems is lower than those who do not have problems. And if it were a case of "the game" being the reason for it working on "your pc", then shouldn't there be more ppl having issues? Once again, it's easy to blame the game for something not working properly, possibly because of lower end hardware in a PC or as Decerto posted that it could be as simple as a bad Ram stick; then to just upgrade the PC. Most problems are due to something connected to the PC. To point out that only ARMA2 gives problems, still does not rule out something with the machine needs upgrading. ARMA2 is a new game, it "is" going to ask more of your hardware, everyone knows that. Again I point out all those who I deal with on a weekly basis & every single issues has been resolved by ether upgrading an older part or proper configuration of current settings. It's not the fault of the game guys. Your welcome to post on our forums & ask our members how they fixed their issues, just click my sig.
  23. Obviously this is a PC issue and not the fault of the game. Same with all the rest who post problems with running the game at high levels on low end machines. The title of the thread is meant to pose the question or thought, if you feel that ARMA2 is one of or the best game ever. Obviously ppl with bad machines can't run the game, yet they get on this thread and say "no it's a bad game" because they can't run it on their machine. That's like saying a Cadillac doesn't give me a smooth ride because the roads I live on are not smooth, like it's the car's fault. Same with ARMA2, it's not the fault of the game if it doesn't run well on your machine guys, that's totally crazy thinking. BIS doesn't guarantee that the game will run smoothly on ever machine & simply because it doesn't run well on each machine doesn't make it a bad game. It's amazing how many ppl will blame the game & say its bad, simply because their PC is not up to spec, obviously it's the machine's fault and not the games. I have a mid range machine, not supper & not low end, I run most of my settings on medium, I have absolutely no problems. And I know loads of players in our community that have PC's will specs even lower than mine & they have no problems. I deal with a little over 200 players per week, if this was a problem with the game, we would know it, believe me 90& of the problems mentioned in this thread alone are due to poor specs or poor system configuration & some are just ppl trying to play everything on high with a machine that can't handle it. It's the PC's fault, not the game.
  24. would you mind posting your specs for us then, I know lots of ppl in our community who have lower end systems who are having a blast with the game, it took them a few tweaks to get it running to where they like it, but none of them have reported what you have posted, so please, post your pc specs.