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Posts posted by SaBrE_UK

  1. 'Bashing' is an unfortunate word. Are the community, who like realism, allowed to criticise FP: DR if it totes the OFP name, yet, for example, you can be hit in the head and only bleed badly?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't like the way some of the criticism is put across, I just think the substance of the criticisms is right and fair. Anyway, we've been through this a dozen times already.

    Fans are bitter the OFP name has been applied to something that has little in common with the original. What it does share with the original it also likely shares with GRAW or CoD4- guns, explosions, FPV etc.. Now I know that it's not 'just' BF2 or whatever but am I allowed to have this opinion of what I've seen so far?

    Yes I'll try the demo for sure, that will be my ultimate opinion of the game before I do/do not buy it.

  2. There was a mode making the AI engage at greater distances? That's insane, ArmA 1 bots already hit you from 1000 meters away without even trying :P

    That's the general impression, but the truth is they only engaged at 200-400m or something. Snipers engaged further, of course.
