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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    CPU limiting or framelock ?

    Do you need more than 30 FPS? In this game, I don't think you do.
  2. Tankbuster

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    //ArmA2.cfg language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=6000; Resolution_W=0; Resolution_H=0; Resolution_Bpp=16; MaxMsgSend=512; MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; MaxSizeNonGuaranteed=128; MinBandwidth=512000; MaxBandwidth=822000; MinErrortosend=0.003; maxCustomFileSize=350000; At last! Someone who is prepared to actually post one of these. The biki is next to useless on this subject. Can you tell us how you arrived at these figures so we can scale it for our own needs?
  3. And there would be no performance hit. I just worry that it is hard coded into the engine and won't be able to be modded out.
  4. That is indeed what the author has done and it's worthy, it makes dead objects slide on sloping surfaces. It would be nice to see it happen to other objects too. As you know, in the game dead character actors actually become stiff after they've finished their death anim. It's like super quick riga mortis. Removing this and making them limp instead of rigid *would* be much closer to ragdoll and would really improve immersion. Many, on reading the thread title, thought this is what he'd bought to the game and might be disappointed he hasn't actually done that.
  5. This has nothing to do with ragdoll. Stop calling it that!
  6. Tankbuster

    Why people dont like Arma

    Indeed. I play SWAT4 as much as I play ArmA 2 and I use the numbered menu all the time in both games.
  7. Tankbuster

    So how far is this game now since release?

    Hehe fair point. :) I'm using the view distance tweak which mitigates that to a point.
  8. Tankbuster

    Why people dont like Arma

    Noooooooooooooooooooooo! LOL. Yes!
  9. Tankbuster

    Why people dont like Arma

    Indeed. This isn't a game that has a one month shelf life. It repays investment if players can stick with it.
  10. Tankbuster

    Why people dont like Arma

    If you can afford to invest in a touch screen, there's some lovely software called touchbuddy that can add a graphic interface to the squad menu.
  11. Tankbuster

    So how far is this game now since release?

    On the ground the AI are good in offence, but poor in defence. In any vehicle or aircraft, they are really bad.
  12. Tankbuster

    So how far is this game now since release?

    Hmmm, that's a tough one. If you compare it to Armed Assault, then it's way way advanced. I reckon that ArmA II was at release, as good as Armed Assault will ever get. But that wasn't what you asked. You see, I'm of the opinion that it was never really unplayable and so comparatively speaking, the level of improvement over it's lifetime so far, has been rather less that it's predecessor. I'm saying there are no game killing bugs now, but in my opinion, there weren't any anyway. Yes the uber AI was a bit pants, but that really only made the game too hard. That's been fixed now anyway. The majority of the remaining hassles will never be fixed, I think. Think crazy leaping tanks, AI that can't drive/fly, that sort of thing.
  13. Tankbuster

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    They are created randomly. If you want it as bonus vehicle, you have to change the script that generates them. If you want them at the start, you can simply replace one of the 4 blackhawks with the AH1
  14. Tankbuster

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    JIP players are getting the "cannot play or edit this mission. addon missing" error
  15. And a bug report, though as the author clearly doesn't read this, this will be only for information. It'd be good if others could confirm this. Further than about 1300m, direct attack missiles go haywire. http://www.xfire.com/video/1598c4/
  16. Tankbuster

    Arma2 q

    Or "AI crashed the STAR 21 chopper in campaign"
  17. Tankbuster

    Arma2 q

    A more descriptive topic title is always a good starting point.
  18. Confirmed. That mod does indeed stabilise the commanders gun. Nice job, thanks.
  19. Tankbuster

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Yeah. Q9550 at stock with 4 gig of ram. An 8800 GTX 768 meg. Win XP. 1920x 1050 monitor. By habit, I overclock the CPU only in the winter because of cooling issues. I'm sure I should be doing that now. :) I think I have some game config issues. I usually turn AA and PP off, but I've not delved into other settings too much. The 'best settings' thread is an appalling train wreck. I dare not read it. It's hard to say what really causes these issues. I was lucky enough to be an alpha tester for this mod and early on it was fine, but now I'm bogging down a bit, but this may be due to other factors. For example, I'm playing domination and after 2 hours, not only is there a heck of a lot of fire and smoke, but ArmAII tends to bog down for me after a couple of hours anyway.
  20. Tankbuster

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    DM. How do I go about toning this down a little on a dedicated server? Can I change values on the server side and they'll be forced upon the clients or do all the clients have to make individual changes? After a couple of hours and Pushta being basically completely alight, framerates suffered. Tanky -Paul-
  21. That's not quite what I said, or at least not what I meant. This game uses much less GPU than people think. The lag (and the LOD switching) caused by those bush details is caused by the data being grabbed from the hard disk, not by a GPU rendering them. If we accept that most people's hard disk speeds are pretty much the same and so isn't an issue when comparing performance, the last remaining factor is the CPU. This game works the CPU quite hard so that's where many people can find performance gains.
  22. Kju, The commanders gun isn't stabilised in a lot of the MBTs. If you're in the tank as commander and want to let rip with the gun, the moment the gunner moves the turret, you aim goes to pot. Is this the sort of thing a PROPER mod might be able to fix? edit hang on.... KeepCommanderViewOnTarget Gameplay C PROPER: Is that it?
  23. Tankbuster

    Favorite weapon.

    Xm8 m203 ftw
  24. I've got a very old version of CAA1 which I never got around to installing. It's such a hassle with dozens of files, I've not kept it up to date.