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Posts posted by Thirdup

  1. Complied pbo and launched on dedicated server.

    Helo and crew present.

    Call Medevac present and functioning

    All radio text appears to be functioning

    *No audio (nine-line, etc)

    Abort option present until smoke

    Abort functioning and medevac resetting

    Smoke functioning

    *Smoke duplicated if call/abort/recall

    Helo arrived and team disembarked

    *Helo still warping/teleporting between 5 and ~50 feet

    *Cannot board helo

    RTB radio call present and functioning

    Helo RTBs

    *Cannot test reinsert (cannot board warping helo)

    Did not test with second player, yet.

    Looks like you're getting very close to all "working as intended".


    No radio sound fx

    Helo hover/warp

    Might want to look into a way to delete smoke shell from inventory if aborted

  2. As with most threads like this:

    More options = GOOD for more play styles

    Trying to force everyone else to play the way I feel is more realistic = BAD

    I don't have a horse in this particular race, but anytime someone suggests removing features from everyone in the name of realism it's something I'm opposed to it.

    Optionally (as a server rule), sure I'd support changes like this. More options is always a good thing.

    If you really want total realism, keep a loaded 45 next to the monitor. When you get shot in-game, you'll know what must be done. Just don't expect everyone else to share your level of enthusiasm. ;)

  3.   Mr. Charles said:
    Stupid question, but do you guys have the PRC rucksack radio? It worked for me in 2.01. 2.02 is untested by me due to lack of servers yesterday.

    OK, this was why I didn't have the call_action for atillery. Equiped the PRC radio pack and it appeared.

    I searched the ACE2 thread, the ACE2 wiki, and Google and never once could I find any mention of exactly how to call atrillery in ACE2. The closest I found was some obscure 10-month-old ACE dev post on a possilbe interfaces they might use when released.


    I don't play ACE much. If I did I guess I'd learn these things. But not being able to find answers to this sort of thing is why I don't play ACE much.

    Thanks Mr. Charles.

    edit: btw has anyone tried to call in flares in Domi2 w/ACE2? I get the radio traffic from arti but the salvos never appear.

  4. I don't see a problem with making it a server-side setting (on/off).

    I personally can't say that I find it "killing everything" about the game. I think that will largely depend on the type of play. My squad plays coop against AI. I've never gotten in the habit of using the spacebar and see no reason to ever use it (I like having to use my eyes). And I could care less if my squadmates use it. So to me, it's a non-issue.

    But as I said, I could see where it would be a good server-side control for those admins who want more reality. So my vote would be for a selection not offered in your poll. I certainly don't want BI to remove the feature (I'm certain some people depend on it to play).

    I seem to recall that disabling spacebar is an ACE2 feature. Like I said, I never use it so I wouldn't know.

  5. Here's a REALLY good way to actually view how/when/where/and for how long the AI sees a player.

    Originally Posted by MadDogX

    The mission gives you visual feedback of the AIs knowledge of your position, directly from the nearTargets command. Try it out.

    Once you have gained the AIs attention, you should see a white smoke particle surrounded by a red ring. This is the area where the AI actually thinks you are. After some testing with this, it is pretty clear to me that the AI does not have any kind of magical knowledge of the players location.


  6.   goliath86 said:

    Have you test the Abort action?

    Let me check it.

    ---------- Post added at 03:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

    Neg. The "Abort Medevac" is present but not fucntioning on the dedicated server. Confirmed with three passes.

    I'm headed out for a bit but will check back in when I return.

  7.   goliath86 said:
    Thanks thirdup!!

    Very helpful!!! :D

    Have you seen the Radio text or the Radio chatter when you call the Medevac?

    All radio chatter (voices) are present. Both to-and-from helo.

    The only text I see is my character transmitting "Smoke Grenade Out" at marking LZ. Also getting notice when corpsman joins team ("Four follow one").

    Did another pass to test:

    Helo and crew present.

    Call Medevac present and functioning

    Abort option present until smoke

    Smoke functioning

    Helo arrived and team disembarked

    Can board helo

    *Again, no radio call to RTB available.

    Stuck at that point.

    *also noticed that the coprsman/crew can get stuck trying to cross under hovering helo. Corpsman would not re-board when ordered. I *think* this is related to the hover/holding patern itself.

  8. Tested in editor and all appears to function as intended.

    Compiled .pbo and placed on dedicated server.

    First Pass:

    Helo and crew present.

    Call Medevac present and functioning

    Abort option present until smoke

    Smoke functioning

    Helo arrived and team disembarked

    *Helo kept teleporting between 5 and ~50 feet

    *No option to board or abort.

    Stuck at that point

    (my guess is that it just glitched in the hover and was out of range to get the boarding option. We've seen this before in early testing.)

    Second Pass:

    Appeared to function normally.

    Boarded helo.

    *No radio call to RTB available.

    Stuck at that point.

    Third Pass:

    Appeared to function normally.

    Boarded helo.

    *No radio call to RTB available.

    Again, stuck.

    I'll have another go at it during lunch.

    * Did NOT test with another player yet

  9.   Hellfire257 said:
    What about in Flight Sims?

    I came to gaming from flight sims. Plus I've used force feedback rigs before. I still give the G940 very high scores with regards to flight sims. I currently fly IL-2, Blackshark, FSX, and of course in ArmA2. It's a nice HOTAS rig even given the price (when you factor in the FFX and the pedals). My only minor complaint is the lack of detents in the rotories.

      RogueBlade said:
    I'd love to see a G940 vs Saitek X65F faceoff

    I'd like to try out the X-65. To be clear, it's not a "force feedback" rig but rather "force sensing" (meaning it has no moving parts and measures the forces asseted onto it). It would take some getting used to but I imagine it's very well suited for modern aviation sims. I also like Saitek throttles. But metal sticks seem to cause me a bit more fatigue after several hours (I flew with a TM Cougar for a few weeks).

    TM's Warthog will be out soon. If you're shopping for a new HOTAS, you may want to wait on the reviews for that bad-boy. Of course, it will be metal, expensive (ie: Cougar), and like the Saitek it won't include rudder pedals nor be force feedback. http://www.thrustmaster.com/

    ---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 PM ----------

    btw: here's an interesting little overview of some of the current HOTAS rigs. It deals mostly with the software side.


  10. I'll test a few things this afternoon and tonight.

    I'm not using analog. When it first came out I wasn't really happy with it (I've heard that it was "sort of" fixed in 1.05, but I've not even tried it since then).

    I'll tinker with it a bit and see. Keeping in mind that flight models do have some variance, I don't spend much time flying the LOACH. I'm mostly in the Apache these days but yes, I can hold a sustained hover at just about any alt.

    ---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

    Ah, good to see you sorted it out. Yeah, I've avoided the analog in ArmA2 (although I'd love to use it if it worked properly).

  11. Yep, flying with it every night. Still very happy with it.

    Are you running ArmA2 controls in normal or in analog modes?

    It sounds to me like you want to adjust the sensitivity of the throttle. There are numerous things you could try.

    In ArmA2 goto Controls>Controllers>highlight the G940 Throttle>click Customize>try adjusting the sensitivity there.

    Another solution might be to adjust the actual deadband on the throttle, but I'm not certain that would resolve you issue at mid-point. I'm not even sure that Windows Game Controllers allows for that any more. And I don't recall seeing it in the Logitec Profiler settings.
