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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    Game Crash Resets Profile

    What's happening is that the game isn't exiting in an orderly manner, so any profile changes are getting lost. Try this. Make all your profile changes and then quit the game via the exit commands. Then reload the game. If the changes are there, I'm right. If not, it's possible the profile file isn't being rewritten. Maybe it's write protected?
  2. Tankbuster

    Smaw > m136

    /me quivers at the monster of a thread my simple question spawned! :)
  3. Tankbuster

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    plus one! The fullscreen blur is used in Domination for when you pull the cord on a 'chute. It works well with no noticeable overhead.
  4. That's why I can't see it. Same goes for the GDT helo weapons post.
  5. There's an embedded vid on the first post, but it seems to be hidden for me. I've turned adblock off in firefox and don't usually have problems seeing embedded vids here.
  6. Tankbuster

    Smaw > m136

  7. Tankbuster

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Yeah, it all works fine for me too.
  8. Unless you're driving the shaders REALLY hard with a big resolution, this game really doesn't stress GPU's. The vast majority of performance related problems here are not down to the GPU. Usually, they are down to the choice of OS or a weak CPU, or the 8GB RAM problem.
  9. It's not ragdoll at all. Ragdoll is when the player character's limbs are free to move within the constraints of it's joints. This shows rigid characters.
  10. That depends on your definition of 'the point'. I remain to be convinced that a former WWII battleship has a place in this game. As eye candy, perhaps, but what possible use would it be in a game that is essentially, a light infantry simulator?
  11. Tankbuster

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Fantastic news. I thought we'd lost you for ever!
  12. Don't put yourself out just on my account, chap Really good to see you working away on this game. I'm especially looking forward to some thoroughly unsafe flying in the Lynx. :) They were a real joy to chuck around.
  13. An E2200? It's a wonder he can run the OS, let alone the game.
  14. Husky, previously know as Navistar MXT-MV (Military Extreme Truck - Military Version). The Americans know how to think up a catchy name don't they? :) Anyway, I snapped the above here in the UK as the vehicle was on it's way to Dytecna. There's going to be hundreds of them in the sandbox in the coming years. Just a thought if you're not busy. :P
  15. Tankbuster

    Smaw > m136

    That's the whole point of the INKO disposable addon, Raznor09.
  16. Tankbuster

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Ah, I didn't read what he was talking about because I didn't read far back enough in the topic. I thought he was on about general JIP yellow chains, rather than specifically time of day discrepancies. I didn't know that all clients were synced when a client JIP'd. So, while I catch up, is this problem fixed in 1.09 or should we all be making code changes like you did above?
  17. Tankbuster

    Question about server bandwidth

    For regular players this mission download shouldn't be a problem. It's only downloaded the first time a given client joins the server. For subsequent joins (for that player), if the mission file is unchanged, he won't download it again.
  18. Tankbuster

    Smaw > m136

    This might degrade into the old realism vs fun gameplay debate. :)
  19. Tankbuster

    Smaw > m136

    So.... If we accept that most users are not going to use INKO disposable AND play Domination/Evolution, M136 is redundant.
  20. Tankbuster

    Smaw > m136

    Agreed, but unless your targets are lightly armoured, you're going to need 2 M136 per target, where 1 SMAW rounds would probably do the job.
  21. Tankbuster

    Question about server bandwidth

    Not at all. I can happily punt 6 players around my server with 768Kb/s upload.
  22. Tankbuster

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    Unlikely. I'd suggest he was seeing different results because of the different server setups he was connecting to.
  23. In description.ext.. starts this mission at 09:00