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Everything posted by SnR

  1. SnR

    What is the future of this franchise?

    Dayz, Life RPG's and Wasteland have added more community choice to public servers. And these servers fill up which is great for the franchise.
  2. PlanetSide2 has fantastic, clear ingame comms. To obtain similar for A3 would be perfect.
  3. SnR

    ArmA 3 clan support

    Yes, all the above.
  4. SnR

    Am I missing ACR DLC files?

    Good to hear AT, Now pop in and say hi to 76 and fB HERE
  5. DayZ community to the rescue :cool:
  6. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-private-hive-discussion/
  7. [Help] I just picked up a GB M8000x mouse, it wont scroll ? up is jumpy and there is no down for web or game. Drivers, setup all have been checked.
  8. The persistent database is fantastic. Any chance the next release will have the mission parameters for DB activated by default ?
  9. Prepare to set up community servers for the 5th year, and curse why we use Linux.
  10. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_install_DayZ#DayZ_SixUpdater-Installer.2FUpdater.2FLauncher_.28Official.29 The new update is also available http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16613
  11. SnR

    Do people still play public MP?

    Public MP is alive and well. The "Sciddies" are ruining DayZ server instead.
  12. The obvious is obvious, great news.
  13. I will tell my kids one day, that i tested DayZ in alpha.
  14. I certainly understand why you would need this now.
  15. Would love to know why you would want the join in message to loop over and over ? This message will interfere with in game messages and chat ?
  16. Or send your infos to Dwarden. Thanks.
  17. VON update looks epic, hope server performance and bandwidth isnt effected ?
  18. The master of the public mission hides HERE
  19. SnR

    DayZ has ruined this franchise.

    To the OP. Arma 3 will bring in hords of new players, to also fumble around our MP servers, non issue.
  20. ctrl -shift- minus and type flush. fixes my issues when the display driver crashes.
  21. Its best if Six Updater does not allow betas to be available. Keep it a manual process for those who wish to test.
  22. Very hard to find the download link, amongst all the other download links. Will come back later, thanks.
  23. Advised AusArma - http://www.ausarma.org/topic/1276-australian-m1a1-abrams/