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Everything posted by styxx42

  1. styxx42

    Dedicated Server will not launch missions

    Addition to the above. While I was typing the above I also was in the waiting to receive mission screen so I could get the exact text of the issue, and low and behold the server switched to missions READ. and I alt tab back in and I am downloading the mission. over nine minutes to load my mission on the server but when I host it locally only takes at most 2 minutes. So obviously I need to tweak my settings. I copied the 12 person server settings for I have never run a Dedicated server before, are they just slower? I am going to test some of the default missions and see what the load time is. I am sorry about it not being an accurate. I didn't think to wait that long. Styxx
  2. styxx42

    lil bird problem

    I can confirm this happens on my 1.14 install as well. I didn't report it though. I thought it had to do with the sound mod I was using. Styxx
  3. styxx42


    @pauld If your GPU is not OC'd then I could make sure your case if venting okay. Get a big 120 mm fan and blow it on your video card to add to the cooling. I have 2 120's blowing in to my case, and one 120 blowing out. (The PSU also blows into the case). That artifacting could be really bad juju for your Video card.
  4. styxx42

    SQF revive script

    @norrin can I send you the mission that I use perhaps it is something else in it? I do have a trigger executes repeatedly that loads a repair vehicle ability into both units that we are using to test so it might be possibly messing with the revive script? (I am a noob when it comes to scripting, I can only look at and copy other peoples script) I will do some testing in a vanilla respawn mission (meaning the revive and a mission with out the vehicle repair tonight and let you know what I find out. Styxx
  5. styxx42


    That does help, Thanks Suma. pauld I was CTD a lot lately and even more with -maxmem=512, I bumped it up to 1024 and it is way more stable. I was crashing at least once an hour some times more, now once in 4 to five hours (only tested that once) I have 4 gig of Ram and am running XP 64 so from what Suma says, with my Ram space and only a 512 memory video card I should be fine even with 2048 (which I am going to test tonight) I already ran it for an hour last night with 2048 and it seems fine. Once again thanks for the clarification on the maxmem command. I haven't see the out of memory error since I bumped it up. And that is great. Oh I asked how to run it in a window, I found it in google on another forum. Posted here if someone sees my question and wants the answer as well. -window Displays ArmA windowed instead of full screen -x= Numeric, used to set resolution width -y= Numeric, used to set resolution height (can be used in conjunction with -x/-y: -window -x=800 -y=600) (yes I am sure it was on this forum too, but the 30 pages of hits I got where too many to look through) Cheers peeps. Styxx
  6. styxx42

    SQF revive script

    Hi Norrin 1.49h I want to report that if I crash a helicopter at high speed into the ground. (which seems to happen alot. My Nic name has become TC from Magnum P.I.) I die in a flaming wreck and I end up floating in the water. Some times I have the option to float to shore. I click that button and then when I hit land (Which takes a few minutes to float there I get the option to respawn at the two designated spots. Other times I am in a cyclical black screen where I hear the water, but just die over and over. Esc, abort and JIP into another soldier fixes the issue. I have been testing all week with a dedicated server (Windows) and two active players to test. It has happened a few times over the week of testing to both of us. ` I have been killed a lot by bullets during these tests. even got the other guy to kill me repeatedly and the script works fine. It seems like for me it is helo's in a fiery explosion that cause this weird occurrence. I am having a LAN party this weekend (7 guys) so I will let you know how we make out. This script makes the game so much better for a group that just wants to PLAY at war and not re-live it in it's finality. Thanks for all your hard work. Styxx
  7. styxx42


    Oh I wish that was the case whisper. I have an Alpha Dog XFX8800Gt 512 DDR3 OC 670 (as in manufactures over clock). How do you run it in a window though? I checked the PIF and there is no option. I would like to try and see if that fixes it. Thanks Styxx
  8. styxx42


    Okay WOW. I added maxmem=512 and the results where less then stellar. I crashed to desktop, or got out of memory error with in minutes of firing up a mission, I only tried three different missions but all three after a few minutes in the game crashed. I noticed that other people have tried different amounts in the maxmem so I will try that tonight to see if there is a correct amount to put in that maxmem line for my system. I increased my textures, shadows and AA to high and didn't notice a a reduction in FPS but the "Block" people where sitting in the M119 across from me. Slow building of wheels from little angles to actual wheels and then to a clearly defined wheel. Again for the most part I can live with this (it sucks) because I am playing the game and not just for the graphics. I still think it is addon related but haven't and most likely won't troubleshoot this issue any further. @Suma Can you explain a little clearer on what the maxmem "Workaround" does? You said "used to control the memory usage" But in what respect? Is this RAM usage? or Hard drive usage or even Video usage? I think from what I read it is Ram. Is this limiting or expanding how much is used? Should I increase or decrease. I saw in the Wiki, it says to try a lower amount like 384 if errors , but only saw people advising to increase the amount. I am running Xp64 and have 4 gig of Ram. I like to know so I can make an informed troubleshooting decision in stead of just throwing numbers at my Launch line. And I totally would understand if it is just to deep to explain in laymen terms. Kind regards, Styxx
  9. styxx42

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    @alpha125rbf The system I stopped using is an AMD 4600 (939)X2, with 2 gig Ram, X1959XT PCI-e GPU. My System before that was a (939) AMD 3500. with same RAM and an old ATI 8800 GPU PCI. Why? Because I was tired of having the same issues as you. I think your Video is fine, it is your CPU. 3800 is old and tired. Get something around 3 ghz. (As for what brand get what you like, I bought a Q6600 but If I was buying today I would go with the 3.0 Ghz Dual from Intel) Your PSU seems alittle under powered but if you are not BSOD in game then you should be fine. Are you playing vanilla Arma or have you modded the crap out of it like I always do. If you mod, then you are not playing the game that was released over 2 years ago. You are playing a newer more intense edition that needs more horses to run. FYI, my AMD 4600 X2 2.4 Ghz , does not compare to my 2.4 Q6600. The Intel is worlds faster. And this is from a staunch Canadian AMD fanboy for years. the 3 extra cores do nothing to improve the speed currently and it is a revision B3 so it is not even the good stepping. It is not an easy fix, but from my perspective it is CPU that is your issue. It was mine and I had the same issues I upgraded and you are away to the races.
  10. styxx42

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    @ vilas I feel your pain. Some times I can watch textures build, from a flat image like you have to the real thing. It is sad. It is cars, textures on walls, vehicles, and soldiers. I have a Q6600, 4 Gig PC800, GT8800, I run stock speed, thermalright Extreme 120 Cooler, I use Process explorer (SysInternals) to kill all unnecessary processes, I have all up to date drivers, Windows 64 Dx9.1 I have reinstalled the game three freaken times with one full system format thrown in to the mix just to be sure it was not something fubar'd in between and I still get this slow building of textures. I do have my settings on low to medium (because of advice in other posts saying that most systems can't run on high unless you have DUAL GPU's) I just read Suma's post but SWAT_BigBear beat me to telling you about it. I am at work or I would be testing like a fiend right now. I will also try setting the Shadows and other settings at a higher setting to see if it really is GPU vs CPU related. I feel your frustration man. Some times it is like beating your head against the wall. Don't give up. I am not ruling out an addon in the mix. But I think it is more like a load because of addons instead of one single addon. Again I don't know. But to high light your point. Why do Crysis, Timeshift, Supreme Commander, Assassins Creed and all the host of other games run so well on our systems and Arma doesn't. Perhaps because of the openness? Frustrating, Yes. Is it worth putting up with it? IMHO, Yes. So that modders like you can make such great additions to the game. I have been putting up with it for months now. I even upgraded my video card from an ATI 1950XT 256 to the 8800 GT thinking that might be the issue. Boy was I disappointed it didn't fix it. I am slowly working through my addons but it is crazy to think it can be easily trouble shot. I don't know about the others but my system does not load Arma very fast with out addons, but put in a couple hundred megs of addons in mod folders and it is tremendously slower load times. I fell asleep one night testing addon after addon. So I gave up that time consuming testing. Well I will test these suggestions it this post. Seems the most enlightening I read in a while. I will post back how I make out. Styxx
  11. styxx42


    @Suma that is great to know. I am going to try that on my own system. I have been purging Addons like crazy to see why I CTD perhaps this will fix it like other people in this post. But getting back to the original question. What does it do? Is it related to video memory? What value should you put in that switch and why would it fix the CTD that some people have. (me included). Thanks Styxx
  12. styxx42


    @rg7621 Great Mods. I watched the whole Video and you are right it was great. You caught some really good scenes. The one that comes to mind is the Bufor Soldier coming around the building to meet the business end of a PK at close range. UGLY. It looked like a scene from a movie. Very Dramatic. I can't wait to try this out with my Clan. Thanks Styxx
  13. @brit~XR Did you get an answer to this? I am getting a similar error on my gaming machine way too often and am interested in any answer you may have gotten. Thanks Styxx
  14. styxx42

    Red's Fix v1.2

    The D I would find it useful so I don't think it hurts to ask, I know a bunch of people on this forum don't like the PM method of asking. Â Asking out in the open gives the creator the option of just ignoring you. Â What you do for the community is really specail and how you make this game something it wasn't ROCKS!!!! (yes Inkompetent I used more then one and that is to impart how AWESOME I mean the word ROCKS). But at the same turn it is not a bad thing to not persue 1400 requests for changes or fixes and no one should have hurt feelings either way. SO @D, thanks for asking. Red_153D. Â Thanks for the great fixes to the little things that we do notice. Â Styxx
  15. styxx42

    SQF revive script

    @_Xeno_ I would also love to know how to do this. Â I am forever modifing cutting and pasteing and always messingup my cut and pastes maintaining my missions. Pretty please with loads of bullets on top? Thanks @norrin your work for the community is awesome. Â Thanks. Styxx
  16. styxx42

    RealTimeEditor 5

    to make sure the function was loaded before adding the unit. I really hate to not get this, but I don't Could you tell me how to do the above in steps? Would I add a trigger then add the code below to it's Init? I am sorry for being a pain. Thanks for your time again. Styxx
  17. styxx42

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Awesome tool. Thanks for this. Question. I have read through the posts and the read me and can't figure out if I am doing something wrong. I open an existing mission I am working on (Built up a base with great pain) before this editor and now I want to put things where they really should be. BUT I can't seem to select anything that is pre-existing in the mission. Is this normal? Or have I flubbed up the install. Thanks for your time and attention. Styxx
  18. styxx42

    Mando Hitch

    You ROCK Mandoble. If I wasn't so inept I would post a few pictures but I don;t know how. HAHa. Thanks for your hard work. The Osprey is now able to carry stuff with easy. Styxx
  19. styxx42

    In Sight & Out of Sight

    I always wanted to know that too. Too bad. New Question, simlar line of thought. How does Arma handle viability of people? Are some classes of soldiers (Ghilli Sniper?) harder to see\spot? I thought once I read that a mode maker made his sniper harder to see. But it could also have been OPF? Does moving make it easier to be spotted by AI, Is there a rating for your standard soldier? Thanks Styxx
  20. styxx42

    Mando Hitch

    Now see, I new about the altimeter issue but I didn't even think that the two would be related. Duha. But that is why there are people like you guys and users like me. That is great thanks mankyle and Mandoble. I will sit tight. Styxx
  21. styxx42

    Mando Hitch

    Great Script. Thanks. It really will add to forward deployment and like others have said it will give the chopper pilots something else to do that can and will really add to the game. Question. Is there something that I need to tweak to get the V-22 Osprey using this script correctly? I name it heli1 and it has the HUD and even picks the vehicle up off the ground but then drops it again right away. But the option to drop it is still listed in the action menu even though the unit is back on the ground. I was wondering if it is belly thickness of the Osprey contributing to the drop? (Ya I am just totally guessing as I know nothing about this mystical power of scripting) Thanks for a great addition to Arma. Styxx
  22. I think just about anything can be a cheating tool. But to call this tool a tool only for cheating does the creator an injustice. Cheaters really spoil good things is all. I for one LOVE this tool as it was designed. I have a small group of dedicated players each week and I am the primary mission maker. This tool is fantastic. I can't tell you how much time this thing is going to save me in making missions. Once every three months or so I host a LAN party at my house with a group of 8 to 12 guys and have done so for many years. We have many hours of OPF under our belts and are just getting into ARMA. This will allow my group to choose their favorite weapon and go. We do only CO-OP. We always work together. We all like different weapons from Iron sights for the hard core to the Sniper systems for the only play 3 times a year gamer. As I said before we really aren't the hard core squad. We are the Fathers of small children and the very busy working adults that just want to have fun. Part of that fun is having the weapon of your choice. We only have so many hours to play and I only have so many hours to make missions. Great tool. It will save me from editing all the missions and dropping ammo crates all the time. Request. Could you put a counter\limited use on this so that it could be set in Multi player? That way you all as a group get to pick their load out once and then it would lock for play. Either way, this is a great tool.. Thanks a ton. Styxx
  23. styxx42

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    I am Running 1.14 the Atari download. Glad it is working for you too. Styxx
  24. styxx42

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    I found the solution to the NO attack Zombies. GMJ_SightAdjustment.pbo is the culprit that stops the Zombies from attacking on my machine. They are now attacking, but with all my other addons they are also speaking Arab, picking up grenades (smoke) off fallen soldiers and throwing them. Kind of funny. I know how to fix this. But is certainly is flavourful. I need some one else to test this please. Preferably one of the two previous posters that couldn't get them attacking. hypno toad or m4r1ne. That is the one for me. I tried it three times , and each time they killed me when I didn't have the above pbo in my load list and then with it they left me alone like I was one of them. They also don't make their zombie sounds either. I hope this helps some one else. Styxx
  25. styxx42

    Nem Zombies with TCP anims

    hypno toad I firmly believe it is an addon. After 4 hours I have tracked it down to my @General folder from the List that Dr.D has put out. Okay Strike that apparently I was more tired then I thought. Still no attack zombies with my @replacements as well. Works fine with QG though. I ran out of steam working through the addons last night. Look to your addons for the problem. I am back on and going back in. Problem is the long load time. I have a Q6600 4 gig PC6400 XP 64 GT8800 OC 512 and it still takes a long time going in and out and in and out. It must be done. Once more into the breach my friends...... Styxx