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Everything posted by Steakslim

  1. Steakslim

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    yes you can use it with OA.
  2. Steakslim

    They better have female soldiers...

    Back in the day I recall running into a girl or two in ol' Counter Strike that could wreck a lot of people's shit, and some not so much. Can't say much about other games since then because apparently a lot of fps's today consist of a bunch of mutes. Short of the ArmA community, I only encounter a large amount of 'vocal' gamers in Valve related game these days as far as MP goes. Granted I haven't played every game out there, just saying though.
  3. Steakslim

    Things ArmA 1 and OFP did better than Arma 2

    yeah dirt air strips wouldn't be anything new from BIS
  4. Steakslim

    Suggest a Sound

    The sound of rain hitting your gear as well as the ground when you walk out from cover.
  5. Steakslim

    Hardware requirements?

    Mad jelly I am, yes.
  6. I'm having the same feeling. I didn't think the large buildings falling over were dynamic, but the simpler scenes of tearing open walls and such, having physical chunks of building falling out. But as you said, how much of that makes into MP is a toss up.
  7. Steakslim

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    Same, hopefully it'll give some more screenshots to ogle at for a some weeks if anything.
  8. Steakslim

    Suggest a Sound

    I so had a joke about that involving "my balls". But i'm too tired right now lol.
  9. Steakslim

    AI improved?

    It'd be interesting if depending what mode the AI are in, that they could even be prone to mistakes like friendly fire.
  10. Yeah client side particle effects for the destruction models would be nicer and easier. Make the building's destruction a little more "ooohhh and aaaahhhh" without killing a server. Right now Dice seems to be the only one going full sail with the idea of the synced destruction we'd like to see, at least from the BF3 previews, but they don't have the same scale to work with, contrary to what their previews may imply, I doubt their maps well get much larger than their first 3 installments (bf1942, bf vietnam, bf2) as they went a few steps backwards in the scale of things for a while now and are now coming back around.
  11. Steakslim

    Concern about soundtrack's sound quality

    Yeah I've seen this brought up in other communities. A lot of amateur composers are quite against it, and get rather miffed when their work gets this treatment by the guys doing the mastering on their work beyond composer's control.
  12. Steakslim

    Non Lethal Force and Restraint System

    All they need to fix the grenade "throwing" complications is to make the grenade go where you are looking...and not 45 degrees higher. I'm gonna say it's pretty much like this is most other fps games, and yeah yeah this is ArmA and BIS has their reasons, but really, just make it simple so you have a better gauge of where you are tossing that nade rather than just "in the direction i'm facing". You are right, to get a grenade into a doorway you have to look down a bit to get it to go straight in.
  13. Steakslim

    My Suggestion: K.I.S.S.

    Regarding that picture of the man in the guillie suit with the large rifle.....how is it different from any of the other live pictures they take of models/actors they use for their dvd covers and and banners? They've been doing this and it's never correlated to anything more than just some dude looking cool while showing off something that will probably be featured in the game and not a forbearer for what the game's entire setting is gonna be like. I mean really folks, it's been rinse and repeat with BIS marketing methods for how long now? They change it up a little bit, such as the ARG, but of all the things to bicker about, we are gonna have people pick away at a promotional image that is taken in the same vane as as the promotional images of the previous titles, and assume the game is gonna drastically change for the worse? If we're gonna bitch about those images, it'll be the hilarious gestures the actor's are making while photographed, like the screaming/pointing man. If anything I expect ArmA3 to be much like ArmA2 with some new, hopefully very useful features, and graphical face-lift, and with the same modifiability if not improved from the previous titles.
  14. Steakslim

    No DX11?

    I see what you mean.
  15. Steakslim

    No DX11?

    I have lol Yeah i got more of a performance drop from the Ambient Occlusion settings turned on rather than the tessellation, and guess which one looked better :P
  16. Steakslim

    No DX11?

    Especially on that dragon.
  17. Steakslim

    Suggestion-more video options.

    I think DoF should really only occur when you're looking down sights really. I've grown used to it on ArmA2 to where it doesn't really bother me as much, but I really only like it when I'm looking down what ever sights I may be using. Having the landscape in the distance blurred like you said does look odd, especially when you are looking out at it. Now if they were to get creative with it and say if you are staring at an object nearby you, then yeah stuff in the distance could blur, or if you are looking at a downward angle towards the ground, stuff in the distance could blur. But looking straight out would not induce any blurring at a distance.
  18. Steakslim

    Suggestion-more video options.

    Also it would be recommended that if they were to do this, it would be in an upfront way. Not a bunch of those tucked away in some category that you have to adjust and have to look up what setting will turn which feature off in the forums. For example the Post Processing in ArmA2 CO. While it would add clutter to the Advanced video options, i think it's better if the blurs, DoF, and SSAO where all separated so you can switch them off individually. Same case with ArmA 3 and what ever graphical features it would have.
  19. Steakslim

    Community Questions | NO Discussion here!

    He means the last one you mentioned. It was vague but still obvious.
  20. Steakslim

    Arma 3 Officially Announced!

    In the most extreme case that they are helmet cams, and functioning, it would be kinda cool to be in some HQ vehicle "spectating" your teammates.
  21. Steakslim

    No DX11?

    Perhaps, by a long stretch they'll have an actual DX11 mode in the game for those who have the hardware to take advantage. But i'm afraid that may be too much work for them in the long run, especially with a year to go, and we don't even know what stage of completion the game is even at yet.
  22. Steakslim

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    Depending on the bios that came with that Dell, and bare with me i'm reading up on this for you as i'm typing, you may not have the option to overclock, or if you do, it's very limited. I'm reading right now that it's highly unlikely that you will be able to since it seems dell not only limits the quality of their motherboards with things that makes overclocking even reasonably safe and possible, they cut out the settings necessary in the BIOS to do so as well to prevent someone from trying what you are wanting to attempt. Everything is proprietary and locked down it seems. Apparently even replacing the motherboard is out of the question due to it's layout being different compared normal retail ATX boards, they use in their towers some BTX model that isn't the same. In other worlds you will have a hard time finding a mobo that'll fit on the motherboard tray in your tower properly. Even if it's a ATX board with a similar chipset, it's size will be to the ATX standards and will not match up with the spacers you mount the board onto the tray with within your Dell tower. I kinda feel bad reading this lol. I stayed away from Dell and other makers for so long i forgot that this would be an issue with them. Another reason I build my own, and I imagine it will be so for you when you do finally get around to upgrading.
  23. Steakslim

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    To answer your first question, yes, since I have a GTX580, my cpu was cramping it's style. At stock mine, and yours most likely, is at 2.4ghz. Due to my house having no AC, I have to worry about temps in midsummer so currently i'm only OC'd to 2.7ghz. In winter I bump it to 3.2ghz. At 2.7ghz, it seems enough to get past the bottleneck with my card while keeping the voltage down (helping with the heat) and having the fsb and my ram in a sync of 400mhz. My settings in game (from memory) are: The end result was a smoother stable fps in some of the more cpu heavy moments in the game since my gpu didn't have to wait on my cpu so much. I haven't pushed view distances all that much while at 2.7ghz, usually just stay at about 3km. At 3.2ghz I can push them further if i wish. I imagine a better harddrive would resolve that entirely *cough* ssd *cough*. As for you, I did a search on your PC. If you still have that 300 watt powersupply, I'd suggest not doing any overclocking, or at least without first knowing how much juice you are drawing right now, especially since you are running a video card and not the integrated graphics and other things that might be drawing power. In fact I kinda recommend getting a new PSU, but that's entirely up to you and your current financial situation. Best question to ask yourself is can you afford to replace your cpu if you kill it in your attempt to overclock it? And are you experiencing any bad performance issues that can't be entirely solved with turning down settings in the game since you're running a mid-range card?
  24. Steakslim

    I think we can all agree... optimization

    There's also the issue of possible bottlenecks in your hardware. I know my cpu at stock will bottleneck my gpu (i do plan on upgrading from my q6600 to a new sandy bridge cpu sometime after the new year :D ), and so I just overclock it a little to loosen it up a bit. ArmA2 and a few others run quite smooth afterwards. There was also the issue with Vista and the 30fps cap in ArmA2 that I never did figure out and run Windows 7 now anways. I chalk that one up to Vista just being...Vista. Funny that ArmA2 has a way of exposing slight issues with my PC that requires a bit of fine tuning that I wouldn't have noticed in other games.
  25. Steakslim

    No DX11?

    I played all through ArmA1 with grass off. I have to be really desperate now in ArmA2/OA/CO to turn off the grass. It looks too nice to turn off now lol. Looks like by the screenshots it'll be the same for ArmA3 for me.