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Everything posted by the.d

  1. No, just no. Please keep the mod's gameplay as gritty and its atmosphere as dystopic as possible. I noticed that many bandits seem to have no trouble teaming up with each other, whereas many "regular" survivors tend to do this on their own and end up as "lone wolves". This behaviour should be punished by standing less of a chance - and the mod excels at punishing people that don't find a group quickly. Right now the mod is going through a particularly intense "pvp phase" as the direct talk / Direct Communications channel is not working most of the time, so it is a lot harder to establish friendly contacts. Other than that everything is quite fine, please don't create artificial restrictions just because it is too rough for some people. There's always Chernarus Life for different tastes.
  2. As for the ingame VON / direct communications, why not implement ACRE in the long run? I know this has been brought up more than often and it may be not too great for the alpha, of course, as it further reduces user compatibility but the radio enhancements would fit into the whole scenario oh so very nicely.
  3. Fantastic stuff! Might I suggest in addition to permanently disabling the crosshair (which is the case on most of the servers by now) to also disable death messages? Should make things a lot more interesting in long-range or town fire fights. And it might add up nicely to the "Study bodies for their cause of death and name" option you just introduced! Thank you so much for this amazing mod!
  4. Absolutely fantastic, galzohar! Tried the Zargabad variant of Cobalt File yesterday with some friends. We were blown away (well, quite literally)! Brilliant design! Can't wait to try again. Thanks for sharing this with us! I won't be home for some time to try this myself, so I thought I just ask this here: Is there any chance for a Chernarus version? You wrote a large number of buildings can cause AI pathfinding issues. Then again, Fallujah seems to work, right? Last but not least: Sahrani is out of the question I suppose, due to the many unenterable buildings?
  5. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I don't think I wrote a proper "Thank You" in this thread yet. I will do this now: Thank you, LordJarhead! A truly epic soundscape! And: Join us for another coop sometime soon; would be nice to catch you on the server! :)
  6. deltadagger, ACE is mostly aiming for realism. I would wholeheartedly suggest you play with it for a while and see all the realism features - such as the disabled rifle cursor reticles - as a challenge, not a restriction. If you don't like this at all, or think it silly, there's two options: 1) ACE is quite modular, try disabling the features you don't like by finding the pertaining .pbo file and moving it out of the @ACE/AddOns folder (would mean quite a bit of tinkering in the long run - and it would definitely restrict multiplayer gaming) 2) Don't use ACE at all and play ArmA2 on "easy" or "regular" difficulty, if you prefer more arcade-like gaming Hope that helps!
  7. Angus S is quite right. This is completely outdated. We find ACE/ACRE to be an extremely immersive combination, very few additional add-ons are running on our server/clients. I will rewrite the list - and shorten it significantly - as soon as I find the time. Sorry for having neglected this for so long!
  8. Oh, hell yes! If anyone could be convinced to port this mission to other islands (Clafghan would be quite exciting!), that'd be amazing! Cipher is a long-time favourite of mine, even with the little dust it collected!
  9. Thanks for the reply, JuggernautOfWar! Seems like the problem is just on our side then; I will check it out :-)
  10. This is by far one of the best multi-stage "sandbox" coops out there and has been a favourite of our squad since its release. I have a short question regarding the "Clear the street of a location of AT mines." task in the ACE version of TFOR. Bon, you wrote earlier: Apparently the indestructibility of the AT mines still persists in the ACE version of the latest TFOR, or am I mistaken? We tried several explosives on them, to no avail. AA radars and the likes are fine. Thanks for sharing this mission with us, by the way! Especially together with ACE & ACRE we keep having a damn nice multiplayer experience - many, many thanks! :)
  11. After testing Endgame we gave this a shot, too - and again: Wow, thoroughly impressed! We were only three players just now, so we did not explore the full potential of the mission - but I am very much looking forward to playing this with a reasonable amount of people! Thanks a lot, laggy, for sharing these missions with us - brilliant!
  12. the.d

    DM 2-20 ENDGAME v0.90

    Thanks, laggy! I am extremely impressed by this kind of mission style! The term "Deathmatch" is a bit misleading I should say; as you wrote, this is a very complex "Army vs. Army" scenario featuring high command and thus planning on a strategic(!) level. However, it also sports coop-like squad tactics. It's a team-based PvP mission with realistic parameters, basically and I can only hope this catches on! Brilliant design, laggy - absolutely brilliant!
  13. the.d

    Weapon Lock

    Please don't automate the mastering of intrinsic gameplay challenges - this would be a typical feature to dumb the game down. In short: What Cole said.
  14. Celery, Zipper5 - this is the best zombie-themed scenario I ever played in any multiplayer game / multiplayer game mode. The setting, as well as the layout and design as a whole, immerse the player in a fiendish, gritty atmosphere. The flawless briefing, the cunning usage of scripts, not to mention the "game rules" (weapon & equipment load-out and available characters and your decision on zombie damage and "hit points") and, last but not least, the implemented custom sounds really pull you into the story. I wish games like Left4Dead would have been half as immersive. Above all it is free of any add-on requirements. Pure genius! By the way, we did not finish this mission once so far - always died. I know it's not meant to be played with it but we are running the mission with ACE; the stamina system is literally killing us. You can't imagine the thrill of realizing you are about to black out while running from scores of undead on your heels! :-P I really love the advanced difficulty! I'm hoping for a follow-up, to say the least! Thanks for letting us test the mission and many thanks for bringing us this gem!
  15. I've been stumped with work recently and I do not when I will find the time to bring this up to date - I was planning a second guide concerning basic mods and enhancements for OA (not ACE-based this time!*) but there is no way I can accomplish anything in that direction at the moment. My apologies! *No, screw that - ACE just rocks on so many levels, it's really a fundamental contribution to gameplay.
  16. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Now, I got two hours of sleep left, so I really should go (part II, III and IV will have to wait) - but I'll just leave this here for now:
  17. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Agreed the M2 is a bit feeble :) Coop is finished, and I just wanted to let you know, LordJarhead, it was a blast! Four of us used your mod - no problems, just an occasional "wow these sounds are great" - I taped the whole mission and I will edit and publish the video. Contact me in ICQ/MSN or Steam (check my profile) if you'd like to have the raw footage.
  18. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Haha goodness, no! Sorry about all the fuss - the GAU8 just a minor part of something much larger, of course. All I'm saying is, it seems to be working for me - we are having a coop right now, but I will try to find some time to make a video of it. Thanks :)
  19. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Darkxess, I know what you mean - I absolutely see your point but for me the exact effect is being achieved when listening to the GAU8 from the ground while this thing is flying towards me - that's what I tried to say :) I do agree with your other remarks at any rate and there's no doubt your input is valuable!
  20. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Darkxess, I don't quite agree with your opinion on the GAU8 - have you checked the sound from the exterior? He added an external "echoing roar" for the Avenger - you can hear it when either witnessing an A10 strafing run from the ground or, a bit easier to test, while shooting the main gun and switching to 3rd person (turn the camera to the front of the plane) - I do hope he doesn't change anything there! Can't get much more "killing machine"-like, for my taste! That guy has some amazing talent! :-D
  21. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    This is my favourite sound mod for OA now. I am completely stunned at its quality. Quick bug report: After testing some weapons / units I checked the the ArmA2OA.rpt and have the following errors to report: The M134 @ 4000 rpm doesn't have any sounds. Hope that helps - thanks again, LordJarhead!
  22. the.d

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    One word: Fantastic! At this stage, consider combining some aspects of the mod with Eliassound2 (the radio chatter for aircraft, for instance) Great work, LordJarhead - thank you very much!
  23. Overwhelmed by the current flood of high quality fan content! O.o This will definitely come in handy - thank you, conKORD!
  24. Stunning! Eagerly awaiting the OA version :-) Thank you so much for you hard work, DancZer, tpM, 2Face & Hogthar!
  25. Wow, so many useful tweaks and high quality add-ons recently - thanks a lot Deadfast! Also, I'd like to confirm Ginger McAle's translation as arguably the most literate and accurate one in terms of semantics :-) Thanks again!