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Posts posted by thirith

  1. I'm playing with relatively few mods (stmovement, sthud, CBA, CWR2 Beta, a few islands), but I'm running into the following problem: whenever I'm supposed to board a truck, I can't, neither as a driver, passenger nor in the back. Since a fair number of missions and campaigns need me to do so, though, I'm somewhat stuck. Case in point: CWR2, first mission, when all the soldiers have to board the truck at the beginning.

    Could it have something to do with CBA? I'm not 100% certain I've got the right components activated. It's not happened to me in any of the official campaign missions, though, and anything other than trucks is fine.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

  2. Something similar happened to me with the mission where you have to destroy the Shilkas. When I destroyed the second one (at the base in the East), it didn't register that I'd completed the objective. I ended up having to cheat my way to the next mission, which was a bit frustrating.

    Also, it seems that my AI teammates always set their satchel charges to a thirty-second timer, which has resulted in me almost being blown up a couple of times. Much fun was had. :yay:

  3. Is this also the right place for gameplay questions? If so: I'm stuckstuckstuck in "Wake-Up Call". Any tips on how to approach the Shilka base in the East without getting my ass handed to me by the base soldiers or the BMP? I'm seriously considering finding some poor RPG soldier, shooting him and then pulling a Rambo on that base with the stolen RPG...

  4. Gotcha. This is probably an old chestnut to most of you, but I'm finding the game's AI to be the source of the games best and worst moments. Yesterday I got tired of "Hind Attack" (I wish there was a save point when you arrive at the secret base...) so I fired up Resistance and played the second mission where the camp is attacked. Since I couldn't pick up an RPG myself, I had to rely on the minefield and on my AI mates using their RPGs to shoot down the tank and other vehicles. It felt a bit like herding cats. Retarded cats. :omg:

  5. Cool, thanks. How reliable are the AI soldiers at choosing the right weapon? Perhaps I'm not patient enough, but those times when I asked those of my men armed with LAWs to attack vehicles, their performance was rather patchy and more often than not they didn't seem to change weapons. Would I have to take away their rifles at the beginning?

    (I guess it's one of those things where the ArmA AI is Einstein in some ways and dumb as a rock in others... :D Don't even get me started on tank missions and pathfinding!)

  6. Sorry for the double-post, but I have another question. Can I order my soldiers to change to their second weapon? If so, I haven't been able to find out how (it doesn't seem to be in the Action menu) - which means that more often than not I have to scrounge up a fallen enemy's RPG and use that to disable Shilkas and the like. Am I being blind here?

  7. Very nice! Congratulations to the makers of the mod.

    I'm currently playing "Saboteur" in the campaign - definitely a cool mission, but one that's driving me insane right now. First I tried my best to blow up the ammo dump before moving on, but I always got shot on placing the satchel charges.

    Now I'm trying the direct approach to the primary target, entering the military base from wood to the west. I get to the T-80, hoping to hop in and use the machine gun on the soliders... but I can't enter the T-80. The option isn't available in the menu, only Gear, Weapon Binoculars and Place Satchel Charge. Any idea why this is? I thought I remembered using the tank when I played the mission in Operation Flashpoint...
