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Posts posted by SaBrE_UK

  1. Yeah I thought that, or you'd have 6 fire mods on a weapon that uses scope & ironsights if it had semi, burst and full-auto. Maybe it could be done if you use the same method as the windage + elevation mod where it ties certain keys to its functions. Any confirmation on this?

  2. I think if BIS can come up with a game (preferably not Game 2 at this stage; I doubt (but don't know) there's enough money/team to make the Game 2 we want) that has huge "mass-appeal" in the form of amazing graphics and atmospheric gameplay movies then yes they'll get the money they need to make Game 2 great. Yes it is hype that sells games, and with ArmA we saw too many screenshots of the unfinished game that looked nothing like the finished product. This undoubtedly turned a great number of people off the game, and in the months before release there were very few previews in magazines/online that the majority of potential buyers would not see.

    The devs need to drip-feed the consumer with ambitious, promising and I dare say it, mainstream features to pull in the punters. If this is done then future games can be the realism simulation we all desire as the investment will be behind it, even if the prior game was simply a money-spinner.

  3. Hmm my explanation was very convoluted, I see now.

    What I mean simply is that your could perhaps have an M4 with ACOG for use in normal battle. If you find yourself in close-quarter combat you may decide you don't want to use the scope, but rather the secondary ironsights on the top of the scope. Hope that's easier to understand.

  4. What I mean is, say, using optics with the ACOG at longer ranges, then switching to the secondary ironsights on top at point-blank ranges. I know it's sort of possible as a separate fire-mode. Equip an M4 or something then also addweapon an M249. Then switch firemode/weapon and your sights view will change to the new (unseen) M249's but with the M4's model. Surely this means that we could have multiple sights on one weapon (using the same magazine of ammo). Sorry if I haven't explained this well but I hope you'll understand.

    I was wondering if this could be done with scripting. I know it isn't possible in OFP but I was wondering if in ArmA there was a command that could count the number of bullets in a mag, and then set the number of bullets on the "same" weapon (or a separate weapon, technically) to be identical. That way you wouldn't be able to change "sight mode" and suddenly have a full magazine again. This method would also be very useful for ranging a weapon's sights e.g. with grenade launchers, machine-guns and other weapons when in longer range combat. Even better would be if you didn't have to cycle through all the possibilities with one firemode key and could use other keys on the keyboard.

    Any feedback on this if you can understand what I'm trying to say. I hope it'll be possible, if not now, some day.

  5. I tried in my shortcut -mod=Falklands but when I started it up, I got some really dodgy graphical glitches. How should I start this mod? It doesn't have step-by-step installation instructions in the readme. Do I put the extra addons (COC torpedo etc.) in my flashpoint/addons directory? I don't install mods much and I can't figure it out.

    Yes, you have installed the Falklands bit corerctly. That should just be a folder in the OFP base directory. Now you must install the required addon pack as well which is available from the site. When you have installed all of the required addons, it will create a folder called @COC. You need to append this to you OFP loadup line so it reads:


    Thanks a lot wink_o.gif

  6. I tried in my shortcut -mod=Falklands but when I started it up, I got some really dodgy graphical glitches. How should I start this mod? It doesn't have step-by-step installation instructions in the readme. Do I put the extra addons (COC torpedo etc.) in my flashpoint/addons directory? I don't install mods much and I can't figure it out.
