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Everything posted by Talyn

  1. "Stop the convoy heading to the airport, and clear out the enemy desert base." This is a faithful recreation of Desert Ambush, the highly popular cooperative mission that featured in the original Operation Flashpoint (ArmA: Cold War Assault). Every element has been carefully recreated: the same number of soldiers, vehicles and similar-ish weapons. A lot has changed between Operation Flashpoint of 2001 and the latest version of ArmA 3, therefore there is the option of a virtual ammo drop and the option to enable revives (mission parameters). The default setup is very hardcore, just like the original. AI difficulty is dependent upon the host's settings. This mission requires RHS (AFRF, USAF, GREF and SAF). Mission download link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=966054556&searchtext=
  2. Talyn

    Arma3 Videos

    One of my favorite missions in the original, the mission clan members were tested on and something I had to recreate with the Malden DLC.
  3. Talyn

    Arma3 Videos

    I had a lot of fun making this and if you enjoyed it, I'd appreciate your vote. :)
  4. Hello! Is there a fix/workaround for this: http://dev.cup-arma3.org/T1864 http://dev.cup-arma3.org/T1670 I'm not getting any vehicle dust on Tanoa with Terrains Core activated and I noticed the tracker stated that the issue was closed.
  5. Talyn

    Arma3 Videos

    Strike Back mission trailer: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=308705926
  6. Talyn

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I've just tried that and sadly it made no difference.
  7. Talyn

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Has anyone managed to get a custom init working correctly? I'm currently trying the below as a test but it doesn't work; I have tried other arrangements of the command but the one below seems the most logical to me. Is my syntax correct? is the feature currently broken?
  8. Hi guys, I'm having an issue with custom crates; players are unable to place weapons, ammo, items, etc back into the box. There is no issue with the default crate load-outs (players are able to dump back into those) they work fine; it just seems to be custom load-outs. Is there a solution? I've tried searching but not found any posts relating to this particular issue.
  9. Ahhhhh, that makes sense, thank you! It would be handy if there was a weight/capacity status bar.
  10. Talyn

    Triggered messages

    I'd also like to extend my thanks to kylania - this script will prove most useful! On a side note, is it possible to position the text elsewhere on the screen (e.g. bottom left)?
  11. I'm trying to construct a mission that involves the players starting on-board the LHD. The initial spawning isn't a problem using the below command in the initialisation field of the playable characters. this setPos [getPos this select 0,getPos this select 1,15.9]; However, any player that joins whilst the game is in progress, for whatever reason, spawns around 30ft in the air above where they're supposed to, generally resulting in broken legs or death. The mission uses ArMaTeC's LDH spawner and norrin's revive scripts. Has anyone experienced similar issues or would know how to get around this problem?
  12. Talyn

    Fix the Mi-24 Hind please...

    That would make for a nice Christmas present. :inlove:
  13. Apologies for hijacking the thread but I'm attempting to do a similar thing for one of my missions. I want some players able to re-spawn into their group when they die, thus they have so many lives till final death. Re-spawn option 4 in the Description.ext. The mission also has a few pilot slots, I want these players to simply re-spawn at base. Basically I want my mission to play out in a similar fashion to the co-op version of the campaign in OA but I've tried dissecting the missions but unfortunately that leads me to a respawnfunction that limits the host to a singular character. :j: Any suggestions/help?
  14. Talyn

    Domination ports by Bsilenced

    I think an East (Russian) version using ACE 2 would be a nice change. Like others have suggested. But great work with the missions, been having a lot of fun with them thus far. :icon_smile:
  15. Talyn

    RH Hk416 Pack ver 1.0

    A BIG thank you! For placing a variant of the Tar21 in game. The weapon has been sorely missed since the days of Ravenshield. :dance1:
  16. Talyn

    WarFX Particles

    Very nice, makes the night fighting that much more spectacular.
  17. It's an issue with the script not being dedicated server friendly. If anyone could make the adjustments so that this works in MP I for one would be grateful! :239::notworthy:
  18. Good job with the pack. Definitely makes for quick and effortless pvp mission making! :)
  19. I encountered the same issue when creating a simple mission for MP. Fortunately, I found a solution that works for players spawning and re-spawning on-deck and aircraft remaining stable. Unfortunately, it's still hit or miss if the AI end up in the middle of a bulkhead. First of all, place an invisible landing pad named: LHD_Center In the init of that unit place: this setPosASL [getposASL this select 0, getposASL this select 1, 0]; res=[this]execVM"CreateLHD.sqf" Then finally modify the CreateLHD.sqf so it's like this: if (isServer) then { _LHDspawn = _this select 0; _LHDdir = 270; _LHDspawnpoint = [getposasl LHD_Center select 0, getposasl LHD_Center select 1, 0]; _parts = [ "Land_LHD_house_1", "Land_LHD_house_2", "Land_LHD_elev_R", "Land_LHD_1", "Land_LHD_2", "Land_LHD_3", "Land_LHD_4", "Land_LHD_5", "Land_LHD_6" ]; { _dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint; _dummy setdir _LHDdir; _dummy setpos _LHDspawnpoint; } foreach _parts; }; Credits go to Alexei Vostrikov for his implementation of the LHD in Carrier Domination.
  20. Don't suppose you could tell us how you made it server-side only so that clients don't require the addon? Nevermind, it's simply a case of adding. [color="Red"]if (isServer) then {[/color] _LHDspawn = _this select 0; _LHDdir = getdir _LHDspawn; _LHDspawnpoint = [getposasl _LHDspawn select 0, getposasl _LHDspawn select 1, 0]; deletevehicle _LHDspawn; _parts = [ "Land_LHD_house_1", "Land_LHD_house_2", "Land_LHD_elev_R", "Land_LHD_1", "Land_LHD_2", "Land_LHD_3", "Land_LHD_4", "Land_LHD_5", "Land_LHD_6" ]; { _dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint; _dummy setdir _LHDdir; _dummy setpos _LHDspawnpoint; } foreach _parts; }; Thanks for the scripts! :bounce3:
  21. After recently formatting and starting from step one I still encounter: error xdelta3 returned error code: 1 However, simply ignoring the error still completed the patch install. If I encounter any issues I'll let you guys know. //--------Edit Turns out that errors flag up every now and then in regards to files patched. =/
  22. Getting the following error: I had this problem with the first patch however I have another PC which I can install to which enables me to simply copy over the files, which should work again. However, I'd rather have the ability to install without these issues cropping up every time there is a patch. :(